The Sharks Smell Blood In The Water!

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Well Lefty....

In your attempts To Shank The Trump Campaign by engaging in Espionage, Treason & Sedition all directed by Obama Bin Lying, you happened to slice your own ass wide open and fall over board.

You Know What IS Coming

You Know You Deserve It

You Know What You Did Was Wrong

So my question is

Will your party finally reform, & clean house of corruption and special interests?
Will you, yourself reform and begin to engage in Intellectually Honest Discussions?

I am not saying The GOP is all that, but they have reformed in many ways, and dumped a bunch of Establishment Types that We The People had no passion for and had lost faith in.

We have better people in office because of it.

You can debate that, but Libertarians, and The Tea Party are good for The GOP and good For America. Even The Freedom Caucus serves a purpose.

We don't have to agree with each other as Conservatives or GOP Moderates, but I think in the end The People will get better governance out of a reformed GOP that left people like The Bush Family out in the cold a while back.

So when are you going to take a whack at serving The American People instead of Serving YOURSELVES?

Are The Clinton & Obama Scandals enough for you to serve as a call to action, or will you continue on with your Campaign of "IGNORANCE IS BLISS?"
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Well Lefty....

In your attempts To Shank The Trump Campaign by engaging in Espionage, Treason & Sedition all directed by Obama Bin Lying, you happened to slice your own ass right open and fall over board.

You Know What IS Coming

You Know You Deserve It

You Know What You Did Was Wrong

So my question is

Will your party finally reform, & clean house of corruption and special interests?

I am not saying The GOP is all that, but they have reformed in many ways, and dumped a bunch of Establishment types, and have better people in office because of it.

You can debate that, but Libertarians, and The Tea Party are good for The GOP and good For America. Even The Freedom Caucus serves a purpose.

We don't have to agree, but I think in the end The People will get better governance out of a reformed GOP that left people like The Bush Family out in the cold a while back.

Really? I didn't know any of the investigations had concluded and issued findings. Please share them with us.
Aaaand..the answer is...
no. they will not. They are true criminals.
Well Lefty....

In your attempts To Shank The Trump Campaign by engaging in Espionage, Treason & Sedition all directed by Obama Bin Lying, you happened to slice your own ass right open and fall over board.

You Know What IS Coming

You Know You Deserve It

You Know What You Did Was Wrong

So my question is

Will your party finally reform, & clean house of corruption and special interests?

I am not saying The GOP is all that, but they have reformed in many ways, and dumped a bunch of Establishment types, and have better people in office because of it.

You can debate that, but Libertarians, and The Tea Party are good for The GOP and good For America. Even The Freedom Caucus serves a purpose.

We don't have to agree, but I think in the end The People will get better governance out of a reformed GOP that left people like The Bush Family out in the cold a while back.

Really? I didn't know any of the investigations had concluded and issued findings. Please share them with us.

The "tree" is more like a weed, a short weed and with one little poof of RoundUp, would vanish.
Use of large dramatic graphics is the refuge of those who don't have facts.
The Ds are not going to be crushed by the Rs but by their own fiscal incompetence. CA and IL are only one missed debt rollover from Chapter 3 bankruptcy. The rest of the Blue Wall is in better but not good shape
Well Lefty....

In your attempts To Shank The Trump Campaign by engaging in Espionage, Treason & Sedition all directed by Obama Bin Lying, you happened to slice your own ass right open and fall over board.

You Know What IS Coming

You Know You Deserve It

You Know What You Did Was Wrong

So my question is

Will your party finally reform, & clean house of corruption and special interests?

I am not saying The GOP is all that, but they have reformed in many ways, and dumped a bunch of Establishment types, and have better people in office because of it.

You can debate that, but Libertarians, and The Tea Party are good for The GOP and good For America. Even The Freedom Caucus serves a purpose.

We don't have to agree, but I think in the end The People will get better governance out of a reformed GOP that left people like The Bush Family out in the cold a while back.

Really? I didn't know any of the investigations had concluded and issued findings. Please share them with us.

That would be a different thread, fake red cloud.

THIS thread is about something different.

I suggest you title it "Does reality exist before it is 'investigated' and deemed 'real" by propagandists?"
Well Lefty....

In your attempts To Shank The Trump Campaign by engaging in Espionage, Treason & Sedition all directed by Obama Bin Lying, you happened to slice your own ass right open and fall over board.

You Know What IS Coming

You Know You Deserve It

You Know What You Did Was Wrong

So my question is

Will your party finally reform, & clean house of corruption and special interests?
Will you, yourself reform and begin to engage in Intellectually Honest Discussions?

I am not saying The GOP is all that, but they have reformed in many ways, and dumped a bunch of Establishment Types that We The People had no passion for and had lost faith in.

We have better people in office because of it.

You can debate that, but Libertarians, and The Tea Party are good for The GOP and good For America. Even The Freedom Caucus serves a purpose.

We don't have to agree with each other as Conservatives or GOP Moderates, but I think in the end The People will get better governance out of a reformed GOP that left people like The Bush Family out in the cold a while back.

