The smoking gun- Obama asked for more AFTER deal made....


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
Seems pretty clear cut to me.

Obama and Boehner made a deal, Obama gets word the senate dems in the gang of 6 had grabbed more than he did, so he backs out and asks Boehner for more. Boehner says no thx.

Obama took a shot and he missed. And now its Boehners fault?

Obama, GOP try to figure out way forward on debt
Jul 23, 2011

At his news conference on Capitol Hill, Boehner said he had an agreement with the White House for $800 billion in revenue, but Obama added $400 billion at the last week. "The White House moved the goal posts," he said.

White House officials said the $400 billion was negotiable. They said those proposed tax change came from the bipartisan plan generated by the Senate's so-called "Gang of Six," meaning the ideas had garnered some Republican support.

Obama, GOP try to figure out way forward on debt - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency
Don't you know? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is Ever Ever Ever Obama's Fault.
Boehner said at the press conference Republicans wanted to change the tax code by lowering the rates and broadening the base. Think about what that means.

In case you haven't figured it out, it means lowering rates on the wealthiest Americans while piling more on the Middle Class. Obama wanted 40 billion a year more on the wealthiest to offset what was happening to the Middle Class.

What I want to know is why the Republican base is so against their own self interests? Why are they begging for the own self destruction? The Republican leadership gives their base a pie in the face and their answer is to hand their leadership another pie. I've heard of "turn the other cheek", but this is ridiculous.
Seems pretty clear cut to me.

Obama and Boehner made a deal, Obama gets word the senate dems in the gang of 6 had grabbed more than he did, so he backs out and asks Boehner for more. Boehner says no thx.

Obama took a shot and he missed. And now its Boehners fault?

Obama, GOP try to figure out way forward on debt
Jul 23, 2011

At his news conference on Capitol Hill, Boehner said he had an agreement with the White House for $800 billion in revenue, but Obama added $400 billion at the last week. "The White House moved the goal posts," he said.

White House officials said the $400 billion was negotiable. They said those proposed tax change came from the bipartisan plan generated by the Senate's so-called "Gang of Six," meaning the ideas had garnered some Republican support.

Obama, GOP try to figure out way forward on debt - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

And boenher wanted to add a trigger that eliminated the individual mandate, after the deal.

Boehner said at the press conference Republicans wanted to change the tax code by lowering the rates and broadening the base. Think about what that means.

In case you haven't figured it out, it means lowering rates on the wealthiest Americans while piling more on the Middle Class. Obama wanted 40 billion a year more on the wealthiest to offset what was happening to the Middle Class.

What I want to know is why the Republican base is so against their own self interests? Why are they begging for the own self destruction? The Republican leadership gives their base a pie in the face and their answer is to hand their leadership another pie. I've heard of "turn the other cheek", but this is ridiculous.

and this has what to do with it?
Seems pretty clear cut to me.

Obama and Boehner made a deal, Obama gets word the senate dems in the gang of 6 had grabbed more than he did, so he backs out and asks Boehner for more. Boehner says no thx.

Obama took a shot and he missed. And now its Boehners fault?

Obama, GOP try to figure out way forward on debt
Jul 23, 2011

At his news conference on Capitol Hill, Boehner said he had an agreement with the White House for $800 billion in revenue, but Obama added $400 billion at the last week. "The White House moved the goal posts," he said.

White House officials said the $400 billion was negotiable. They said those proposed tax change came from the bipartisan plan generated by the Senate's so-called "Gang of Six," meaning the ideas had garnered some Republican support.

Obama, GOP try to figure out way forward on debt - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

And boenher wanted to add a trigger that eliminated the individual mandate, after the deal.

as part of a counter offer? and so?

they had a deal, obama muddied the waters, it is what it is. he probably felt like an ass becasue the senate dems got more on that end then he did, but be that as it may- we have been told the house is the issue, they need to deal, well, they did, and obama fucked it up. If you have a refutation to that article, showing that what they decried above is inaccurate (like say the notes Obama said he would release etc.), fine, please post it.
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Obama took a shot and he missed. And now its Boehners fault?

