The strange and total lack of curiosity around: -the Crooks family and what they knew, and their frequent visitor who spent time by the FBI HQ


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
So many questions.

Then Wray told a whopper about was it a bullet or shrapnel. A day or two later, someone in the FBI release a statement that it indeed was a bullet.

The strange and total lack of curiosity around:
-the Crooks family and what they knew, and their frequent visitor who spent time by the FBI headquarters
-What happened to Biden at that Mexican restaurant in Vegas and why the reporters had to wait in a van outside for 2 hours then race to Delaware at top speed with no explanation
- what they told Biden to force him to quit
- the firing of Cheadle and lack of Mayorkas accountability
- the coordinated erasure of Trump shooting from Google and major search engines
- FBI comically insisting for days that he could have been hit with something other than a bullet
- Crowdstrike
- the “weird” meme
- The coordinated propaganda and coverup flooding hasn’t been this intense in a long time— I feel this de ja vu like it’s 2017 again. All I can conclude is they have a shitload of stuff they need to keep hidden and will do whatever is required. Impressive.
Now imagine if they could use this terrifying power to do good, spread truth, save the country.
The fact that they don’t can only mean they are soulless demons.

This assassination investigation seems more like a coverup. They're not asking-answering any of the important questions. It's like when they let Comey, Strzok, Page, McCabe and the rest of those FBI agents slide. They just ignore their crimes until so much time passes that the people forget about them. Something don't smell right with this assassination investigation. MAGA
This assassination investigation seems more like a coverup. They're not asking-answering any of the important questions. It's like when they let Comey, Strzok, Page, McCabe and the rest of those FBI agents slide. They just ignore their crimes until so much time passes that the people forget about them. Something don't smell right with this assassination investigation. MAGA
The SS/FBI/Homeland Security investigation does look like a coverup

We need a special prosecutor appointed by a trump attorney general to find out what happened

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