The Second Coming Has Come

Siberia: Also known as Vissarion, Sergey Anatolyevitch Torop began proclaiming himself as Jesus reincarnated after he was fired as a traffic officer in Russia in 1990. He went on to found the Church of the Last Testament, which combines various religions together, including Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity.

At the last report, Torop has over 5,000 followers, some of which gather to listen to the self-proclaimed Messiah speak. His words are often collected in a book, which spans 10 volumes.

Torop, also known as “Jesus of Siberia,” has long hair and wears long, flowing gowns. He speaks from the side of a hill covered by an umbrella. Approximately 2,000 of his followers live in a settlement in Siberia dedicated to his worship.

How many'd Jesus proper have during his lifetime? :)
Further down is,


Some are speaking out against men such who claim to be the Messiah, stating that it is dangerous to fall into the hands of cults such as these."

Weren't they doing that at Christianity's founding too? :)
Further down is,


Some are speaking out against men such who claim to be the Messiah, stating that it is dangerous to fall into the hands of cults such as these."

Weren't they doing that at Christianity's founding too? :)

You know, for someone who claims to be a practicing Jew, you sure do talk about the Second Coming of Christ an awful lot.

If I didn't know better, I might be prone to think you're worried about it or something.

Christ's return ain't something of which to be afraid, man.

I can hardly wait for it, myself: my Lord is returning!!!
I think the only people who will be shocked and appalled by the color of Christ are the racist anti-Christian nutbags.

They certainly can't seem to shut up about it.
The second coming will be identified by the fact that there will be NOBODY on earth that will be able to deny it.
Further down is,


Some are speaking out against men such who claim to be the Messiah, stating that it is dangerous to fall into the hands of cults such as these."

Weren't they doing that at Christianity's founding too? :)

You know, for someone who claims to be a practicing Jew, you sure do talk about the Second Coming of Christ an awful lot.

If I didn't know better, I might be prone to think you're worried about it or something.

Christ's return ain't something of which to be afraid, man.

I can hardly wait for it, myself: my Lord is returning!!!

Never claimed to be a practicing Jew. Claimed the exact opposite in fact.

First time (maybe second heh) thread I've ever made about it. If that's 'a lot' to you, you have weird definitions.
False Christs Arising Worldwide Claiming to Be Second Coming of Jesus Christian News Network

If every supposed 2nd coming is rejected, at what point do you finally accept one in particular? :) And isn't it likely if ever Jesus did return his olive colored skin would result in a bit of doubt? :)
People who think He has returned, have not studied the Bible, and are not standing on a foundation on rock, but on sand....

Jesus warned of the false prophets that would come in His name...and said unless we met Him in the clouds, it would not be Him, basically. So, the Bible says He is returning from clouds, from the sky, from the Heavens...this time, and won't be born of a virgin, on Earth as the first time.

And many of the signs He told as needing to take place before his return, have NOT ALL taken place.... i.e. the Temple has not been rebuilt in Jerusalem yet, and other prophesies have not been fulfilled yet that are mentioned in the New Testament... the Great Earthquake, bigger than any earthquake ever imaginable....and an asteroid hit by ''wormwood''....which could be the cause of the earthquake, I dunno? Worldwide starvation, with the wealthy and greedy feasting.... plagues in various places, 2/3's of drinking water destroyed, 2/3's of the fish in the sea to die etc etc antiChrist whom the whole world reveres, even some of the very elect....

Much has not been accomplished yet, of the signs and prophesies in the Christian Bible.
False Christs Arising Worldwide Claiming to Be Second Coming of Jesus Christian News Network

If every supposed 2nd coming is rejected, at what point do you finally accept one in particular? :) And isn't it likely if ever Jesus did return his olive colored skin would result in a bit of doubt? :)
People who think He has returned, have not studied the Bible, and are not standing on a foundation on rock, but on sand....

Jesus warned of the false prophets that would come in His name...and said unless we met Him in the clouds, it would not be Him, basically. So, the Bible says He is returning from clouds, from the sky, from the Heavens...this time, and won't be born of a virgin, on Earth as the first time.

And many of the signs He told as needing to take place before his return, have NOT ALL taken place.... i.e. the Temple has not been rebuilt in Jerusalem yet, and other prophesies have not been fulfilled yet that are mentioned in the New Testament... the Great Earthquake, bigger than any earthquake ever imaginable....and an asteroid hit by ''wormwood''....which could be the cause of the earthquake, I dunno? Worldwide starvation, with the wealthy and greedy feasting.... plagues in various places, 2/3's of drinking water destroyed, 2/3's of the fish in the sea to die etc etc antiChrist whom the whole world reveres, even some of the very elect....

Much has not been accomplished yet, of the signs and prophesies in the Christian Bible.

Japan's earthquake a while back that caused the meltdowns was 9.1. Not the biggest ever, that was off Chile at 9.5.

Way cxorporations control everything especially food, worldwide famine doesn't seem impossible. Local area famines all the time. With the wealth corps 'feasting.'

Ebola plague outbreak going on now is alarming some.

Drinking water is being polluted or bought outright. Oceans becommming so polluted die-offs are routine.

Oh my gosh! It's the end of the world! I believe I believe! ;)

Probably shouldn't be tempting fate before going out with my Mom. Not the best driver in the world...:)
Some one needs to read the Bible, Jesus will return leading an army of Angels to defeat Satan and his human army. There will be no mistake about who he is.
Building the 3rd Temple is a requirement for the Messiah. Nothing in those prophecies about the Messiah doing it the second time around.
And considering there's a building sitting on the Temple's foundation already, anyone trying to build the 3rd Temple may find their efforts...Impeded. :)
I think the only people who will be shocked and appalled by the color of Christ are the racist anti-Christian nutbags.

They certainly can't seem to shut up about it.
Yeah. All those Middle Easterners are going to be surprised to see a very Anglo' ish looking jeebus, the one invented for Western, hyper-religious nutbags.
the wicked being on fire is probably a good indication that Christ has returned
the wicked being on fire is probably a good indication that Christ has returned
Yep. The God of love and mercy who is the means to inflict pain and suffering on behalf of all you hateful religious cranks.
Aside from guno, I'm not sure there's a more angry, vituperative or scary anti-Christian bigot on this site, than Hollie.
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