The Seedy Side Of The Democratic Party

While I have no use for either party, the democrats used to be for the working class.
Yeah that's true the Democrats used to be for the "working class" during the Andrew Jackson Administration, since then it's been nothing but an Oligarchy Club.:cool:

The Democratic Party didn't exist during the Jackson Administration. Until the very end of it when Van Buren organized it (1834 to be exact).
Andrew Jackson was the first elected President to come from what is now the Democratic Party (after the Democratic Republican split in 1828).

In those daze it was basically the 'states rights'/decentralized government party. Oligarchy didn't rise up as a constituency (for anybody) until the aforementioned later part of that century.
It was from its foundation a party based on patronage taking a page right out of Gaius Julius Caesar's political playbook, it's an oligarchy club based on using the public treasury and patronage to buy popular support.

Andrew Jackson didn't have a party. He had supporters, of course, which were called "Jacksonians" for lack of a formal name. And his detractors, for the same reason, were called "anti-Jacksonians". It was later that those factions were formalized into the Democratic Party and the Whig Party, respectively. But the first POTUS to have the "Democratic Party" behind him was Martin van Buren. He organized it.
You're right Van Buren was the primary brains behind it, Jackson however was the catalyst for its creation and formalization regardless of the letter behind his name when he was elected and he's widely regarded as the 1st elected President from what is today the Democratic Party.

There was no "Democratic Republican split in 1828". There had been a previous "Democratic-Republican" Party, which is not related. There had also been "Republican" parties, e.g. the National Republicans, popularly known as "Know Nothings", which are also not related to the current RP (which dates to 1854).
The Democratic Republicans was the party that split during Jackson's election, the other half of the split was became the National Republicans.
While I have no use for either party, the democrats used to be for the working class.
Yeah that's true the Democrats used to be for the "working class" during the Andrew Jackson Administration, since then it's been nothing but an Oligarchy Club.:cool:

The Democratic Party didn't exist during the Jackson Administration. Until the very end of it when Van Buren organized it (1834 to be exact).
Andrew Jackson was the first elected President to come from what is now the Democratic Party (after the Democratic Republican split in 1828).

In those daze it was basically the 'states rights'/decentralized government party. Oligarchy didn't rise up as a constituency (for anybody) until the aforementioned later part of that century.
It was from its foundation a party based on patronage taking a page right out of Gaius Julius Caesar's political playbook, it's an oligarchy club based on using the public treasury and patronage to buy popular support.

Andrew Jackson didn't have a party. He had supporters, of course, which were called "Jacksonians" for lack of a formal name. And his detractors, for the same reason, were called "anti-Jacksonians". It was later that those factions were formalized into the Democratic Party and the Whig Party, respectively. But the first POTUS to have the "Democratic Party" behind him was Martin van Buren. He organized it.

There was no "Democratic Republican split in 1828". There had been a previous "Democratic-Republican" Party, which is not related. There had also been "Republican" parties, e.g. the National American Republicans, popularly known as "Know Nothings", which are also not related to the current RP (which dates to 1854).
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While I have no use for either party, the democrats used to be for the working class.
Yeah that's true the Democrats used to be for the "working class" during the Andrew Jackson Administration, since then it's been nothing but an Oligarchy Club.:cool:

The Democratic Party didn't exist during the Jackson Administration. Until the very end of it when Van Buren organized it (1834 to be exact).
Andrew Jackson was the first elected President to come from what is now the Democratic Party (after the Democratic Republican split in 1828).

In those daze it was basically the 'states rights'/decentralized government party. Oligarchy didn't rise up as a constituency (for anybody) until the aforementioned later part of that century.
It was from its foundation a party based on patronage taking a page right out of Gaius Julius Caesar's political playbook, it's an oligarchy club based on using the public treasury and patronage to buy popular support.

Andrew Jackson didn't have a party. He had supporters, of course, which were called "Jacksonians" for lack of a formal name. And his detractors, for the same reason, were called "anti-Jacksonians". It was later that those factions were formalized into the Democratic Party and the Whig Party, respectively. But the first POTUS to have the "Democratic Party" behind him was Martin van Buren. He organized it.
You're right Van Buren was the primary brains behind it, Jackson however was the catalyst for its creation and formalization regardless of the letter behind his name when he was elected and he's widely regarded as the 1st elected President from what is today the Democratic Party.

I don't care what he's "regarded as" or what kind of history the Democratic Party tries to stretch. The fact is Jackson had no party any of the three times he ran, and the DP did not exist as a formal party until 1834. By which time Jackson was already in his second term. So the first POTUS candidate that was a legitimate "Democrat" was van Buren.

