The Superbowl Will Reveal How Many Racists Are In The NFL

How many players decided not to attend Obama's many White House celebrations for NFL, NBA, MLB Championships? Not many.

Will opportunistic players decide that the benefits of snubbing President Trump, simply to ingratiate themselves to the left (as is a very common thing these days), overrules their class and manners? Will they boycott the visit, or will they act the way 99.99% of past winners have, that have shown respect toward the first black president in US history?

I personally believe politics has no place in sports. I fully expect at least one or more players to not only boycott the WH visit but also post snarky comments on social media. I also expect a scene with dozens of cameras and mics jammed into a players face with a press breathlessly hoping for calls for Impeachment of President Trump or silly accusations of racism ala Colin Kaepernick.
Wanna bet?
I'm willing to bet my paycheck on it.
Most musicians, athletes, actors, directors, etc., hate conservatives.

So whenever you guys go to the movies or listen to music, it's by people that hate you.

That must suck.

No. What truly sucks is for any individual to have so much hate in their life. That usually comes from the left.
NFL Superbowl ratings were down. People have better things to do than to watch a bunch of uneducated thugs play with each other on TV. Boring...

How many players decided not to attend Obama's many White House celebrations for NFL, NBA, MLB Championships? Not many.

Will opportunistic players decide that the benefits of snubbing President Trump, simply to ingratiate themselves to the left (as is a very common thing these days), overrules their class and manners? Will they boycott the visit, or will they act the way 99.99% of past winners have, that have shown respect toward the first black president in US history?

I personally believe politics has no place in sports. I fully expect at least one or more players to not only boycott the WH visit but also post snarky comments on social media. I also expect a scene with dozens of cameras and mics jammed into a players face with a press breathlessly hoping for calls for Impeachment of President Trump or silly accusations of racism ala Colin Kaepernick.
Wanna bet?
I'm willing to bet my paycheck on it.

The problem isn't that the players are racist, the problem is that they easily susceptible to propaganda. They have been told by the media and Hollywood that trump hates black people and is the next Hitler. They (the players) are stupid and ignorant enough to believe it's true.

These players are highly educated, much more than the average Trump voter

They do not need to be told by the media. They have heard first hand the comments and policy proposals that have come out of the Trump Administration including his appointees. They may have even seen what has been reported in Breitbart

If they choose to not support behavior they find offensive, they are free to do so

Of course they're free do what they choose. No one suggested otherwise, but they are not educated people. For the most part they are extremely ignorant. They don't know dick about the world that's going on around them and they prove that every time they open their mouths about anything other than sports.

They understand offensive behavior when they see it. They understand the political views expressed in Breitbart that are now core views of the Administration. They understand when Muslims and Hispanics are being scapegoated for political gain

Just like Tom Brady and some other rightwing athletes refused to meet with Obama because they didn't like his politics...these men are doing the same. Only difference is there are a lot more athletes who do not want to associate with Trump

They don't even know what Breitbart is, but ok, you choose to give them more credit than I.
Players of all races will decline to visit the White House because they consider Trump's statements and policies to be offensive

They see no reason for Trump to receive political gain from a photo-op with the team

I can envision whole NBA teams refusing the invitation

How does trump receive political gain from a photo op with athletes?

It makes him look like a regular guy instead of a stuck up germaphobe who was elected through hatred and fear mongering
As opposed to the stuck up coke addict preceding him that was elected through hatred and fear mongering....

How many players decided not to attend Obama's many White House celebrations for NFL, NBA, MLB Championships? Not many.

Will opportunistic players decide that the benefits of snubbing President Trump, simply to ingratiate themselves to the left (as is a very common thing these days), overrules their class and manners? Will they boycott the visit, or will they act the way 99.99% of past winners have, that have shown respect toward the first black president in US history?

I personally believe politics has no place in sports. I fully expect at least one or more players to not only boycott the WH visit but also post snarky comments on social media. I also expect a scene with dozens of cameras and mics jammed into a players face with a press breathlessly hoping for calls for Impeachment of President Trump or silly accusations of racism ala Colin Kaepernick.
Wanna bet?
I'm willing to bet my paycheck on it.
Most musicians, athletes, actors, directors, etc., hate conservatives.

So whenever you guys go to the movies or listen to music, it's by people that hate you.

That must suck.

No. What truly sucks is for any individual to have so much hate in their life. That usually comes from the left.
Yeah because conservatives are known for their peace loving

How many players decided not to attend Obama's many White House celebrations for NFL, NBA, MLB Championships? Not many.

Will opportunistic players decide that the benefits of snubbing President Trump, simply to ingratiate themselves to the left (as is a very common thing these days), overrules their class and manners? Will they boycott the visit, or will they act the way 99.99% of past winners have, that have shown respect toward the first black president in US history?

I personally believe politics has no place in sports. I fully expect at least one or more players to not only boycott the WH visit but also post snarky comments on social media. I also expect a scene with dozens of cameras and mics jammed into a players face with a press breathlessly hoping for calls for Impeachment of President Trump or silly accusations of racism ala Colin Kaepernick.
Wanna bet?
I'm willing to bet my paycheck on it.
Most musicians, athletes, actors, directors, etc., hate conservatives.

So whenever you guys go to the movies or listen to music, it's by people that hate you.

That must suck.

No. What truly sucks is for any individual to have so much hate in their life. That usually comes from the left.
Yeah because conservatives are known for their peace loving

I'm not the one that just wrote how much liberals hate. You did.

How many players decided not to attend Obama's many White House celebrations for NFL, NBA, MLB Championships? Not many.

Will opportunistic players decide that the benefits of snubbing President Trump, simply to ingratiate themselves to the left (as is a very common thing these days), overrules their class and manners? Will they boycott the visit, or will they act the way 99.99% of past winners have, that have shown respect toward the first black president in US history?

I personally believe politics has no place in sports. I fully expect at least one or more players to not only boycott the WH visit but also post snarky comments on social media. I also expect a scene with dozens of cameras and mics jammed into a players face with a press breathlessly hoping for calls for Impeachment of President Trump or silly accusations of racism ala Colin Kaepernick.
Wanna bet?
I'm willing to bet my paycheck on it.
Most musicians, athletes, actors, directors, etc., hate conservatives.

So whenever you guys go to the movies or listen to music, it's by people that hate you.

That must suck.

No. What truly sucks is for any individual to have so much hate in their life. That usually comes from the left.
Yeah because conservatives are known for their peace loving

I'm not the one that just wrote how much liberals hate. You did.
Good point. You win. I lose.

But it still must suck

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