The Stock Market...

...builds nothing. The stock market only takes.

How economically illiterate.

The stock market manufactures nothing. It reflects profit made or lost by publicly traded corporations and biz.

You sad little booby. Stocks are shares of ownership. Without capital, most companies would not exist: no products, no jobs, no taxes. Many average people are invested in stocks for their retirement, either through 401Ks, IRAs, or pension systems. Take away stocks, and their retirement prospects dim considerably.

If you want to focus on an issue, learn something about ZIRP and how it has caused massive asset inflation and punished savers. That's Big Government Cronyism - and a far bigger threat than your grandma having some shares of IBM.
...builds nothing. The stock market only takes.

The idea of the stock market is to provide a clearing house for buying and selling ownership in publicly traded companies. At best, it provides an efficient market for this purpose, and is beneficial because it allows for efficient capital allocation/distribution to companies who can raise money for growth.

People who are anti-capitalist will neither understand this concept nor accept it. They will highlight the various problems which inevitably arise from any system when some unscrupulously well informed and connected participants take advantage of some of the poorly informed. That is not a valid reason to reject capitalism, because bad people will take advantage of uninformed people in any Econnomic system.

Lmao. No. Youve got it all wrong...unfettered capitalism has no allegiance to any country(even their own)anything or anyone but profit.Growth, lol, define "growth" for me ok? Your hoping that by repeating the same thing over and over again people will believe you. I understand capitalism and unfettered capitalism. Capitalism is what we had between 1945 and 1970. What we hqave now, in UNFETTERED capitalism is a bunch of criminal swindlers and cheats running the world. Thats what we have now. People like you. An example?....ok..
The 25 Most Vicious Iraq War Profiteers
...builds nothing. The stock market only takes.

How economically illiterate.

The stock market manufactures nothing. It reflects profit made or lost by publicly traded corporations and biz.

You sad little booby. Stocks are shares of ownership. Without capital, most companies would not exist: no products, no jobs, no taxes. Many average people are invested in stocks for their retirement, either through 401Ks, IRAs, or pension systems. Take away stocks, and their retirement prospects dim considerably.

If you want to focus on an issue, learn something about ZIRP and how it has caused massive asset inflation and punished savers. That's Big Government Cronyism - and a far bigger threat than your grandma having some shares of IBM.

Lol. You guys are desperate, huh? You have changed the topic?...ok no problem.
Punishing savers? Its ok that banks can gamble with people's savings moneys though, right?
Let me tell you mw a biz that makes a profit without it workers.
Another traitor capitalist that shits on the same people that made them what they have. Scumbags.
ZIRP? Makes more profit for the banks. Blame your fucking financial lobbyists for that. Ummm, arent the banks making more profit because of that?
And...what do you think CAUSES low interest rates? The population has lost its buying power because of low wages so now the only way to live is on credit. Unfettered capitalism caused that by allowing themselves to be bought off by the same corporations. The average income for a working stiff is 32,000 per year. ..the same as in 1980.
...builds nothing. The stock market only takes.

How economically illiterate.

The stock market manufactures nothing. It reflects profit made or lost by publicly traded corporations and biz.

You sad little booby. Stocks are shares of ownership. Without capital, most companies would not exist: no products, no jobs, no taxes. Many average people are invested in stocks for their retirement, either through 401Ks, IRAs, or pension systems. Take away stocks, and their retirement prospects dim considerably.

If you want to focus on an issue, learn something about ZIRP and how it has caused massive asset inflation and punished savers. That's Big Government Cronyism - and a far bigger threat than your grandma having some shares of IBM.

Lol. You guys are desperate, huh? You have changed the topic?...ok no problem.
Punishing savers? Its ok that banks can gamble with people's savings moneys though, right?
Let me tell you mw a biz that makes a profit without it workers.
Another traitor capitalist that shits on the same people that made them what they have. Scumbags.
ZIRP? Makes more profit for the banks. Blame your fucking financial lobbyists for that. Ummm, arent the banks making more profit because of that?
And...what do you think CAUSES low interest rates? The population has lost its buying power because of low wages so now the only way to live is on credit. Unfettered capitalism caused that by allowing themselves to be bought off by the same corporations.

Oh Puh-leeze. The U.S. hasn't had unfettered Capitalism in over a century, perhaps longer.
The modern day min wage is said to should be at 27usd hr to be equal to 1980.
The Risks of Unfettered Capitalism

Another View

By JEFF SOVERN AUG. 15, 2016

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  • cigarettes, predatory lenders, Volkswagen diesel emissions, Takata airbags, General Motors ignition switches, Trump University, Vioxx, asbestos or other products.

    With some of those examples, providers knew of problems long before they were disclosed but kept selling their wares, sometimes even covering up problems, all for profit.

    Our economic system uses three main mechanisms to rein in misbehaving companies. One is that businesses themselves may eschew dangerous choices, either because of their decision-makers’ consciences or out of self-interest, because they fear that their reputation — and therefore, sales — would be injured by damaging disclosures. But businesses also face countervailing pressure to generate profits. If competitors get away with cutting corners, more ethical companies that incur higher costs and so must charge higher prices may lose market share. As a result, companies may feel pushed to make choices that impose risks on consumers.

    Another check on business misconduct is consumers themselves. Consumers can choose not to buy dangerous products, and declining cigarette sales indicate that many have.

    But while consumer decision-making can be a potent restraint on matters consumers pay attention to — like price — consumers can’t protect themselves against hazards they don’t know about. Sometimes consumers can’t understand the risks of their conduct, which may help explain why so many consumers lost their homes in the subprime crisis. Other times companies conceal their misconduct, as Volkswagen did with diesel emissions. Or companies may create enough doubt that consumers can’t determine the truth, as tobacco companies did with the health dangers of smoking. Consumers who want to continue enjoying a product may choose to believe the company so they can continue doing so. Many smokers didjust that.

