The Self-Aggrandizement of Democrats


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2013
Ormond Beach, FL
So the Dingellberry finally falls off to be flushed out of the legistlature (link). After 58 years, he will be the longest-serving congressman ever. I wasn't surprised that this distinction would belong to a Democrat.

And so I wondered who serves longer in the Capitol Building: Democrats or Republicans. Again, I wasn't surprised. According to Wikipedia, longevity of service favors Democrats by far (here). Of the 100 longest-serving members, 70 have been Democrats and 29 Republicans. That is my count, anyway.

We all know that the salaries of congressmen are some four times more than those of average citizens and that they enjoy a certain celebrity status. So is this trend indicative of the liberal mindset? Self-aggrandizement? Liberalism dominates the entertainment and media industries. Liberals like to be seen and heard. When legislators are more about themselves than the country, no wonder the country suffers.

Dems never could figure out that the real money was in serving just long enough to make your friends rich, then retiring with a good pension, and selling yourself to the highest bidder while you still have connections and are owed favors.
Dems never could figure out that the real money was in serving just long enough to make your friends rich, then retiring with a good pension, and selling yourself to the highest bidder while you still have connections and are owed favors.
So they stay in the legislature because figurin' distresses them?
So now humans in all areas of production and wage earning should have limits on how long they may work or serve. More freedom from the rwer's, say it ain't so!
Dems never could figure out that the real money was in serving just long enough to make your friends rich, then retiring with a good pension, and selling yourself to the highest bidder while you still have connections and are owed favors.
So they stay in the legislature because figurin' distresses them?
No, the fools actually believe they can help people, instead of just helping themselves and their friends.

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