That would be progress for Obama blaming someone actually in office today instead of Bush. The one positive I can see if Obama is re-elected is how funny it'll be for him to still be blaming Bush...
and he owns it now. the media has a hard time printing that, the article didn't get to the nitty gritty till near the bottom, which speaks to EXACTLY why we don't have a house deal and why the sheeple will blame bush...oops, I mean Boehner.....
and he owns it now. the media has a hard time printing that, the article didn't get to the nitty gritty till near the bottom, which speaks to EXACTLY why we don't have a house deal and why the sheeple will blame bush...oops, I mean Boehner.....

They will blame Boenher and since the republican establishment has already started it will be easy for the MSM to pile on.
and he owns it now. the media has a hard time printing that, the article didn't get to the nitty gritty till near the bottom, which speaks to EXACTLY why we don't have a house deal and why the sheeple will blame bush...oops, I mean Boehner.....

They will blame Boenher and since the republican establishment has already started it will be easy for the MSM to pile on.

easy? no, its called a predilection.

they had a deal...thats the won't see ti spelled out in many places. I could be wring but somehow, I doubt it.

any links etc. or responses to the posts above?
Seems pretty clear cut to me.

Obama and Boehner made a deal, Obama gets word the senate dems in the gang of 6 had grabbed more than he did, so he backs out and asks Boehner for more. Boehner says no thx.

Obama took a shot and he missed. And now its Boehners fault?

Obama, GOP try to figure out way forward on debt
Jul 23, 2011

At his news conference on Capitol Hill, Boehner said he had an agreement with the White House for $800 billion in revenue, but Obama added $400 billion at the last week. "The White House moved the goal posts," he said.

White House officials said the $400 billion was negotiable. They said those proposed tax change came from the bipartisan plan generated by the Senate's so-called "Gang of Six," meaning the ideas had garnered some Republican support.

Obama, GOP try to figure out way forward on debt - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

And boenher wanted to add a trigger that eliminated the individual mandate, after the deal.

as part of a counter offer? and so?

they had a deal, obama muddied the waters, it is what it is. he probably felt like an ass becasue the senate dems got more on that end then he did, but be that as it may- we have been told the house is the issue, they need to deal, well, they did, and obama fucked it up. If you have a refutation to that article, showing that what they decried above is inaccurate (like say the notes Obama said he would release etc.), fine, please post it.

Which actually came first, the demand for the repeal of the individual mandate or the extra $400 billion?

Here's an admittedly partisan source, but it's the best I have at the moment:

The deepest divide between Republicans, the White House and Democrats remains over producing additional tax revenue to help offset the cuts to programs near and dear to Democrats, such as Medicare. The White House agreed to punt the tax issue until after the 2012 elections if they could find a way to force Congress to act then.

One way to do it would be to institute a "trigger" in any debt-ceiling measure would automatically expire the tax cuts for the wealthy put in place during the George W. Bush administration, if Congress did not pass tax reform by a certain date.

As the two sides edged closer to an agreement this week, a bipartisan group of senators known as the Gang of Six on Thursday announced its own deficit reduction package that included roughly $1.2 trillion in tax revenue.

Republicans say the White House then upped the ante on taxes, saying it needed another $400 billion in new tax revenues. The White House contends it was always looking for a more balanced approach that would involve political risk to both parties as equally as possible.

It's unclear whether Republicans tried to raise the stakes in response, but sometime on Thursday Boehner demanded that any deal include a wholly different sort of trigger -- a repeal of the individual mandate in the healthcare reform law, including the Independent Payment Advisory Board, non-starters for the administration.

Urgent White House Meeting Ends Without Breakthrough | TPMDC
How about, just once, we lay the blame where it really lies?

With all of them. With their petty partisan bullshit and manipulation of 'We, the People'. Can we do that? Or are y'all to damned partisan to see it?
Seems pretty clear cut to me.

