The Secret Domestic Army Isn't So Secret Anymore


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Does anyone remember when in 2008, Obama talked of the need to create a domestic army in violation of Posse Comitatus? If you don't remember, here is a little reminder:

But it wasn't just a militarized police force he spoke of, do you remember him talking about offering free college education to the young in exchange for some time spent in the service of a national "army?" Then the topic disappeared and no more was heard of it.

What you don't realize is that THEY ARE HERE. More than a shadow government to sabotage the duly elected next president, for years the Left have been building their army, an army of the young and easily indoctrinated through the colleges and universities.

Have you not noticed that most of the activist Left are young college types? They operate under various titles: as the Resist Movement, the Antifas; go to Boston and ask any of the "anti-racist" crowd gathered and you will find all of them are liberals. Just what are they resisting? Where did all of these "fascists and racists" suddenly come from?

The new message out now is to equate "free speech" or conservative values with racism and fascism. Make America Great Again? Obviously, you are all for White Nationalism, Supremacism and slavery. They will shout you down and shut you up. It is already happening in the universities and they are popping up here as well. The Russia thing kind of blew up when it turned out that all of the real ties to foreign governments trying to affect elections were all connected to the Left, not Trump. Time for Plan 2.


Do you really think these massive counter-protest marches at various rallies are an honest one? How do 30,000 people show up in protest of a tiny free speech rally, before it even starts? To do what? Deny them the right to talk freely. No free speech for them. They are, after all, "racists." Have to protect against "fascism."

In one article on the current Boston counter-protest, it reads:

Many wore stickers with the face of 32-year-old Heather Heyer, who died when a car was driven into a crowd of counter-protesters at last Saturday's far-right rally in Charlottesville.

NOW THINK ABOUT THAT: a week ago some unknown girl gets killed in another state and ONE WEEK LATER 30,000 show up with stickers already made up, all wearing them, distributed out for free and marching to the Boston Commons in unison?

Who is sponsoring all of this?

Someone ORGANIZED THESE PEOPLE, paid them for their trouble, you can't believe that 30,000 people all came of their own fruition with stickers and signs, just to counter-protest a small group in Boston who had publicly stated they weren't about racism or hate-speech? These stickers were quickly made, paid for, handed out in LESS THAN A WEEK? That girl's body wasn't even cold before those stickers were being made, as if they already knew there would be a use for them at another rally.

Free speech is being shut down. Conservatism is being vilified.

These protesters, under the guise of fighting Nazism and Racism are Obama's real secret army. They are en force now to oppose Trump at every turn, oppose Trump suporters and label them as all racists, Nazi's and fascist in an effort to demonize the opposition, turn public opinion and embarrass voters that anyone who votes for Trump, anyone who pulls a GOP lever next year, anyone who joins one of Trump's teams, anyone who supports or takes sides with Trump, anyone who does not actively make a public stance AGAINST Trump, against the GOP, against the conservative movement will be denounced, hated, attacked, and vilified as a fascist, racist person or group trying to take us back to the days of slavery. The entire anti-confederate movement now is a manufactured cause by the Democrats because they cannot give anyone a reason to vote FOR THEM, so as always, they campaign on a message of voting AGAINST the "evil other side."

You deplorable people have been warned.
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Yes. It should have been a big deal, but his commie buddies in the Bolshevik media covered it up.

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