There was no "Democratic Republican split in 1828". There had been a previous "Democratic-Republican" Party, which is not related. There had also been "Republican" parties, e.g. the National Republicans, popularly known as "Know Nothings", which are also not related to the current RP (which dates to 1854).
The Democratic Republicans was the party that split during Jackson's election, the other half of the split was became the National Republicans.

Actually I got my Republican Parties mixed up. It was the American Republican Party (1843) that became the Know Nothings. "National Republicans" dates however from 1830, both of which dates lie after the demise of the Jeffersonian "Democratic-Republican" Party. The latter then migrated to the Whigs within two years.

The Democratic Party likes to play loosely with historical dates, sometimes even dating itself to Jefferson (apparently thinking older is better rather than worse). But the fact that one group disappears and the population of that disappeared group then shows up in a new group, doesn't mean the new group is the old group with a new name. That's why contemporary Republicans are not Whigs -- even though the latter made up a significant part of the early RP membership.
It was from its foundation a party based on patronage taking a page right out of Gaius Julius Caesar's political playbook, it's an oligarchy club based on using the public treasury and patronage to buy popular support.

That's nice but OFF TOPIC. Please don't derail this thread. Thanks.
While I have no use for either party, the democrats used to be for the working class. That was long ago, before the Clinton's.

Democrats Warned Their Candidates Not to Talk About Gun Control After Las Vegas Shooting - The DNC loves their profits and the gun lobby contributes to that.

While Democrats Call for Gun Control at Home, They Push Deadly Arms Deals Abroad
- Hypocrites. War means profits for those who support it and the democratic party loves their profits.

Democratic Party's DC Establishment Attacks Progressive Texas Candidate for US House - The Clinton run Democratic party will not support their own candidates who put people and issues before their party's profitability.

Bernieworld fires back in the DCCC’s war on a Texas Democrat - They reluctantly put up with Sanders but loath any democratic candidate who does not support their profitable agenda,​

Why is seedy to attack a candidate who is using donations to pay her husband who is clearly carpetbagging as part of the progressive effort ?
While I have no use for either party, the democrats used to be for the working class.
Yeah that's true the Democrats used to be for the "working class" during the Andrew Jackson Administration, since then it's been nothing but an Oligarchy Club.:cool:

The Democratic Party didn't exist during the Jackson Administration. Until the very end of it when Van Buren organized it (1834 to be exact).
Andrew Jackson was the first elected President to come from what is now the Democratic Party (after the Democratic Republican split in 1828).

In those daze it was basically the 'states rights'/decentralized government party. Oligarchy didn't rise up as a constituency (for anybody) until the aforementioned later part of that century.
It was from its foundation a party based on patronage taking a page right out of Gaius Julius Caesar's political playbook, it's an oligarchy club based on using the public treasury and patronage to buy popular support.

Andrew Jackson didn't have a party. He had supporters, of course, which were called "Jacksonians" for lack of a formal name. And his detractors, for the same reason, were called "anti-Jacksonians". It was later that those factions were formalized into the Democratic Party and the Whig Party, respectively. But the first POTUS to have the "Democratic Party" behind him was Martin van Buren. He organized it.

There was no "Democratic Republican split in 1828". There had been a previous "Democratic-Republican" Party, which is not related. There had also been "Republican" parties, e.g. the National Republicans, popularly known as "Know Nothings", which are also not related to the current RP (which dates to 1854).
Yeah that's true the Democrats used to be for the "working class" during the Andrew Jackson Administration, since then it's been nothing but an Oligarchy Club.:cool:

The Democratic Party didn't exist during the Jackson Administration. Until the very end of it when Van Buren organized it (1834 to be exact).
Andrew Jackson was the first elected President to come from what is now the Democratic Party (after the Democratic Republican split in 1828).

In those daze it was basically the 'states rights'/decentralized government party. Oligarchy didn't rise up as a constituency (for anybody) until the aforementioned later part of that century.
It was from its foundation a party based on patronage taking a page right out of Gaius Julius Caesar's political playbook, it's an oligarchy club based on using the public treasury and patronage to buy popular support.

Andrew Jackson didn't have a party. He had supporters, of course, which were called "Jacksonians" for lack of a formal name. And his detractors, for the same reason, were called "anti-Jacksonians". It was later that those factions were formalized into the Democratic Party and the Whig Party, respectively. But the first POTUS to have the "Democratic Party" behind him was Martin van Buren. He organized it.
You're right Van Buren was the primary brains behind it, Jackson however was the catalyst for its creation and formalization regardless of the letter behind his name when he was elected and he's widely regarded as the 1st elected President from what is today the Democratic Party.

I don't care what he's "regarded as" or what kind of history the Democratic Party tries to stretch.

