The Solar Energy Racket


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

Not only solar but wind power too.

You pay all that money for something that doesn’t work at night or when it’s cloudy. Or when the wind doesn’t blow.

So, let me ask a question.

How many here have solar panels or a wind turbine at home or at work?

Does it really save you money?

What we have is an alliance among hysterical environmental groups, profit-making solar developers, and politicians eager to make important friends. The environmental groups need a stream of impending catastrophes for which they propose impracticable or crackpot solutions. That's how they excite interest and stay in business. The Sierra Club and other groups are against all energy sources except wind and solar and some niche energy sources. The media, probably out of ignorance, go along with the propaganda in favor of solar energy. Rational, fact-based analysis appears to be politically incorrect.

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Not only solar but wind power too.

You pay all that money for something that doesn’t work at night or when it’s cloudy. Or when the wind doesn’t blow.

So, let me ask a question.

How many here have solar panels or a wind turbine at home or at work?

Does it really save you money?

What we have is an alliance among hysterical environmental groups, profit-making solar developers, and politicians eager to make important friends. The environmental groups need a stream of impending catastrophes for which they propose impracticable or crackpot solutions. That's how they excite interest and stay in business. The Sierra Club and other groups are against all energy sources except wind and solar and some niche energy sources. The media, probably out of ignorance, go along with the propaganda in favor of solar energy. Rational, fact-based analysis appears to be politically incorrect.

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I have no solar collectors since I don't have a pool to heat and my utility won't let me feed excess power back into the grid. If I have to store my own power it will never be cost effective.
I have solar panels on my camper. It powers everything but the a/c. I'll add a couple more and that will be taken care of.
I have solar, and a bank of batteries.
I do not have a power line.
If the sun shines for 5 hours, I do fine. Above that, all gets stored in the batteries.
If the sun doesnt shine for 3 days, then I have a backup generator.
The last time I had to use my generator was 3 weeks ago. However, as recomended by the gen manufacturer, i run the generator an hour a week. uses about a quart of fuel.
While it wasn't cheap to set up, in the long run I think it is cheaper.

Not only solar but wind power too.

You pay all that money for something that doesn’t work at night or when it’s cloudy. Or when the wind doesn’t blow.

So, let me ask a question.

How many here have solar panels or a wind turbine at home or at work?

Does it really save you money?

What we have is an alliance among hysterical environmental groups, profit-making solar developers, and politicians eager to make important friends. The environmental groups need a stream of impending catastrophes for which they propose impracticable or crackpot solutions. That's how they excite interest and stay in business. The Sierra Club and other groups are against all energy sources except wind and solar and some niche energy sources. The media, probably out of ignorance, go along with the propaganda in favor of solar energy. Rational, fact-based analysis appears to be politically incorrect.

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its all a matter of context,,,

there are thousands of people living solely on solar and wind where it would be crazy expensive to have hardwire brought in,,,and in the citys where you can do grid tie it is well worth it and more so in areas that have 250 or more days of sun,,,and in areas with more than 300 days of sun its just stupid not to have it on every house in town,,,

just ook at some places where they have blackout days because the demand is so high due to AC usage,,,again stupid not to have it,,,

There's no avioding the green machine in my trade, and i've seen it evolve now for nearly 4 decades. I'll simply say it works well for some scenarios better than others.

But none of it is alturistic ,nor will it ever be given our system ,saving energy being parroted by sorts seeking profit does not lend itself to that


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