"The Secret Service LIED to the American people about protecting President Trump and you have FIRED no one!?"


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Fabricated stupid excuses a 3 year old would laugh at.
Lied some more.

Only two possibilities on what occurred.
1. A 20 year old mentally disabled man outsmarted the most sophisticated protective agency in the world.

2. It was a government inside job.

That was a good hearing. Here Senator Blackburn grill shim about, among other things, an email from an agent accusing USSS supervisors of covering their asses.

His response: "I'm hurt by that email . . . I'm hurt because my people are hurting right now. We need them."

We need them for what?

I wish I were kidding about that quote, but that's what the guy picked by the Harris-Biden administration to fix the Secrets Service said, verbatem. So, it's not about doing their jobs as professionals, it's about their feelings.

Clearly, nothing will happen to the agent in Charge of that shit show. If Kamala is elected, she will probably be given the directorship.
Fabricated stupid excuses a 3 year old would laugh at.
Lied some more.

Only two possibilities on what occurred.
1. A 20 year old mentally disabled man outsmarted the most sophisticated protective agency in the world.

2. It was a government inside job.

Fired nobody? Does the director of the Secret Service count?
I understand your point. Some more heads need to roll. I cannot say it was an inside job, as not enough evidence, but that was an amateurish set-up for his security, to be sure.
I am not normally much of a conspiracy following kind of guy, but more is being put out on YouTube by experts in their fields, raising more questions than can be accounted for by official answers.
Fabricated stupid excuses a 3 year old would laugh at.
Lied some more.

Only two possibilities on what occurred.
1. A 20 year old mentally disabled man outsmarted the most sophisticated protective agency in the world.

2. It was a government inside job.

What did you expect? 3000+ died on 9/11 and nobody from the FBI, CIA, or NSA was fired. Nobody from the Bush Cabinet was told to resign. Nobody is ever held accountable
Who is it that should be fired? The two officers that left their post overlooking the roof?

OK, I'd start there. Who else?
Who is it that should be fired? The two officers that left their post overlooking the roof?

OK, I'd start there. Who else?
The agent in charge at the event should be suspended until they have due process, which should be swift.

If there actually was not agent in charge, then whoever decided to run security at an event with no one in charge should be suspended until they have due process, which should be swift.

The "counter-sniper" who let that Trump-deranged idiot fire eight times should be suspended until they have due process, which should be swift. If by some chance a legitimate investigation finds that they followed protocol, they should be placed in an office job to ride it out to retirement.

The executive who selected the Head of the agency has already been fired by his own party, but they didn't need to give him six month's notice.
Fabricated stupid excuses a 3 year old would laugh at.
Lied some more.

Only two possibilities on what occurred.
1. A 20 year old mentally disabled man outsmarted the most sophisticated protective agency in the world.

2. It was a government inside job.

3. It was staged by the tRump campaign.
FFS guys, what about a sloped roof do you not understand? Trust the science.


What did you expect? 3000+ died on 9/11 and nobody from the FBI, CIA, or NSA was fired. Nobody from the Bush Cabinet was told to resign. Nobody is ever held accountable

Would you have shut down aviation for a year or two?

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