Obama and Boehner made a deal, Obama gets word the senate dems in the gang of 6 had grabbed more than he did, so he backs out and asks Boehner for more. Boehner says no thx.

Obama took a shot and he missed. And now its Boehners fault?

Obama, GOP try to figure out way forward on debt
Jul 23, 2011

At his news conference on Capitol Hill, Boehner said he had an agreement with the White House for $800 billion in revenue, but Obama added $400 billion at the last week. "The White House moved the goal posts," he said.

White House officials said the $400 billion was negotiable. They said those proposed tax change came from the bipartisan plan generated by the Senate's so-called "Gang of Six," meaning the ideas had garnered some Republican support.

Obama, GOP try to figure out way forward on debt - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Projecting again with strawmen, huh?

A deal is done when the ink drys.
And boenher wanted to add a trigger that eliminated the individual mandate, after the deal.

as part of a counter offer? and so?

they had a deal, obama muddied the waters, it is what it is. he probably felt like an ass becasue the senate dems got more on that end then he did, but be that as it may- we have been told the house is the issue, they need to deal, well, they did, and obama fucked it up. If you have a refutation to that article, showing that what they decried above is inaccurate (like say the notes Obama said he would release etc.), fine, please post it.

Which actually came first, the demand for the repeal of the individual mandate or the extra $400 billion?

Here's an admittedly partisan source, but it's the best I have at the moment:

The deepest divide between Republicans, the White House and Democrats remains over producing additional tax revenue to help offset the cuts to programs near and dear to Democrats, such as Medicare. The White House agreed to punt the tax issue until after the 2012 elections if they could find a way to force Congress to act then.

One way to do it would be to institute a "trigger" in any debt-ceiling measure would automatically expire the tax cuts for the wealthy put in place during the George W. Bush administration, if Congress did not pass tax reform by a certain date.

As the two sides edged closer to an agreement this week, a bipartisan group of senators known as the Gang of Six on Thursday announced its own deficit reduction package that included roughly $1.2 trillion in tax revenue.

Republicans say the White House then upped the ante on taxes, saying it needed another $400 billion in new tax revenues. The White House contends it was always looking for a more balanced approach that would involve political risk to both parties as equally as possible.

It's unclear whether Republicans tried to raise the stakes in response, but sometime on Thursday Boehner demanded that any deal include a wholly different sort of trigger -- a repeal of the individual mandate in the healthcare reform law, including the Independent Payment Advisory Board, non-starters for the administration.

Urgent White House Meeting Ends Without Breakthrough | TPMDC

*shrugs*....we can get the answer if obama releases the notes.

the usa today plays it 'fairly' straight, reading their verbiage, it seems that the deal was there and then on receipt of news that senate had a better deal, obama changed up.

your source appears to say its 'murky' as to the exact time line...they contend beohner made a demand....if boehner demanded the mandate trigger there after then obama would not mention it which I don't believe he appears, that is appears that if boehner just burbled that up as a response to, well, nothing? we would have heard about it, instead if it being a counter offer to obamas demand for the 400 billion, that set of actions seems to fit.

oh and this;
Republicans say the White House then upped the ante on taxes, saying it needed another $400 billion in new tax revenues. The White House contends it was always looking for a more balanced approach that would involve political risk to both parties as equally as possible.

wtf? wheres the outrage over political gamesmanship? why no protest from the source as to making a naked political ploy such as making sure the other gets their ration of shit too as a show stopper to the agreement?
Boehner said at the press conference Republicans wanted to change the tax code by lowering the rates and broadening the base. Think about what that means.

In case you haven't figured it out, it means lowering rates on the wealthiest Americans while piling more on the Middle Class. Obama wanted 40 billion a year more on the wealthiest to offset what was happening to the Middle Class.

What I want to know is why the Republican base is so against their own self interests? Why are they begging for the own self destruction? The Republican leadership gives their base a pie in the face and their answer is to hand their leadership another pie. I've heard of "turn the other cheek", but this is ridiculous.

