The Second Amendment's right to self defense

Frankly, I don't want to have a world where Colin Furgeson or Jared Loughner can walk into a gun shop and buy a semi-automatic weapon and extra-large clips and mow down a crowd,

do you want a world were Jared Loughner could drive a bus full of 200 people off a cliff?

you can not end people's problems by passing laws.

The right to self defense always came from the state level. The Constitution was concerned about the ability to assemble citizen militias

what do you think a militia was for?
i'll give you a hint, it starts with "self" and ends with "defense"

They get their guns from the US

American guns were being sent to Mexico by the ATF.
you're saying you want Americans to be disarmed and living under a corrupt federal government?

There is no mention of self defense in the Constitution. There is a reason stated, but it is not a limiting reason. This is all spelled out in Heller.
By your reading everything is a right. Gay marriage, abortion, etc etc.

rights don't come from the government, they come from God.
"self defense" does not come from the Constitution, it's only protected by it.

the rules of government recognition of marriage are set by the public.
it's not a right.
your "right" is to be able to co-habitate.

the only original government writing concerning abortion is the stement that people have the right to life and liberty, which would make a abortion profession illegal.

it's really nice that you left wingers think you know something, but the fact is you support criminals in government who break the laws every day.
The second amendment does not cover the right to self defense.......only a well regulated militia

The Supreme Court disagrees.

In 2008 and 2010, the Supreme Court issued two Second Amendment decisions. In District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), the Court ruled that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to possess a firearm, unconnected to service in a militia and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.

There is no other amendment that ends - "shall not be infringed." There is no interpretation needed. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed is very, very clear.

Furthermore, there are lots of quotes throughout the lives of our founding fathers that state exactly their personal feelings on firearms.

I do not base my voting decisions off of this amendment alone, nor do I feel the left will try to take any of my gun rights away. Especially since a growing number of liberals are interested in firearms for sport and defense. It's time this amendment was accepted and no longer disputed.
They get their guns from the US

Due to Fast and Furious being stopped that
might have slowed a little

Not even close

Oh it must have helped

CBS part of the evil right wing cabal
Documents: ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations

In Fast and Furious, ATF secretly encouraged gun dealers to sell to suspected traffickers for Mexican drug cartels to go after the "big fish." But ATF whistleblowers told CBS News and Congress it was a dangerous practice called "gunwalking," and it put thousands of weapons on the street. Many were used in violent crimes in Mexico. Two were found at the murder scene of a U.S. Border Patrol agent.

Really, putting Mexicans in danger to score political points
oh my god! The Left's is having a war
War on Mexicans

Truth is hard for the Left
In fact, it is their worst enemy
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Shhhhhh.... you can't tell them that.

I find it amusing the GUn Nuts are still going on, even though the Democrats gave up on Gun control about 12 years ago.

Not really

but since Fast and Furious
they don't like to talk about it anymore


Ummm, no, they never really did. Daring to point out that most guns the Mexican Drug Cartels use are bought in the US is not exactly trying to get some kind of sensible gun legislation.

Hell, they didn't even call for anything after giffords got shot by the crazy person who was able to walk right into a gun shop and get a Mack-9 with an extra big clip.

That needs clarification. Most of the guns submitted to the ATF for tracing were bought in the US. Of the 300,000 guns that have been recovered by Mexican officials, only about 30,000 were sent to the US for tracing, and those guns were sent because they had obvious US origins. No one has investigated where the other 270,000 guns originated from On top of that, the guns that were bought in the US, were found to have been bought over 15 years ago.
The Second Amendment was enumerated (crafted) precisely for the citizen to protect thier life, liberty, property from all enemies foreign and domestice including thier own government as a last resort.

What is so confusing to so many about it?

The OP is quite on target especially the Ninth Amendment...which bolsters the Second...

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

There's NOTHING vague about it.

It WARNS the Federal government to not overstretch/overreach...reminds them that the PEOPLE have ultimate power under law.
I also think that the 2nd amendment is a deterrent to any countries that may think of an invasion into the US mainland. Including Germany and Japan in WW2.
There is no mention of self defense in the Constitution. There is a reason stated, but it is not a limiting reason. This is all spelled out in Heller.
By your reading everything is a right. Gay marriage, abortion, etc etc.

Yes, it is all spelled out in Heller, confirming that you’re wrong: there is a Constitutional right to privacy, a right to self-defense, a right of the individual to own a handgun, a right to equal access to the law, and a Constitutional mandate separating church and State.

The Constitution exists only in the context of its case law, as interpreted by the Supreme Court.

I do not base my voting decisions off of this amendment alone, nor do I feel the left will try to take any of my gun rights away. Especially since a growing number of liberals are interested in firearms for sport and defense. It's time this amendment was accepted and no longer disputed.

True, the ‘left’ also knows this is a losing issue politically.
I also think that the 2nd amendment is a deterrent to any countries that may think of an invasion into the US mainland. Including Germany and Japan in WW2.

Neither Germany nor Japan had the capability to invade the continental US. It had nothing to do with armed citizens
I also think that the 2nd amendment is a deterrent to any countries that may think of an invasion into the US mainland. Including Germany and Japan in WW2.

