It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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If one doesn’t know what date it was upon which one was born, one is still alive. You dope.
You are either very ignorant, or purposely obtuse. Take your pick. Were there a person knows what day they were born on or not they still have a date on which they were born. You cannot get a social security number without a birth date. You cannot get a driver's license without a birth date. And most people have birth certificates. No one knows or cares about the day they were conceived. Since there is up to a 72-hour window for conception to occur, that date cannot be known.
You are either very ignorant, or purposely obtuse. Take your pick.

False premise. False dichotomy. Both are rejected since your misuse of terms isn’t controlling. 👍
Were there a person knows what day they were born on or not they still have a date on which they were born.
So what?

You cannot get a social security number without a birth date.
True dat.
You cannot get a driver's license without a birth date.
Also true.

And most people have birth certificates.
Maybe. So what?
No one knows or cares about the day they were conceived.
So what?
Since there is up to a 72-hour window for conception to occur, that date cannot be known.
So what?

Not a fucking word of your ignorant ass post addresses the actual issue.
False premise. False dichotomy. Both are rejected since your misuse of terms isn’t controlling. 👍
LOL, I am very specific in the terms I chose. You on the other hand, are very gullible and have fallen for the scenario about life that the anti-abortion crowd has been pushing for the past 50 years. Try to have a good day I plan on it I wasted enough time on you. I can't help it if you choose to be obtuse.
LOL, I am very specific in the terms I chose.
For the sake of the silly propaganda you try to foist off as “argument” that appears to be true.
You on the other hand, are very gullible

No. That’s just your dishonest spin.
and have fallen for the scenario about life that the anti-abortion crowd has been pushing for the past 50 years.

Wrong again. I haven’t fallen for anything. I merely disagree with your silly and illogical propaganda efforts.
Try to have a good day I plan on it I wasted enough time on you. I can't help it if you choose to be obtuse.

I am having a good day. You should too. I am wasting a little time by casting pearls before swine like you. I don’t believe you’ve made a choice to be obtuse. You’re just very ignorant, ill-informed, illogical and quite tragically dim-witted.
For the sake of the silly propaganda you try to foist off as “argument” that appears to be true.

No. That’s just your dishonest spin.

Wrong again. I haven’t fallen for anything. I merely disagree with your silly and illogical propaganda efforts.

I am having a good day. You should too. I am wasting a little time by casting pearls before swine like you. I don’t believe you’ve made a choice to be obtuse. You’re just very ignorant, ill-informed, illogical and quite tragically dim-witted.
Now you're calling me names. That is the last resort of presenting a poor argument. Good luck with that.
Now you're calling me names. That is the last resort of presenting a poor argument. Good luck with that.
Well, since mine was in response to what you had done, hypocrite, slather-on your own advice to your own thin skin.

Best of luck persuading anyone with your own massive and obvious hypocrisy. 😎
Well, since mine was in response to what you had done, hypocrite, slather-on your own advice to your own thin skin.

Best of luck persuading anyone with your own massive and obvious hypocrisy. 😎
I didn't call you a name. I made the observation that you were either very ignorant or purposely being obtuse. That's not name calling you called me swine for some stupid reason.
I didn't call you a name. I made the observation that you were either very ignorant or purposely being obtuse. That's not name calling you called me swine for some stupid reason.
Give it a rest, Stanley. Nobody is dimwitted enough to buy your obviously dishonest spin after you’ve been caught in the act.

Grow a pair, cupcake.

Edited to add: we’ve also strayed off topic. The topic isn’t abortion, life, personhood or birthdates. The topic is the advisability or non-advisability of declaring this nation to be a Christian nation.

I’m opposed.
Give it a rest, Stanley. Nobody is dimwitted enough to buy your obviously dishonest spin after you’ve been caught in the act.

Grow a pair, cupcake.
Okay, now you switch to belittling me. It must be fun to be you. Good luck with all of this crap. The jokes on you. You are rude, petty and dishonest.
Okay, now you switch to belittling me. It must be fun to be you. Good luck with all of this crap. The jokes on you. You are rude, petty and dishonest.
Have a good cry. But try to discuss the topic, instead. It’s so much more useful.

And by the way, if you present a false dichotomy suggesting that another person is either obtuse or ignorant, you have engaged in insulting that other person.

Returning to topic, would it be fair to say that you agree with me that the argument made by the OP is a bad idea? 😎
Have a good cry. But try to discuss the topic, instead. It’s so much more useful.

And by the way, if you present a false dichotomy suggesting that another person is either obtuse or ignorant, you have engaged in insulting that other person.

Returning to topic, would it be fair to say that you agree with me that the argument made by the OP is a bad idea? 😎
There is absolutely no doubt that the op has presented a very bad idea. Have a good day.
There is absolutely no doubt that the op has presented a very bad idea. Have a good day.
I am very pleased to have induced you to at least comment on topic about the absurdly bad idea presented in the OP.

Now, you have a good day, too; ya hear?
ding’s absurdities

ding 220718-#2,432 “it is important to realize that birth is merely a dramatic event during development resulting in a change in environment”

NFBW: It is also the “dramatic event during human development” where individual US Citizenship has been understood for 240 years to apply, with a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness under the full legal jurisdiction of the new citizens parents or legal guardians.

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.“

It does not say conceived or naturalized in the UNITED STATES. It says born . END2207191207
The good news is that the states will make that determination. The science is what it is and the law is what it will be on a state by state basis.
I didn't call you a name. I made the observation that you were either very ignorant or purposely being obtuse. That's not name calling you called me swine for some stupid reason.
That’s a very good observation. The former appears more accurate.
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