The solution to our rotting education system???


Reality bits
Apr 3, 2009
[ame=]YouTube - Australian School Answering Machine[/ame]
Were the sentiment not so painfully true this could go to the Humor section.

It needs to be posted on message boards apt to be read by parents. Maybe they need to be shamed into recognizing their own part in the demise of the quality of education.
It is freaking SO TRUE!

I had a parent do one of their kids homework assignment, it was to write 5 sentences using their spelling words. So, she wrote them and she misspelled about 8 words.

I hung it up in the teachers lounge for all to see, it was funny as heck.

Some parents. :cuckoo:
It is freaking SO TRUE!

I had a parent do one of their kids homework assignment, it was to write 5 sentences using their spelling words. So, she wrote them and she misspelled about 8 words.

I hung it up in the teachers lounge for all to see, it was funny as heck.

Some parents. :cuckoo:

Poor kid. Why can't parents like that understand that children are much happier with praise for doing a good job by themselves. The delight in seeing my mother's reaction when I brought home an "A" on something was the momentum to do it again!
I listened to Gingrich, Sharpton (an odd paring) and Arnie Duncan on Meet the Press this morning discussing their cross-country push to promote improvements to fundamental education. Seems this is the one area where bipartisanship isn't (and won't) be lacking. Hooray!!

The transcript isn't available yet, but you can watch/listen to the video.
Meet the Press-
I listened to Gingrich, Sharpton (an odd paring) and Arnie Duncan on Meet the Press this morning discussing their cross-country push to promote improvements to fundamental education. Seems this is the one area where bipartisanship isn't (and won't) be lacking. Hooray!!

The transcript isn't available yet, but you can watch/listen to the video.
Meet the Press-

I watched it too. Great segment.

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