    The third protection is regulation. Lawmakers can study problems and require businesses to protect consumers against risks that ordinary people might not anticipate. For example, consumers getting credit cards need not master the meaning of universal default or double-cycle billing because Congress has forbidden credit card companies from employing those methods.

    But regulation is under constant attack. The Republican Party platformproposes a “regulatory budget” that would limit the costs regulation can impose on the economy. Many of the attacks take place outside consumers’ view, in arcane congressional bills or when bank lobbyists are named to head government agencies. But though out of sight might mean out of mind, it doesn’t mean nonexistent.

    One problem with regulation is that often the people who benefit from it — consumers — are not the people who feel most keenly the burdens it imposes. The businesses that must comply with regulations no longer make the money they once made from selling injurious products. Even if their products did not cause problems, they may now have to spend money complying with regulations. Consequently, many businesses and their lobbyists fight hard against regulation. They argue that regulation raises prices and restricts access to things consumers would otherwise have. Sometimes, that is so. But other times it isn’t, and even when it is, society is sometimes better off as a result.

    Critics of regulation don’t just attack its costs. They also ask who is better able to protect your family: you or a government employee. Perhaps the people who lost their homes because of predatory lending would have been better off if policy makers had decided earlier that sometimes the answer is a bureaucrat.

    The more we discard regulation, the more consumers must depend on companies to protect us from risks from their products that consumers cannot readily understand or don’t have time to study. And as the examples above indicate, companies sometimes succumb to the incentive to dispense with that protection.

    Many voters will base their decision in this year’s election on the character of the candidates, or other issues, like immigration or foreign policy. But how we protect people though regulation is also very much on the ballot. When you hear complaints about too much regulation, don’t forget to ask what harm that regulation may prevent. Capitalism lifts standards of living — but regulated capitalism keeps us well enough to enjoy a higher standard of living.

    Jeff Sovern is a professor of law at St. John’s University School of Law and co-coordinator of the Consumer Law and Policy Blog.

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The modern day min wage is said to should be at 27usd hr to be equal to 1980.

Tell that to your UberMaster Prog Elites and the Federal Reserve.
Lol, wtf are you talking about? Im talking about corporate capitalism, not regional or national, jeeze! But you want to change the subject again?....ok...
The modern day min wage is said to should be at 27usd hr to be equal to 1980.

Only by idiots who can't do math.

In 1971, I payed rent, ran a car and fed myself on min wage. Min wage was designed to keep you paying bills while out of work which may last, then, a month. I could go out any day of the week and get a job and start tomorrow. Now? Corporations want every penny I have and will stop at NOTHING to get it.
Ok, so, YOU do the math then big mouth. What should an adjusted min wage be? tell me what happened?
Oh, and, Im not an idiot. The fact that you bastards are talking to me is proof of that.
You bastards always want more. Ya got money, houses boats, planes etc and I dont have a problem with that. I have a prblem with you pissing down my back and then tellin' me its rainin'.....when I fucking know that it isnt.
And ya got more than you could spend in generations but you want more, more, more, more....even to the point of killing people and children.
You fuckers are evil. Remember. Whats coming was caused by you. I suggest that you cocksuckers arm yourselves cause what you are causing to happen will happen as sure as the sun will rise. You cant fuck over people and expect to get away with it forever. Sooner or later the populations will have had enough. There will be another civil war here.
The modern day min wage is said to should be at 27usd hr to be equal to 1980.

Only by idiots who can't do math.

In 1971, I payed rent, ran a car and fed myself on min wage. Min wage was designed to keep you paying bills while out of work which may last, then, a month. I could go out any day of the week and get a job and start tomorrow. Now? Corporations want every penny I have and will stop at NOTHING to get it.
Ok, so, YOU do the math then big mouth. What should an adjusted min wage be? tell me what happened?

What should an adjusted min wage be? tell me what happened?

Minimum wage in 1971 was $1.60.
$1.60 in 1971 adjusted for CPI is $9.54 in 2016.

Minimum Wage - U.S. Department of Labor - Chart1

CPI Inflation Calculator

$9.54 is about 35% of your silly claim of $27.

See what I mean about your idiocy?
And ya got more than you could spend in generations but you want more, more, more, more....even to the point of killing people and children.
You fuckers are evil. Remember. Whats coming was caused by you. I suggest that you cocksuckers arm yourselves cause what you are causing to happen will happen as sure as the sun will rise. You cant fuck over people and expect to get away with it forever. Sooner or later the populations will have had enough. There will be another civil war here.

Whats coming was caused by you.

What's coming? The uprising of the fry cooks?
And ya got more than you could spend in generations but you want more, more, more, more....even to the point of killing people and children.
You fuckers are evil. Remember. Whats coming was caused by you. I suggest that you cocksuckers arm yourselves cause what you are causing to happen will happen as sure as the sun will rise. You cant fuck over people and expect to get away with it forever. Sooner or later the populations will have had enough. There will be another civil war here.

Yep, that's us, rich guys laughing at you....
In 1971, I payed rent, ran a car and fed myself on min wage. Min wage was designed to keep you paying bills while out of work which may last, then, a month. I could go out any day of the week and get a job and start tomorrow. Now? Corporations want every penny I have and will stop at NOTHING to get it.
Ok, so, YOU do the math then big mouth. What should an adjusted min wage be? tell me what happened?

You were suppose to gain skills and get off minimum wage idiot.

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