The Sell off is Reversing

If they aren't showing the Dow Jones index graph on CNN, you know the market is up. When it's down, they will show it and tell us the sky is falling. I didn't even check the index and I was comfortable it was up, if it wasn't, CNN would be showing it and putting the fear of G_d into it's uninformed viewers.
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If they aren't showing the Dow Jones index graph on CNN, you know the market is up. When it's down, they will show it and tell us the sky is falling.

they show the status of dow jones every day, why do you loons pretend otherwise?
I wouldn't know. I watch Bloomberg and as much of Fox as I can stand, can't wait till our current cable contract expires and I can OAN again.
Anybody got the old Nightline video...

... of the Japanese finance minister...

... comparing the overvaluation of the stock market...

... to a pair of breasts in a too small bra?
If they aren't showing the Dow Jones index graph on CNN, you know the market is up. When it's down, they will show it and tell us the sky is falling.

they show the status of dow jones every day, why do you loons pretend otherwise?
/----/ The DOW since Jan 1, 2017. I don't see what Libtards are yapping about.
NAFTA gets renegotiated or it gets dead, an alternative outcome is the People's Army serves up a neutral and unified Korea.

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