I know you don't care , that's why you keep on with this trivial nonsense, you can argue with the historians over it, maybe you can convince them to change the texts books, good luck with that.

For your edification.....
Timeline Guide to the U.S. Presidents | Scholastic

7. Andrew Jackson
Born: March 15, 1767; Waxhaw settlement, South Carolina
Died: June 8, 1845
Party: Democratic
Term: 1829–1837
Age when inaugurated: 61
Famous Facts:

But if it'll make you happy I'll restate my original post.... The Democratic party has been an oligarchy club since the Van Buren Administration, K thanks.

Have a nice day.
While I have no use for either party, the democrats used to be for the working class.
Yeah that's true the Democrats used to be for the "working class" during the Andrew Jackson Administration, since then it's been nothing but an Oligarchy Club.:cool:

The Democratic Party didn't exist during the Jackson Administration. Until the very end of it when Van Buren organized it (1834 to be exact).
Andrew Jackson was the first elected President to come from what is now the Democratic Party (after the Democratic Republican split in 1828).

In those daze it was basically the 'states rights'/decentralized government party. Oligarchy didn't rise up as a constituency (for anybody) until the aforementioned later part of that century.
It was from its foundation a party based on patronage taking a page right out of Gaius Julius Caesar's political playbook, it's an oligarchy club based on using the public treasury and patronage to buy popular support.

Andrew Jackson didn't have a party. He had supporters, of course, which were called "Jacksonians" for lack of a formal name. And his detractors, for the same reason, were called "anti-Jacksonians". It was later that those factions were formalized into the Democratic Party and the Whig Party, respectively. But the first POTUS to have the "Democratic Party" behind him was Martin van Buren. He organized it.

There was no "Democratic Republican split in 1828". There had been a previous "Democratic-Republican" Party, which is not related. There had also been "Republican" parties, e.g. the National Republicans, popularly known as "Know Nothings", which are also not related to the current RP (which dates to 1854).
The Democratic Party didn't exist during the Jackson Administration. Until the very end of it when Van Buren organized it (1834 to be exact).
Andrew Jackson was the first elected President to come from what is now the Democratic Party (after the Democratic Republican split in 1828).

In those daze it was basically the 'states rights'/decentralized government party. Oligarchy didn't rise up as a constituency (for anybody) until the aforementioned later part of that century.
It was from its foundation a party based on patronage taking a page right out of Gaius Julius Caesar's political playbook, it's an oligarchy club based on using the public treasury and patronage to buy popular support.

Andrew Jackson didn't have a party. He had supporters, of course, which were called "Jacksonians" for lack of a formal name. And his detractors, for the same reason, were called "anti-Jacksonians". It was later that those factions were formalized into the Democratic Party and the Whig Party, respectively. But the first POTUS to have the "Democratic Party" behind him was Martin van Buren. He organized it.
You're right Van Buren was the primary brains behind it, Jackson however was the catalyst for its creation and formalization regardless of the letter behind his name when he was elected and he's widely regarded as the 1st elected President from what is today the Democratic Party.

I don't care what he's "regarded as" or what kind of history the Democratic Party tries to stretch.

I know you don't care , that's why you keep on with this trivial nonsense, you can argue with the historians over it, maybe you can convince them to change the texts books, good luck with that.

For your edification.....
Timeline Guide to the U.S. Presidents | Scholastic

7. Andrew Jackson
Born: March 15, 1767; Waxhaw settlement, South Carolina
Died: June 8, 1845
Party: Democratic
Term: 1829–1837
Age when inaugurated: 61
Famous Facts:

But if it'll make you happy I'll restate my original post.... The Democratic party has been an oligarchy club since the Van Buren Administration, K thanks.

Have a nice day.

Yeah thanks but I already know better. That's shoddy work right there.
When the "regarded as" facts change, I change mine along with them. What do you do sir?

So Martin van Buren was an "oligarch"?
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From Pushing 'Thoughts and Prayers' to Dissing Medicare for All, DCCC Called Out for Sabotaging Bold Demands - While House Democrats were urged to ignore Medicare for All as a viable solution to the nation's healthcare woes, a separate memo to lawmakers after Las Vegas shooting appeared to be "straight out of the NRA's talking points".

Instead of Taking on Gun Control, Democrats Are Teaming With Republicans for a Stealth Attack on Wall Street Reform - Once again, the clinton democrats are completely ignoring what their members want. - Victory in sight for Democrats defying Warren on bank bill

National Democrats stay on the sidelines in close Pennsylvania House special election - The democrats will not even support their own candidates, especially those who defy their leaders quest for profits.
There’s nothing to fear about modest banking reform - But the democrats are against it. It will interfere with their profits.


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