Neither Germany nor Japan had the capability to invade the continental US. It had nothing to do with armed citizens

Thanks for reminding me

1938, Nazi's passed Regulations Against Jews' Possession of Weapons. This effectively deprived all Jews of the right to possess firearms or other weapons
No doubt, it was to make them more safe
I also think that the 2nd amendment is a deterrent to any countries that may think of an invasion into the US mainland. Including Germany and Japan in WW2.

Neither Germany nor Japan had the capability to invade the continental US. It had nothing to do with armed citizens

I agree with that. But do you disagree that having armed citizens could be a deterrent for any country thinking of invasion? Or do you feel the US is completely protected from that type of attack now and will always be so?
I also think that the 2nd amendment is a deterrent to any countries that may think of an invasion into the US mainland. Including Germany and Japan in WW2.

Neither Germany nor Japan had the capability to invade the continental US. It had nothing to do with armed citizens

I agree with that. But do you disagree that having armed citizens could be a deterrent for any country thinking of invasion? Or do you feel the US is completely protected from that type of attack now and will always be so?

Just thesame as some of these Statists belive people shouldn't have guns because we have police officers...

...whom usually get to the scene of a crime...after the fact...:eusa_whistle:

now don't get me wrong. I work for many PS entities, and highly support them...
I also think that the 2nd amendment is a deterrent to any countries that may think of an invasion into the US mainland. Including Germany and Japan in WW2.

Neither Germany nor Japan had the capability to invade the continental US. It had nothing to do with armed citizens

I agree with that. But do you disagree that having armed citizens could be a deterrent for any country thinking of invasion? Or do you feel the US is completely protected from that type of attack now and will always be so?

In 1800, armed citizens may have made a difference. Armed citizens are of little help in repelling an invading army. Southerners were armed in the civil war, they did nothing to stop the invading Yankees

As it is, the US is isolated by two oceans and is not vulnerable to an invasion.
I also think that the 2nd amendment is a deterrent to any countries that may think of an invasion into the US mainland. Including Germany and Japan in WW2.

Neither Germany nor Japan had the capability to invade the continental US. It had nothing to do with armed citizens

Thanks for reminding me

1938, Nazi's passed Regulations Against Jews' Possession of Weapons. This effectively deprived all Jews of the right to possess firearms or other weapons
No doubt, it was to make them more safe

Which was followed by stripping ALL citizens the right to carry firearms unless YOU were part of the Government...
"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let's not have any native militia or native police. German troops alone will bear the sole responsibility for the maintenance of law and order throughout the occupied Russian territories, and a system of military strong-points must be evolved to cover the entire occupied country." --Adolf Hitler,
Neither Germany nor Japan had the capability to invade the continental US. It had nothing to do with armed citizens

I agree with that. But do you disagree that having armed citizens could be a deterrent for any country thinking of invasion? Or do you feel the US is completely protected from that type of attack now and will always be so?

Just thesame as some of these Statists belive people shouldn't have guns because we have police officers...

...whom usually get to the scene of a crime...after the fact...:eusa_whistle:

now don't get me wrong. I work for many PS entities, and highly support them...

I respect what police officers do also, a mostly thankless, dangerous job. But when I'm asked why I carry a firearm my usual replies are that cops are too heavy. It's not that I'm paranoid something will happen to me, or constantly scared of anything. I just know the possibility exists that my life may be in danger one day. I hope that never happens, but if it does I will be able to protect myself and not depend on any agency to do so.
Neither Germany nor Japan had the capability to invade the continental US. It had nothing to do with armed citizens

I agree with that. But do you disagree that having armed citizens could be a deterrent for any country thinking of invasion? Or do you feel the US is completely protected from that type of attack now and will always be so?

In 1800, armed citizens may have made a difference. Armed citizens are of little help in repelling an invading army. Southerners were armed in the civil war, they did nothing to stop the invading Yankees

As it is, the US is isolated by two oceans and is not vulnerable to an invasion.

The southern states did "nothing" Do you know how many casualties the Union Army suffered? They did alot more than nothing.

We disagree here, no country is or will ever be impenetrable.
Agreed USMCSergeant,

Several million gun owners in this country is a major factor in making it very difficult to invade and occupy.

The country puts up with the police state because its progression is and has been slow. It is also coming from within whereas an overt invasion from another country would draw its true ire.
Not really

but since Fast and Furious
they don't like to talk about it anymore


Ummm, no, they never really did. Daring to point out that most guns the Mexican Drug Cartels use are bought in the US is not exactly trying to get some kind of sensible gun legislation.

Hell, they didn't even call for anything after giffords got shot by the crazy person who was able to walk right into a gun shop and get a Mack-9 with an extra big clip.

That needs clarification. Most of the guns submitted to the ATF for tracing were bought in the US. Of the 300,000 guns that have been recovered by Mexican officials, only about 30,000 were sent to the US for tracing, and those guns were sent because they had obvious US origins. No one has investigated where the other 270,000 guns originated from On top of that, the guns that were bought in the US, were found to have been bought over 15 years ago.

Not sure why you want to throw in those caveats... but okay. Whatever turns you on.

Again, really, no serious gun control legislations has been proposed since the Clinton years.. but the NRA acts like we are all five minutes away from being the next Waco.

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