The Second Debate


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I'm watching the Kiddy Krew right now and my reaction is:

Graham keeps saying the same thing time and time again. All his service and all his trips to Iraq and Afghanistan along w10k troops on the ground.

When can he, or any politician, get off their stump speech?
Here it is is, the morning after, and I'm trying very hard to remember some outstanding moment from the first. Other than Graham telling us he wants to be Secretary of State or Defense, the other three are a blur. Nada. Zilch. Three faceless politicians spouting their prepared stump speeches.

As to the Main Event, the one thing that sticks in my mind is Christie telling Trump and Fiorina to stop their childish squabbles over who had the best career. His point that average Americans is what it's all about sticks in my mind. As to the rest. The moderators gave too much time to The Donald, clearly trying to trip him up, and far too little to others. And then, when others tried to respond to remarks made against them, the moderator tried to cut them off.

Did the debate help me make up my mind? No.

Did it affect the views of others who are non-committed? Probably not.

Ah well, CNN ensure we all know they're gonna get the next one for the Democrats. Makes you wonder if they'll go for 3 hours throwing softballs at Bernie and Hillary?
I agree with Trump. Forina looks like a pit bull and it would be hard to have to look at her for 4 years.
Who “Won” the Debate?






and if you hate graphs and want to READ an analysis, go to If You're Wondering Who "Won" the CNN Debate, We've Got a Chart for You

What A Fun Read → Google Reveals Top (and Strange) Questions Americans Had About Republicans During the Debate @ Google Reveals Top (and Strange) Questions Americans Had About Republicans During the Debate
Jed Bush. "My brother keep us safe"?? 911 would never had happen if he had paid attention to the numerous warnings that led to Iraq and Afghanistan war and the troops lost and trillions of tax payers hard earned money. That is safe? The entire world paid a price for Brother Bush's days in office. Benghazi and the immigration movement. Bush is office almost led us into Armageddon. Another Bush may push us into the depths of hell.

U.S. military casualties and the costs of war: Iraq, Afghanistan and post-9/11 conflicts -

U.S. military casualties and the costs of war: Iraq, Afghanistan and post-9/11 conflicts - Journalist's Resource
Hillary dosen't have a damn thing to worry about, all those clowns know how to do is fear monger, and have Hillary derangement syndrome they couldn't even stop talking about Her even thou she wasn't even in the building:lame2:..

They must be awfully scared of the little old lady, and she must be a real threat, otherwise they WOULDN'T have kept bringing her up:rofl:..

Hillary dosen't have a damn thing to worry about, all those clowns know how to do is fear monger, and have Hillary derangement syndrome they couldn't even stop talking about Her even thou she wasn't even in the building:lame2:..

They must be awfully scared of the little old lady, and she must be a real threat, otherwise they WOULDN'T have kept bringing her up:rofl:..


Who “Won” the Debate?






and if you hate graphs and want to READ an analysis, go to If You're Wondering Who "Won" the CNN Debate, We've Got a Chart for You

What A Fun Read → Google Reveals Top (and Strange) Questions Americans Had About Republicans During the Debate @ Google Reveals Top (and Strange) Questions Americans Had About Republicans During the Debate

Carly did good. Now, that said, she needs to leave the "women victim" thing alone and never mention it again. The "victim" thing works for Democrat candidates - not for Conservative candidates. The Democrat base is composed of all types of groups who are professionals at playing the "victim card". The Conservative base of the Republican Party will not buy into that crap especially from a woman who has had the success she has.
I'm watching the Kiddy Krew right now and my reaction is:

Graham keeps saying the same thing time and time again. All his service and all his trips to Iraq and Afghanistan along w10k troops on the ground.

When can he, or any politician, get off their stump speech?

Graham will go nowhere. The Conservative base of the Republican Party see Graham, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and John McCain as establishment politicians and are done with all of them. Graham may as well hang it up. I do hate to see Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Rand Paul tied into this revolt against the Washington establishment but I'm afraid the Conservative base will not support anyone currently holding a Congressional office.
Hillary dosen't have a damn thing to worry about, all those clowns know how to do is fear monger, and have Hillary derangement syndrome they couldn't even stop talking about Her even thou she wasn't even in the building:lame2:..

