The Second Amendment's right to self defense


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles having a look at this old dusty document, found crumbled up in the back of a storage room, called the "United States Constitution", we find some arguments.

The Second Amendment is not just about guns, it outlines your right of self defense.
of course the Second Amendment doesn't actually SAY "self defense", so that's an open door for the modern legal vultures to change everything to mean, 'what ever the rich say, that's what you have to do'
the founders of the nation were hoping the country would never become to stupit.

in the beginning of out nation, many founders of the country were planning never to have a "standing army", they were terrified of the (federal) government having power.
now days we see why.
the only person who had any power to detain someone was the local Sheriff, this person had to list the suspects trespass of law, and QUICKLY charge and try to convict the suspect who was presumed innocent.
the only power of the government was to conduct a trial, only a jury of citizens could give the government power to jail or execute someone.

the best way to think of American self defense is to imagine yourself with your home on the range.
you are out in the middle of nowhere and a group of 5 men arrive and start stealing your cattle.
that is their only crime depending on what THEY feel like.
the Second Amendment is clear as to what your right is. you have the right, ...if you want, to confront these criminals, load your family up with rifles, and leave 5 dead theif-s in a pool of blood where they stood.

there is absolutely nothing wrong with the Sheriff conducting an investigation to see if the facts add up on behalf of the government.
however, the home owner being the only survivor of the incident, there is only one side to give testimony, and who is the Sheriff to dispute what the home owner says happened?

American law was never meant to be perfect.
in this case, the home owner becomes the suspect and he is presumed innocent until proved guilty.
American law was written to leave this person alone unless the jury believes there is no doubt he committed a crime.
with no witnesses, that would be near impossible to achieve.

if the home owner has no right to kill these suspects, what is his rights?
a modern legal disruptor says his right is "to call the police"
so the right of the home owner would be to flee to the Sheriff's house, bang on the door, and tell him 5 men are stealing from his farm? ...then the Sheriff and the home owner would get their ass kicked by the 5 men.
the idea is ridiculous.
you say, 'well we don't have that anymore, we have police who are supposed to be there in 5 minutes'
was there a major shift in the Constitution because a city decided to add a police force?
when was the ratification of the Constitution to dissolve the Second Amendment and tell people they only have a right to call the police? that never happened.

what is a police officer?
a police officer is nothing more that a citizen who agrees to abide by certain rules, given by the public, to act as an impartial third party witness, for the goal of fighting crime.
his word is no more valid than any other citizen.
naturally a jury would rather believe an impartial police officer rather than a suspect, ...and there is nothing wrong with that, until is goes too far.

now days we have police offers who are paid from extorted money from the public, police departments who only answer to government officials, and the government locks away people who police offers say lied to them.
this is completely unconstitutional.

what happens when police departments are ordered to ignore crimes?
such is the case with illegal immigration and car burglary.
what happens IF police departments are ordered to ignore home invasion robberies?

do we decide cases because black people feel someone is guity?
do we decide cases because some rights group says so?
de we decide cases because someone has achieved the highest rank in government and he says so?

the right to self defense is protected by the Second Amendment,
police departments are not!
your right to own guns, protect yourself and your property, far out weigh the existence of any police department!!!

for the last many years our government has placed , what they call vigilantism, as priority number one.
what has our legal system accomplished by trying to prosecute people who defend themselves?
our government has told the public that criminals are not to be touched.
this is a very frightening concept considering our government picks and chooses which crimes they feel like enforcing.
we have gangs and mafias who know how to exist under the radar, with no fear of the average citizen.
this is not an improvement of society.
if the government doesn't want citizens solving crimes for them, then the government needs to provide a system that works.

The second amendment does not cover the right to self defense.......only a well regulated militia

Shhhhhh.... you can't tell them that.

I find it amusing the GUn Nuts are still going on, even though the Democrats gave up on Gun control about 12 years ago.

Not really

but since Fast and Furious
they don't like to talk about it anymore

The second amendment does not cover the right to self defense.......only a well regulated militia

Shhhhhh.... you can't tell them that.

I find it amusing the GUn Nuts are still going on, even though the Democrats gave up on Gun control about 12 years ago.

Not really

but since Fast and Furious
they don't like to talk about it anymore


Ummm, no, they never really did. Daring to point out that most guns the Mexican Drug Cartels use are bought in the US is not exactly trying to get some kind of sensible gun legislation.

Hell, they didn't even call for anything after giffords got shot by the crazy person who was able to walk right into a gun shop and get a Mack-9 with an extra big clip.
Shhhhhh.... you can't tell them that.

I find it amusing the GUn Nuts are still going on, even though the Democrats gave up on Gun control about 12 years ago.

Not really

but since Fast and Furious
they don't like to talk about it anymore


Ummm, no, they never really did. Daring to point out that most guns the Mexican Drug Cartels use are bought in the US is not exactly trying to get some kind of sensible gun legislation.

Hell, they didn't even call for anything after giffords got shot by the crazy person who was able to walk right into a gun shop and get a Mack-9 with an extra big clip.

It depends on one's tolerance for the kind of weapons
Holder did tell congress


This administration has consistently favored the reinstitution of the assault weapons ban. It is something that we think was useful
in the past with regard to the reduction that we’ve seen in crime, and certainly would have a positive impact on our relationship
and the crime situation in Mexico.

(which is how they got into the criminal mess with Fast and Furious )

Of course the ATF did say about the expiration of the ban

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) stated it "can in no way vouch for the validity" of Brady Campaign's claim that the ban was responsible for violent crime's decline.

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No one wants to take away your gun binky...

All your guns and STILL you gun queers are happily living in a police state?

I continue to remain unimpressed by all your rhetoric about how you're defending yourselves and this society from either creeping socialism or an oppressive government.

You guys aren't worth a shit in that respect, that's bleedin obvious

ALL your guns are worthless to the greater society, although I can't blame any of you for wanting to arm yourselves for personal defence.
That would be an entire thread by itself

No it wouldn't.

The whole "Fast and Furious" dustup was a conservative fishing expedition that has recently got stopped in it's tracks when Holder and other Democrats pressed Firebug and Car Thief, Darrell Issa to call people from the Bush administration to explain the policy.
The Left wishes it was dead

We have a dead border patrol agent here and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has just drafted a 46-page contempt citation against Holder
It is not going away

The Left just wants to push this past the election
If Papa Obama wins, which is doubtful at this time, he will resign after the election
If Papa Obama loses, most likely, Holder will be in serious trouble

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