Half--50%--of Americans pay zero income tax? Sounds like what the Republicans were trying to do is share the sacrifice.
Seems pretty clear cut to me.

Obama and Boehner made a deal, Obama gets word the senate dems in the gang of 6 had grabbed more than he did, so he backs out and asks Boehner for more. Boehner says no thx.

Obama took a shot and he missed. And now its Boehners fault?

Obama, GOP try to figure out way forward on debt
Jul 23, 2011

At his news conference on Capitol Hill, Boehner said he had an agreement with the White House for $800 billion in revenue, but Obama added $400 billion at the last week. "The White House moved the goal posts," he said.

White House officials said the $400 billion was negotiable. They said those proposed tax change came from the bipartisan plan generated by the Senate's so-called "Gang of Six," meaning the ideas had garnered some Republican support.

Obama, GOP try to figure out way forward on debt - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Projecting again with strawmen, huh?

A deal is done when the ink drys.

Oh I see....:lol:are you new to this forums debate on that? seems so......
How about, just once, we lay the blame where it really lies?

With all of them. With their petty partisan bullshit and manipulation of 'We, the People'. Can we do that? Or are y'all to damned partisan to see it?

maybe I am. *shrugs* I am a little tired of seeing the media play to obama, they don't see it as a both are at fault issue and they don't play it that way......what is put out counts, it directly effects the content of what we may wind up with, lets say I am doing my part to ensure the 'other side' gets heard;)

as an example;

Media Blackout: Nets Ignored Popular Cut, Cap, Balance Bill

By Alex Fitzsimmons | July 22, 2011 | 15:54

ABC, CBS, and NBC ignored the existence of the Cut, Cap and Balance (CCB) bill until last week, a Nexis search revealed, despite multiple polls demonstrating overwhelming public support.

In addition to the blackout, none of the broadcast networks ever mentioned the positive polls in their coverage of the bill, even though 65 percent of the public backed a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget in a Mason-Dixon poll from May and 72 percent approved of such a measure in a Fox News poll from June.

Since the networks started paying attention to CCB last week, CBS has discussed its dim prospects on the "Early Show" and "Evening News" six times, and CBS and ABC have both mentioned the bill only once.

At CBS, correspondent Whit Johnson on the July 17 "Evening News" was the first to write CCB's obituary without acknowledging public support: "They want immediate cuts, an aggressive cap on future spending, and constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget." Senate Democrats say the proposal has no chance."

Correspondents Bill Plante and Nancy Cordes joined the hit parade in the following days, mimicking each others reports on the "Early Show" and "Evening News."

On the July 18 "Early Show," Plante called CCB "dead on arrival," failing to mention the favorable polls: "It would revert spending back to 2008 levels and cap the budget at eighteen percent of gross domestic product. It also calls for a balanced budget amendment, a provision Democrats say is dead on arrival."

The next day, Cordes parroted Democrats on the "Evening News" who claimed the bill "wastes time at the 11th hour" and didn't mention public approval: "Conservatives call the bill they're voting on tonight Cut, Cap and Balance because it cuts spending this year and then caps it at 2005 levels. Democrats call it a one-sided approach that wastes time at the 11th hour."

NBC's only mention of the popular proposal occurred on the July 19 "Today," with Ann Curry admonishing it in two interviews and Natalie Morales disregarding it in a news brief.

Interviewing NBC Congressional correspondent Kelly O'Donnell, Curry scolded: "The president has already said that he's going to veto it. Do we really have time for a plan that is really just show, Kelly?"

ABC's Jonathan Karl mentioned CCB during a round table discussion on the July 17 "This Week," suggesting that "nothing can pass" both chambers of Congress at the moment, including CCB. ABC's senior political correspondent could have acknowledged that while neither President Obama's original plan to have a clean debt ceiling vote nor the Republicans' CCB plan had high hopes of passing, the American people support the House GOP plan.

more at-
Read more: Media Blackout: Nets Ignored Popular Cut, Cap, Balance Bill |
So sad

Papa Obama does not care about enough about this country
to even put aside his petty political goals

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