The State Of The Union Address

Come on He will be more Reagan than Reagan as he kicks off his electioneering campaign .
I will record it .

It will all be a lie, though. That is the difference. How many voters will he lose or gain?
I'm getting a little tired of these clowns going on about how we need to get infrastructure repaired,redone
restructured,done over,or what have you.Every frigging speech this guy gives includes this term.What happened to the stimulus and those shovel ready jobs....That's what he was pushing and nothing happened.Now he's got another brilliant idea to spend even more money although now he calls it investing.How about this.....STOP THE SPENDING FIRST.Get a handle on the budget,the debt,the deficit and then go for the title of the smartest President ever.

This guy loves to talk and loves patting himself on the back....
If I wanted to watch a bunch of vain, self-righteous, over-privileged clowns applaud eachother every other minute, I'd watch the Golden Globes. At least there the camera will occasionally pan to a hot woman.


I might watch. Depends on the college basketball games on that night.

Best ones at the 9est slot:

Purdue at Ohio State
Connecticut at Marquette
Virginia Tech at Georgia Tech

So yeah, I'd got with basketball. :D
Why bother watching? see Chris Mathews afterward basking in the afterglow of a multi orgasmic thanks I will pass.Get back to me Chris on that new high speed rail system or the plans to fix our infrastructure why don't ya!
I wanna watch the jack in da boxes.. It'll be cool and the empty scotus seats will tell volumes..

I'll get all of what's worth talking about in it right here.

I'm with you odd ball. 90% of it is bullshit, and 10% will never be done. How about some suggestions on what Obama should say???

I am asking for cutting my pay check & the pay checks of Congress in 1/2, until we balance the budget. Yes, it will be hard on us, but not as hard as the pain and suffering our troops and citizens are going through. It will be nothing compared to the poor people who have lost homes, or lost everything through this Congress's actions and failure to act on their behalf.

And we are going to cut federal employees pay checks by 25% until the budget is balanced again.

To help us through this depression, I am ordering the IRS to confiscate 50% of the wealth of people worth over 1 million dollars, and distribute that to the citizens to spend in reviving the economy.

And if we do not have a balanced budget next year, I will not seek re-election.
I hear we are going to have to vote on the speech before we can know what is in it. I hope the President can cooperate with me on new legislation. Are all the Democrats really going to be wearing Superman costumes or just tshirts that say together we take a dive?
You couldn't pay me enough to watch that monotone tennis head swinging bore.

and take notice folks, they are now going to CALL NEW SPENDING, investments.

don't fall for the crap.
A state of union message is required, however it could be sent in writing to congress, which has merit. I think Jefferson did this.
If I wanted to watch a bunch of vain, self-righteous, over-privileged clowns applaud eachother every other minute, I'd watch the Golden Globes. At least there the camera will occasionally pan to a hot woman.


I might watch. Depends on the college basketball games on that night.

Best ones at the 9est slot:

Purdue at Ohio State
Connecticut at Marquette
Virginia Tech at Georgia Tech

So yeah, I'd got with basketball. :D

Purdue At Ohio State looks really good. Illinois couldn't pull it off last Saturday.

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