The Stealth Juror Will Be Exposed


There is no way to determine the Corruption of trump in the Current Justice System.
The Jury is 'Rigged" one way or the other.

1/12........Odds are with a Hung Jury.

Anti American brainwashed BULLSHYTTE, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool conspiracy nut job. Change the channel for chrissake....

There is no way to determine the Corruption of trump in the Current Justice System.
The Jury is 'Rigged" one way or the other.

1/12........Odds are with a Hung Jury.

i think a few questions at voir dire will reveal who trump's ringers are.; (probably a few.) but these trials are so rigged to appear "fair" to a criminal that i'm not confident those questions will be asked.

There is no way to determine the Corruption of trump in the Current Justice System.
The Jury is 'Rigged" one way or the other.

1/12........Odds are with a Hung Jury.

The New York government is one of the most corrupt in the history of the world. There is no way in hell those scuzballs are going to let any jury duty summons be sent to anyone but their hand picked cronies.
The New York government is one of the most corrupt in the history of the world. There is no way in hell those scuzballs are going to let any jury duty summons be sent to anyone but their hand picked cronies.
The US has the best legal system and you are a brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool conspiracy nut job

There is no way to determine the Corruption of trump in the Current Justice System.
The Jury is 'Rigged" one way or the other.

1/12........Odds are with a Hung Jury.

This is why I don't think he'll be convicted of anything in any of his cases. At least one Manson Girl will make it on to any jury.

I hope to be proven wrong.
If our justice system was actually fair, Trump would have been locked up a long time ago.
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