The silly political propaganda of the Black Panther movie...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I saw Black Panther was one of the better marvel movies........I posted a review....and now here is a look at the silly political crap you get from the explained by Michael Knowles....

REVIEW: ‘Black Panther’ Is Terrible, But It Gets One Thing Right

The films screenwriters seem unaware that slavery in Africa predates Western colonialism by millennia. In early African Islamic states, a full third of the population was enslaved as early as the eighth century. Entire African empires were built on the trans-Saharan slave trade, including the Ghana Empire, the Mali Empire, and the Songhai Empire. An estimated 660,000 people remain enslaved in Africa even today. Ironically, Western colonialism is one of the few forces ever to encourage the abolition of slavery on that continent. By the time the British defeated the Sokoto caliphate of northern Nigeria in 1903, the territory's Muslim overlords had enslaved two-and-a-half million people throughout the kingdom. Within a few decades of British rule, slavery was officially abolished.

As for the powerful Vibranium metal, which combined with cultural isolation allowed Wakandans to become the world’s technological pioneers, the “Democratic” “Republic” of the Congo already boasts the largest reserves on earth of a similarly powerful blue ore: it’s called cobalt, and that country’s corrupt regime sells most of it to China. Gold, iron, salt, diamonds, uranium, bauxite, copper, petroleum, silver, and cocoa have also abounded on the African continent since the earth was formed.


In reality, that time came two and a half centuries ago in 1776, when a nation was founded on the belief that all men are created equal and endowed with natural rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The United States has since shared its unparalleled technology, creed, and wealth at a current rate of over $40 billion per year with the rest of the world. It has deployed its own young men to fight and die to protect the life and liberty of other peoples. It fought a bloody civil war to abolish the peculiar institution of slavery, which is peculiar only in the West and continues to thrive in territories that have evaded Western influence.

As a matter of political institutions and culture, the United States is the least racist country in the history of the world, largely because it was founded by a culture that worships God, in whom “there is neither Jew nor Greek … neither slave nor free … neither male nor female,” rather than “the ancestors,” which is to say “the race.” At least this insipid fantasy gets one thing right: if Wakanda existed, the Wakandans would speak English.

I saw Black Panther was one of the better marvel movies........I posted a review....and now here is a look at the silly political crap you get from the explained by Michael Knowles....

REVIEW: ‘Black Panther’ Is Terrible, But It Gets One Thing Right

The films screenwriters seem unaware that slavery in Africa predates Western colonialism by millennia. In early African Islamic states, a full third of the population was enslaved as early as the eighth century. Entire African empires were built on the trans-Saharan slave trade, including the Ghana Empire, the Mali Empire, and the Songhai Empire. An estimated 660,000 people remain enslaved in Africa even today. Ironically, Western colonialism is one of the few forces ever to encourage the abolition of slavery on that continent. By the time the British defeated the Sokoto caliphate of northern Nigeria in 1903, the territory's Muslim overlords had enslaved two-and-a-half million people throughout the kingdom. Within a few decades of British rule, slavery was officially abolished.

As for the powerful Vibranium metal, which combined with cultural isolation allowed Wakandans to become the world’s technological pioneers, the “Democratic” “Republic” of the Congo already boasts the largest reserves on earth of a similarly powerful blue ore: it’s called cobalt, and that country’s corrupt regime sells most of it to China. Gold, iron, salt, diamonds, uranium, bauxite, copper, petroleum, silver, and cocoa have also abounded on the African continent since the earth was formed.


In reality, that time came two and a half centuries ago in 1776, when a nation was founded on the belief that all men are created equal and endowed with natural rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The United States has since shared its unparalleled technology, creed, and wealth at a current rate of over $40 billion per year with the rest of the world. It has deployed its own young men to fight and die to protect the life and liberty of other peoples. It fought a bloody civil war to abolish the peculiar institution of slavery, which is peculiar only in the West and continues to thrive in territories that have evaded Western influence.

As a matter of political institutions and culture, the United States is the least racist country in the history of the world, largely because it was founded by a culture that worships God, in whom “there is neither Jew nor Greek … neither slave nor free … neither male nor female,” rather than “the ancestors,” which is to say “the race.” At least this insipid fantasy gets one thing right: if Wakanda existed, the Wakandans would speak English.

So true. The leftist tend to forget that without the African tribesmen capturing and enslaving other black Africans then there would never have been African slavery in the Americas

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Saw it today, thought it was pretty good but wasnt crazy about the action scene visuals... something seemed off on it. maybe the shutter speed or lighting. I thought the story was pretty good though.

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