The Supremes to Consider Gay Marriage Issues This Month

George Costanza

A Friendly Liberal
Mar 10, 2009
Los Angeles area.
Gay marriage is before The Supremes this month in two cases. The first questions whether or not the Federal Defense of Marriage Act wrongly denies gay spouses equal benefits under the law. Then, on the 26th of this month, they will consider the Constitutionality of California's recently enacted Proposition 8, banning gay marriage.

Let's hope they do the right thing.

I'm not holding my breath . . .

Couples in gay marriage case await a landmark ruling -
Gay marriage is before The Supremes this month in two cases. The first questions whether or not the Federal Defense of Marriage Act wrongly denies gay spouses equal benefits under the law. Then, on the 26th of this month, they will consider the Constitutionality of California's recently enacted Proposition 8, banning gay marriage.

Let's hope they do the right thing.

I'm not holding my breath . . .

Couples in gay marriage case await a landmark ruling -

DOMA - Section 3 is the challenge. I could see them saying DOMA Section 3 is unconstitutional for a couple of reasons. One, for well over two hundred years the federal government recognized all Civil Marriages which were considered valid under State law where the marriage was initiated. That changed ONLY to deny Civil Marriage to a targeted group. Something not likely to stand. The second reason is that the federal restrictions will often interfere with some aspects of how the State can deal with it's own people in joint programs. IIRC the case that is before the courts has some examples involving MediCare/MedicAid, Veteran's Benefits, and Taxation of Spouses.

DOMA - Section 2, which provides that one state need not recognize Civil Marriages from other States (only in terms of gender) is not before the court.

PROP 8 - The 9th took the avenue of ruling on a narrow basis that once a right is recognized and exercised by the people it cannot be taken away. The California Supreme Court recognized such a right in the "re: Marriages" case resulting in Same-sex Civil Marriage being allowed in California. After those marriages were allowed Prop 8 removed that right. I expect the SCOTUS to not really want to deal with Same-sex Civil Marriage on a national basis, yet. I think they want to let it - ah - develop for a few more years such as they did with laws against interracial marriage. I think they will rule against Prop 8 but on such narrow grounds that it will only apply to the situation as presented by California. They are unlikely to make a sweeping national decision at this point.

Someone tell me again what the argument is against gay marriage . . . ?

Depends on what you mean by "marriage". It's sloppy use of language because you aren't defining what type of "marriage" you refer to. Religious Marriage and Civil Marriage are two different things.

Religious Marriage - the only reason needed is that it conflicts with the dogma of that religion.

Civil Marriage - there isn't one.

Someone tell me again what the argument is against gay marriage . . . ?

Top 10:

1. Homosexuals want to wage war on our youth and convert them all to homosexuality.
2. Gay marriage will double the divorce rate in America to 120%.
3. Gay marriage will lead to pigs marrying horses and women marrying pigs. See #2 as now 40% of all divorces are on grounds, allegedly of course, that the men were pigs.
4. Gay marriage will lead to an increase in men fucking sheep.
5. Gay marriage will lead to an 80% increase in the number of lesbian "experimenting" in college sororities before they "choose" what their orientation is.
6. Gay marriage will lead to an increase of gays and lesbians as the fact that they can legally marry will increase the number that "choose" to be gay and lesbian.
7. Gay marriage will lead to an increase of folks wanting equal rights, can't have that.
8. Gay marriage will give equal rights to gays and lesbians, can't have that.
9. Gay marriage will lead us further towards teaching our youth that homosexuals are not 2nd class citizens, can't have that.
10. Gay marriage will most likely experience no where near the almost 60% divorce rate we straight folks proudly hold up, DEFINITELY can not have that.
The benefit to same sex marriage is to the government's benefit. The government will be able to attach the same marriage tax penalty to same sex couples as to heterosexual couples. They will be limited to a $250,000 family income rather than a $200,000 each income they are used to.

Then it become the same kind of daily grind abortion has become.
The benefit to same sex marriage is to the government's benefit. The government will be able to attach the same marriage tax penalty to same sex couples as to heterosexual couples. They will be limited to a $250,000 family income rather than a $200,000 each income they are used to.

Then it become the same kind of daily grind abortion has become.

Um, what?

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