The stench of LA RAZA in Chicago..stealing from poor Americans!


Jan 11, 2011
After dishing out criticism of mayoral candidate Rahm Emanuel themselves in recent days, opponents Carol Moseley Braun and Gery Chico turned to allies to do the job Sunday.

U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez campaigned with Chico before a heavily Latino crowd on the North Side, while on the South Side nationally known black scholar Cornel West campaigned with Braun before a group of African-American voters.

Braun and Chico are looking to cut into Emanuel's support with both key voting blocs with little more than a week before Election Day and a Tribune/WGN poll showing the front-runner doing well with both groups.

Speaking before about 700 at Clemente High School, Chico and Gutierrez accused Emanuel of being anti-family, especially if those families are immigrants, slamming Emanuel for not pushing immigration reform while serving as President Barack Obama's chief of staff.

Race for mayor: Braun, Chico turn to surrogates to criticize Emanuel -

The acceptance by LA RAZA's Luis Gutierrez proves that Gery Chico would be Mexico's man in Chicago's Mayor's seat if he was elected.

The stink of Latin America is already in Chicago neighborhoods turning them into ghettos of gangs and third world helper monkeys that never finished 8th grade but claim to be experts at everything from construction to open heart surgery. These people are ruining the American way of life.
Gutierrez is nothing but a racist who spends all his time pushing for a amnesty for illegal aliens saying it's "immigration reform".

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