The GOP's extremism problem predates Trump

Historically the democrat party has been the party of extremist views. FDR appointed a former KKK member to the Supreme Court who wrote the majority opinion that created the concept of Separation of Church and state which had no basis in the Constitution. Democrats expanded the concept to the point of trying to destroy public displays of Christian belief. Abortion on demand was a democrat invention. Liberal Justices cited a "right to privacy" that did not exist in the Constitution in Roe v Wade. Who could forget LBJ's "Great Society" that tore black families apart? Every military conflict in the bloody 20th century started during a democrat administration. Truman ordered Troops to Korea under an illegal Executive Order and LBJ sent Troops to Vietnam under a faked "crisis. Both conflicts were criminally mismanaged by democrat administrations. JFK illegally ordered the CIA to invade a sovereign nation, Cuba, and then screwed it up. Bill Clinton ordered American planes to bomb Yugoslavia when he was literally caught with his pants down. Barry Hussein could have been indicted for manslaughter after he authorized thousands of weapons to be shipped to Mexican drug cartels and one of them turned up in the murder of a Border Patrol Officer. The bottom line is that the democrat party would have been laughed out of Washington if it wasn't for the support of the mainstream media.

The Cuba fiasco reality is a bit different from what you say.

The CIA planned the whole operation and WANTED it to fail so that they could, they believed, force JFK into invading Cuba.

He refused, and that's why the CIA killed him.
“There’s an old adage that politics has no tolerance for losers. But since 2016, the Republican Party has proven otherwise.

Whatever the outcome of the 2024 election, Donald Trump will have realized one unprecedented achievement: Maintaining control over one of the nation’s two major political parties despite a remarkably consistent record of leading the GOP into loss after loss.

The possibility that the nation’s democratic institutions could operate to send a candidate back to the White House who not only openly opposes democracy but also has a six year streak of electoral underperformance is a product of two realities. First, the United States’ political system has long vested near complete control of its democratic process solely to its two major political parties; and, second, one of those parties, the GOP, has now definitively surrendered itself to extremism.

As the repeated electoral losses of the Trump-led party demonstrates, the extremism that now dominates the GOP has never been widely popular with the American people. But the GOP long ago discarded the structural protections that allowed it to overcome a previous extremist takeover of the party in the wake of an electoral debacle.

Therefore, even if Trump loses in November, the GOP will almost certainly continue to be controlled by the same extremist factions, and the accompanying danger to the nation’s democratic system likely will remain ongoing and grave for the foreseeable future.”

The myth is, prior to Trump, the GOP was a moderate, slightly right-of-center party interested in responsible governance and sound public policy.

The fact is that this hasn’t been the case for at least the last 50 years.

The GOP has long embraced extremism; indeed, there is no such thing as ‘far right’ – what’s perceived as ‘far right’ is actually mainstream Republican conservatism.

Consequently, Trump is the product of an extreme, reckless, and out of touch GOP.
Idiots trying to convince other idiots that if you don't vote a certain way you are going to lose Muh Democracy.
“There’s an old adage that politics has no tolerance for losers. But since 2016, the Republican Party has proven otherwise.

Whatever the outcome of the 2024 election, Donald Trump will have realized one unprecedented achievement: Maintaining control over one of the nation’s two major political parties despite a remarkably consistent record of leading the GOP into loss after loss.

The possibility that the nation’s democratic institutions could operate to send a candidate back to the White House who not only openly opposes democracy but also has a six year streak of electoral underperformance is a product of two realities. First, the United States’ political system has long vested near complete control of its democratic process solely to its two major political parties; and, second, one of those parties, the GOP, has now definitively surrendered itself to extremism.

As the repeated electoral losses of the Trump-led party demonstrates, the extremism that now dominates the GOP has never been widely popular with the American people. But the GOP long ago discarded the structural protections that allowed it to overcome a previous extremist takeover of the party in the wake of an electoral debacle.

Therefore, even if Trump loses in November, the GOP will almost certainly continue to be controlled by the same extremist factions, and the accompanying danger to the nation’s democratic system likely will remain ongoing and grave for the foreseeable future.”

The myth is, prior to Trump, the GOP was a moderate, slightly right-of-center party interested in responsible governance and sound public policy.

The fact is that this hasn’t been the case for at least the last 50 years.

The GOP has long embraced extremism; indeed, there is no such thing as ‘far right’ – what’s perceived as ‘far right’ is actually mainstream Republican conservatism.

Consequently, Trump is the product of an extreme, reckless, and out of touch GOP.
I don't know that I'd go back 50 years. The move towards today's extremism began, not coincidently, during the advent of right wing talk radio, then Murdoch's launch of the most influential propaganda outlet the world has ever known, then the explosion on to the scene of the internet and the consequent proliferation of 24/7 access to right wing disinformation. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse being Murdoch, Ailes, Limbaugh, and Gingrich.
No guns equals no insurrection, simpleton.
Guns are not part of the definition.

Can you link what outlet/pundit told you that so I know not to use them as a source?

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
I don't know that I'd go back 50 years. The move towards today's extremism began, not coincidently, during the advent of right wing talk radio, then Murdoch's launch of the most influential propaganda outlet the world has ever known, then the explosion on to the scene of the internet and the consequent proliferation of 24/7 access to right wing disinformation. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse being Murdoch, Ailes, Limbaugh, and Gingrich.

Pretty sweet when the left wing loons controlled the compete flow of information, yes?

The media would tell you that up was down, and there was no one around to point out down was in fact, down.

I do understand how terrified you are now that you realize that everything that you believe is wrong.
“There’s an old adage that politics has no tolerance for losers. But since 2016, the Republican Party has proven otherwise.

Whatever the outcome of the 2024 election, Donald Trump will have realized one unprecedented achievement: Maintaining control over one of the nation’s two major political parties despite a remarkably consistent record of leading the GOP into loss after loss.

The possibility that the nation’s democratic institutions could operate to send a candidate back to the White House who not only openly opposes democracy but also has a six year streak of electoral underperformance is a product of two realities. First, the United States’ political system has long vested near complete control of its democratic process solely to its two major political parties; and, second, one of those parties, the GOP, has now definitively surrendered itself to extremism.

As the repeated electoral losses of the Trump-led party demonstrates, the extremism that now dominates the GOP has never been widely popular with the American people. But the GOP long ago discarded the structural protections that allowed it to overcome a previous extremist takeover of the party in the wake of an electoral debacle.

Therefore, even if Trump loses in November, the GOP will almost certainly continue to be controlled by the same extremist factions, and the accompanying danger to the nation’s democratic system likely will remain ongoing and grave for the foreseeable future.”

The myth is, prior to Trump, the GOP was a moderate, slightly right-of-center party interested in responsible governance and sound public policy.

The fact is that this hasn’t been the case for at least the last 50 years.

The GOP has long embraced extremism; indeed, there is no such thing as ‘far right’ – what’s perceived as ‘far right’ is actually mainstream Republican conservatism.

Consequently, Trump is the product of an extreme, reckless, and out of touch GOP.

Nope. Trump is not a product. He's changed parties 5 times. Trump is an opportunist in all things...not a victim. The Republican party will recover once he's dead and gone.
That's really stupid. They had weapons and injured 140 police officers. How can you defend such a trashy, violent mob?
No guns equals no insurrection. So simple a moron can understand.

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