The Spirit defined for Irosie


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
רוח הקודש
Ruach Hako'desh
In Hebrew, the original inspired language of the Tanach (this is basically the same as the Old Testament as this is what the Old Testament was written from). The word 'Ruach' cannot be construed as a person. It is the essence or life-force - i.e. breath. It is invisible and like wind, because it can be felt or experienced, but not seen. As emotions we feel many things but we are not always knowing where these emotions come from that well up inside of us that bring forth joy and happiness. It is the breath of God which disperses the life-force that drives our emotions of love and caring for other living things. It is the life force, energy in the purest form which is unseen even though many of us know it is there. It is Yahweh's Spirit which is is omnipresent. It surrounds us but is also within us. It is not an actual physical being as we know or see with our naked eyes of carnal flesh. It is that portion that manifests itself into the world (of flesh) we currently live in that is generally unseen. Some have seen a life force around others and they have called this an aura. Moses was seen bright (his face shined like the sun) as if lit from inside. In the Bible it is called his countenance. Holy Spirit is the breath which the living soul is made of when God gives breath to these bodies made of flesh and blood. With a blow of his breath Adam-human was made into a living soul. It is Yahweh’s power through His ruach that breathes life into His creation these little gardens that are continually growing. That portion that makes things alive, vibrant, animated, emotional with the ability to love and care for living beings and life.

Definition of spirit/ruach: “The basic meaning of ruach is both ‘wind’ or ‘breath’ passages: ruach elohim (Gen 1:2) and ruach yhwh (Isa 59:19)”. Strongs 7307 The word for “spirit” (rucha, ruach) in Aramaic and Hebrew (in the Aramaic text rucha is feminine). The term, “holy Spirit" is a descriptive title just as the term "holy ghost" is giving a description of a life-force that unseen but is still there. Strongs 6918 qadosh: sacred, holy, Holy One, Strongs 6922 qaddish: holy, saints. Strongs 6943 qedesh kedesh: 'sanctuary'. In Greek Strongs 4151 hagios or pneuma “Pneuma: to breathe, blow, primarily denotes the wind. Breath; the spirit which, like the wind, is invisible, immaterial, and powerful”, sacred, holy, set apart, Strong's G4151 - 4154 can also be interpreted, spirit, holy ghost, Spirit (of God), Spirit (of the Lord), (My) Spirit, Spirit (of truth), Spirit (of Christ), human (spirit), (evil) spirit, spirit (general, spirit, (Jesus' own) spirit, (Jesus' own) ghost, as a current of air, i.e. breath as a blast or a breeze; by analogy or figuratively, a spirit, i.e. (human) the rational soul, (by implication) vital principle, mental disposition, emotional feelings or as a superhuman force, an angel, demon, or that which is divine (of God), Christ's spirit, the Holy Spirit:—ghost as a powerful entity (a fearful spirit to the carnal human), life, spiritual mind, spiritually minded depending on the verse, translation and the translator of the original scriptures.

Spirits of anger, vanity, resentment, pride or error which we can also see and experience. Just sit and watch people. If you can watch their actions and reactions with and between one another. Consider the times you have had someone angry with you and the reaction you may have automatically had without giving it a second thought. I watched the children and their children spat with angry words amongst one another one day over a very trivial matter. It jumped from one to the other. The next thing you know they were all yelling at one another over a crumb/nothing.


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