The State Of The Union Address

Imagine you give your college kids a credit card to use only for necessities and she maxes it out within the first year. You ask for an accounting and she admits she went overboard and she pledges to freeze her spending at the level it is right now, not a penny more. Well the 'right now' has already broken the bank and you can't cover another year of the level she's spending right now.

That's pretty much what our fearless leader promised to do in the SOTU. $1.4 trillion deficit in 2009. $1.45 trillion deficit in 2010. And this past year they didn't even attempt to present a budget. They are essentially running the U.S. government as a huge petty cash fund and they're borrowing almost 50 cents of every dollar spent.

I was watching an analysis this morning (Forbes?--can't remember for sure) that if the current trend continues, the deficit/debt will exceed the U.S. economy within the next year or so. And that puts us in the same situation as a bankrupt Greece except for us it will be much worse because we don't have a bunch of more affluent neighbors ready and willing to cover our national ass like Greece did.

And Fearless Leader seems oblivious to the extreme economic peril our government has put us in. He wants to freeze spending at the level that maxed out the credit card.
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Imagine you give your college kids a credit card to use only for necessities and she maxes it out within the first year. You ask for an accounting and she admits she went overboard and she pledges to freeze her spending at the level it is right now, not a penny more. Well the 'right now' has already broken the bank and you can't cover another year of the level she's spending right now.

That's pretty much what our fearless leader promised to do in the SOTU. $1.4 trillion deficit in 2009. $1.45 trillion deficit in 2010. And this past year they didn't even attempt to present a budget. They are essentially running the U.S. government as a huge petty cash fund and they're borrowing almost 50 cents of every dollar spent.

I was watching an analysis this morning (Forbes?--can't remember for sure) that if the current trend continues, the deficit/debt will exceed the U.S. economy within the next year or so. And that puts us in the same situation as a bankrupt Greece except for us it will be much worse because we don't have a bunch of more affluent neighbors ready and willing to cover our national ass like Greece did.

And Fearless Leader seems oblivious to the extreme economic peril our government has put us in. He wants to freeze spending at the level that maxed out the credit card.

One thing Obama and the back-bencher Democrat-Statists cannot change:

As for the deficit, CBO shows that over the first three years of the Obama Presidency, 2009-2011, the federal government will borrow an estimated $3.7 trillion. That is more than the entire accumulated national debt for the first 225 years of U.S. history. By 2019, the interest payments on this debt will be larger than the budget for education, roads and all other nondefense discretionary spending.

It is what it is if this continues on course and not stopped.
And to think a BLACK MAN spent last night speaking of the future...a future where generations have been sold into SLAVERY by thier own Government...Because that same government cannot cease spending...
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(IMAGE: EIB Network)

US president Obama urged North Korea's complete abandonment of its nuclear weapons development once again during this year's state of the union as he did during last year's speech, and it clearly represented the grave significance of denuclearized Korean peninsula.

North Korea shouldn't overlook the recent US and Chinese leader's demand to show sincere attitude of scrapping its nuclear program, which was followed by the recent request for resumption of the six party talk and easing the inter-Korean relationship.

While the atmosphere on the Korean peninsula seems getting more favorable for restarting the dialogue, priority should lie on making North Korea that threatens Korean peninsula and north east asia as well as the world stability and peace abandon its nuclear development program completely and unconditionally.
North Korea will have to show that it's truly dedicated to the denuclearization of Korean peninsula.

We hoep again that North Korea abandons its nuclear development, which jeopardizes the peace and stability of the Korean peninsula and the world so it can be partnered with South Korea and the international community for economic development and prosperity.
Yes, another dictator thwarted by a beautiful speech.

Oh. Wait. When has a dictator ever been stopped by a pretty speech? Right. Never.
Only in the mind of a college professor can a dictator be stopped by logical dialogue.

But then again....thats who our POTUS is.
And to think a BLACK MAN spent last night speaking of the future...a future where generations have been sold into SLAVERY by thier own Government...Because that same government cannot cease spending...

Indeed, but the fact that many of those future generations will be the offspring of illegal immigrants makes me feel better.

To put it all into perspective, remember when our fearless leader magnanimously announed in last year's SOTU that he would set the example by cutting $100 million from his cabinet's budget? I don't know whether that actually happened, nor does anybody else since we weren't bothered with a budget in 2010. Also it is too easy to just shift money around and pay for stuff out of some other fund. It's a safe bet that if that cut was made it was the ONLY cut made last year.

But let's say my budget for food, mortgage, utilities, medical and other essentials runs $2,000 a month. If I cut our budget by the same percentage President Obama agreed to cut his, I would not spend 6 cents of that $2,000. Yep, I would have to sacrifice and do without some luxuries because I would only have $1,999.94 to spend.

The GOP House came up with a more significant number with $2.5 trillion proposed to be cut from the budget over the next ten years. And that would only mean we use a slightly smaller bucket to fill the debt pool but it would still be filled at an alarming rate.

On my "We need a whole new way of thinking about government" thread, the thesis is presented that if we don't just stop ALL spending that we don't absolutely have to spend, we will collapse the U.S. economy and that will happen much sooner than anybody dreamed that it could.

And I didn't hear anything remotely like that in the SOTU speech.
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