They must be awfully scared of the little old lady, and she must be a real threat, otherwise they WOULDN'T have kept bringing her up:rofl:..


Thank you for the compliment, considering this is coming from the same dumbshit that posted on here, that fucking Mormon pig would win in 2012:rofl:
I watched the first 20 minutes and sort of phased in and out after that. I missed a lot.

I don't pledge allegiance to any party. My comments are not a true reflection of my own beliefs but rather how politically effective I thought the candidates were.

Fiorina was choppy in the opening statement. But then she warmed up and hit some home runs. She forced her way in on some questions that were not initially directed at her. She was passionate. She played up the non-politician thing, and told of how she and her husband rose from humble beginnings. I must have missed the part where she played the victim. Rather, she said putting a woman on the $10 would be an empty gesture.

Carson was in a near-coma. Yawn. He did better in the 1st debate.

Trump was good at being Trump. Some quick-witted one-liners. While Fiorina made a passionate and effective plea against Planned Parenthood, Trump did a reasonable job of defending his pro-choice stance. He made a lot of faces and jokes, which could be construed as un-presidential, but then he did a good job of making the case that he gets along with everyone and he could be a good peace negotiator from a position of strength.

Christie is clearly positioning himself as the hawkish candidate on national security and prosecuting Federal law. If a major terrorist attack happened between now and the primary, he could rise.
Who “Won” the Debate?






and if you hate graphs and want to READ an analysis, go to If You're Wondering Who "Won" the CNN Debate, We've Got a Chart for You

What A Fun Read → Google Reveals Top (and Strange) Questions Americans Had About Republicans During the Debate @ Google Reveals Top (and Strange) Questions Americans Had About Republicans During the Debate

Carly did good. Now, that said, she needs to leave the "women victim" thing alone and never mention it again. The "victim" thing works for Democrat candidates - not for Conservative candidates. The Democrat base is composed of all types of groups who are professionals at playing the "victim card". The Conservative base of the Republican Party will not buy into that crap especially from a woman who has had the success she has.

The victim thing works mostly for republican posters on usmb. Victims of obama, hillary, libruls......Constant day and night crying little victims.
Who “Won” the Debate?






and if you hate graphs and want to READ an analysis, go to If You're Wondering Who "Won" the CNN Debate, We've Got a Chart for You

What A Fun Read → Google Reveals Top (and Strange) Questions Americans Had About Republicans During the Debate @ Google Reveals Top (and Strange) Questions Americans Had About Republicans During the Debate

Carly did good. Now, that said, she needs to leave the "women victim" thing alone and never mention it again. The "victim" thing works for Democrat candidates - not for Conservative candidates. The Democrat base is composed of all types of groups who are professionals at playing the "victim card". The Conservative base of the Republican Party will not buy into that crap especially from a woman who has had the success she has.

The victim thing works mostly for republican posters on usmb. Victims of obama, hillary, libruls......Constant day and night crying little victims.

But USMB counts for nothing on the national scale. Most Americans don't even know it exists.
Longknife, I watched the debate, and am insulted by some of the questions. It appears the media is going to make this into a reality show instead of Presidential debates. I don't care who likes/dislikes whom, I am more interested in what they are going to do.

And just in case you didn't know......... even if the candidates think this whole thing is a crock, they can NOT set up their own debates or they are instantly removed from participation in the standard GOP debates. I believe they all had to sign the agreement.

If I wore a tin hat, I would begin to think that this is how the media is again, going to choose the GOP candidate, especially when Cruz and Walker got the LEAST amount of time by faaaaaaaaar! Consider; Trump with the most as they set up attack questions, then Jebster with a LOT of time to talk about nothing. Terrible, just terrible.
I always thought a debate occurred when ALL of the participants were allowed to express their views on the question before them.

These so-called "debates" are beginning to disgust me. Due to the moderator and questioners.
I always thought a debate occurred when ALL of the participants were allowed to express their views on the question before them.

These so-called "debates" are beginning to disgust me. Due to the moderator and questioners.
too many participants.
Trump's energy is falling off. I give him until the end of November, and he may be through...

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