So when are you going to take a whack at serving The American People instead of Serving YOURSELVES?

Are The Clinton & Obama Scandals enough for you to serve as a call to action, or will you continue on with your Campaign of "IGNORANCE IS BLISS?"
Well said. The Democrat party is finished. They cannot even get anyone to "protest Trump" unless they are paid to do it. How long will that last when it isn't getting them anywhere? Obama bin lying. That name should stick like super glue!
Something I noticed about the Democrats that accused the Russians. They never thought of an exit strategy. They have now managed to provoke Putin to the point of a major fallout in relations and when the Russians strike America the American people will remember what they did and hold them responsible. They will be the most hated people in the country without a single friend to help them. They lack the foresight to realize this but when reality hits it will be too late.
Well Lefty....

In your attempts To Shank The Trump Campaign by engaging in Espionage, Treason & Sedition all directed by Obama Bin Lying, you happened to slice your own ass right open and fall over board.

You Know What IS Coming

You Know You Deserve It

You Know What You Did Was Wrong

So my question is

Will your party finally reform, & clean house of corruption and special interests?
Will you, yourself reform and begin to engage in Intellectually Honest Discussions?

I am not saying The GOP is all that, but they have reformed in many ways, and dumped a bunch of Establishment Types that We The People had no passion for and had lost faith in.

We have better people in office because of it.

You can debate that, but Libertarians, and The Tea Party are good for The GOP and good For America. Even The Freedom Caucus serves a purpose.

We don't have to agree with each other as Conservatives or GOP Moderates, but I think in the end The People will get better governance out of a reformed GOP that left people like The Bush Family out in the cold a while back.

So when are you going to take a whack at serving The American People instead of Serving YOURSELVES?

Are The Clinton & Obama Scandals enough for you to serve as a call to action, or will you continue on with your Campaign of "IGNORANCE IS BLISS?"
Well said. The Democrat party is finished. They cannot even get anyone to "protest Trump" unless they are paid to do it. How long will that last when it isn't getting them anywhere? Obama bin lying. That name should stick like super glue!
Something I noticed about the Democrats that accused the Russians. They never thought of an exit strategy. They have now managed to provoke Putin to the point of a major fallout in relations and when the Russians strike America the American people will remember what they did and hold them responsible. They will be the most hated people in the country without a single friend to help them. They lack the foresight to realize this but when reality hits it will be too late.

Criminals all share that lack of foresight.

It doesn't matter where they go to school or who their parents are.
The real question becomes, after Trump resigns will Pence give him a blanket pardon like Ford gave to Nixon?
Aaaand..the answer is...
no. they will not. They are true criminals.
While I mostly agree with you just go to your account and look at blue state v. red state bond ratings and interest rates. Blue state issues often pay better than comparable treasuries despite their tax exemption.
Well Lefty....

In your attempts To Shank The Trump Campaign by engaging in Espionage, Treason & Sedition all directed by Obama Bin Lying, you happened to slice your own ass wide open and fall over board.

You Know What IS Coming

You Know You Deserve It

You Know What You Did Was Wrong

So my question is

Will your party finally reform, & clean house of corruption and special interests?
Will you, yourself reform and begin to engage in Intellectually Honest Discussions?

I am not saying The GOP is all that, but they have reformed in many ways, and dumped a bunch of Establishment Types that We The People had no passion for and had lost faith in.

We have better people in office because of it.

You can debate that, but Libertarians, and The Tea Party are good for The GOP and good For America. Even The Freedom Caucus serves a purpose.

We don't have to agree with each other as Conservatives or GOP Moderates, but I think in the end The People will get better governance out of a reformed GOP that left people like The Bush Family out in the cold a while back.

So when are you going to take a whack at serving The American People instead of Serving YOURSELVES?

Are The Clinton & Obama Scandals enough for you to serve as a call to action, or will you continue on with your Campaign of "IGNORANCE IS BLISS?"

Fake News
35% popularity and dropping today

another drop in the Orange Criminal's history
You won't recognize what's left of the Dem Party within 2 years. I suspect Soros will realize it's permanently tainted and he writes it off so he can form the American Progressive Party
Well Lefty....

In your attempts To Shank The Trump Campaign by engaging in Espionage, Treason & Sedition all directed by Obama Bin Lying, you happened to slice your own ass right open and fall over board.

You Know What IS Coming

You Know You Deserve It

You Know What You Did Was Wrong

So my question is

Will your party finally reform, & clean house of corruption and special interests?

I am not saying The GOP is all that, but they have reformed in many ways, and dumped a bunch of Establishment types, and have better people in office because of it.

You can debate that, but Libertarians, and The Tea Party are good for The GOP and good For America. Even The Freedom Caucus serves a purpose.

We don't have to agree, but I think in the end The People will get better governance out of a reformed GOP that left people like The Bush Family out in the cold a while back.

Really? I didn't know any of the investigations had concluded and issued findings. Please share them with us.
Hey there is always a Chance I suppose when you wear Lefty Colored Glasses.


But it appears as though you are just going to recycle the same failed strategies judging by your reply.

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