The surprisingly simple way Egyptians moved massive pyramid stones without modern tec

Since we are on the science and tech board. Proof, in the way of actual experiments is in order. Wetting the sand over which the sledges travel. Could be, but let's let someone actually recreate it, before we jump to conclusions.
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NASA satellites find hidden pyramids...

NASA's orbiting satellites find hidden Egyptian pyramids
Sep 22, 2016 - Newly-discovered ancient pyramids were discovered by NASA's satellites, which were orbiting 400 miles from the Earth.
Nowadays, many continue to speculate that Egyptian pyramids have supernatural powers. With that comes the belief that these pyramids have been cursed to the point that no one will have the ability to destroy these ancient structures.

Pyramids serve as tombs for powerful Egyptian rulers, known as "pharaohs," in ancient times. The earliest pyramid was built during the third dynasty of ancient Egypt, between 2630 BC and 2611 BC. But the Pyramids of Khufu at Giza serve as perhaps among the most popular ones, what with their designation as among the ancient world's last surviving "Seven Wonders". Rumors abound that pyramids were not erected by humans but by aliens. In the ancient times, there's a prevailing assumption that humans have yet to have adequate knowedge and equipment to put up "megastructures" like the ancient pyramids, especially given their magnificent structure and accurate build. Of course, that remains a matter of speculation and no proof has been shown to justify that one.


NASA's revealed some satellite images of hidden pyramids underneath the Egyptian City of Tanis​

But just recently, NASA has made another intriguing discovery concerning Egypt's pyramids. Images of buried ancient pyramids have been taken from the ancient Egyptian city of Tanis have been taken by the space agency's orbiting satellites. The satellite image also exposed other lost structures that were covered for thousands of years, The Daily Galaxy has reported. Now scientists and anthropologists have been prompted to excavate these structures. If proven, it will serve as another breakthrough to the planet's history. Between 118 or 138 Egyptian pyramids have already been discovered so far, with the potential discovery adding up to the numbers.

NASA's satellites did not just find possible Egyptian pyramids. Last year, a river network along the sandy Western Sahara has also been discovered. The Daily Mail reported that these river networks were previously home to abundant vegetation and believed to have existed for the last 245,000 years. The report also says that the discovery could shed further light on Africa's history. Today, NASA's satellites continue to capture images that could be useful and beneficial to the planet's history and that of humankind.

NASA's orbiting satellites find hidden Egyptian pyramids
NASA satellites find hidden pyramids...

NASA's orbiting satellites find hidden Egyptian pyramids
Sep 22, 2016 - Newly-discovered ancient pyramids were discovered by NASA's satellites, which were orbiting 400 miles from the Earth.
Nowadays, many continue to speculate that Egyptian pyramids have supernatural powers. With that comes the belief that these pyramids have been cursed to the point that no one will have the ability to destroy these ancient structures.

Pyramids serve as tombs for powerful Egyptian rulers, known as "pharaohs," in ancient times. The earliest pyramid was built during the third dynasty of ancient Egypt, between 2630 BC and 2611 BC. But the Pyramids of Khufu at Giza serve as perhaps among the most popular ones, what with their designation as among the ancient world's last surviving "Seven Wonders". Rumors abound that pyramids were not erected by humans but by aliens. In the ancient times, there's a prevailing assumption that humans have yet to have adequate knowedge and equipment to put up "megastructures" like the ancient pyramids, especially given their magnificent structure and accurate build. Of course, that remains a matter of speculation and no proof has been shown to justify that one.


NASA's revealed some satellite images of hidden pyramids underneath the Egyptian City of Tanis​

But just recently, NASA has made another intriguing discovery concerning Egypt's pyramids. Images of buried ancient pyramids have been taken from the ancient Egyptian city of Tanis have been taken by the space agency's orbiting satellites. The satellite image also exposed other lost structures that were covered for thousands of years, The Daily Galaxy has reported. Now scientists and anthropologists have been prompted to excavate these structures. If proven, it will serve as another breakthrough to the planet's history. Between 118 or 138 Egyptian pyramids have already been discovered so far, with the potential discovery adding up to the numbers.

NASA's satellites did not just find possible Egyptian pyramids. Last year, a river network along the sandy Western Sahara has also been discovered. The Daily Mail reported that these river networks were previously home to abundant vegetation and believed to have existed for the last 245,000 years. The report also says that the discovery could shed further light on Africa's history. Today, NASA's satellites continue to capture images that could be useful and beneficial to the planet's history and that of humankind.

NASA's orbiting satellites find hidden Egyptian pyramids

Truth. There are dozens of pyramids in Egypt that have yet to be unearthed. This rings true also for the pyramids still buried in Bosnia, China, Mexico, South America (and if some wilder tales are to be believed, Antarctica), etc..
If its that hard to get it there on a level surface, I don't think that's a sutible explanation for getting a massive stone 455 feet up at a 51 degree incline.

You're dismissing the hardest part of the project.
If its that hard to get it there on a level surface, I don't think that's a sutible explanation for getting a massive stone 455 feet up at a 51 degree incline.

You're dismissing the hardest part of the project.
Ramps up against the sides, not straight out. Ends up sort of a square spiral. Makes for more manageable angles and lengths.
Hidden chamber in Giza pyramid found...

Scientists discover hidden chamber in Great Pyramid
Sat, Nov 04, 2017 - Scientists said they have found a hidden chamber in Egypt’s Great Pyramid of Giza, in what would be the first such discovery in the structure since the 19th century and one likely to spark a new surge of interest in the pharaohs.
In an article published in the journal Nature on Thursday, an international team said the 30m void deep within the pyramid is situated above the structure’s Grand Gallery, and has a similar cross section. The purpose of the space is unclear, and it was not yet known whether it was built with a function in mind or if it was merely a gap in the pyramid’s architecture. Some experts have said such empty spaces have been known for years. “This is a premier,” said Mehdi Tayoubi, cofounder of the ScanPyramids project and president of the Heritage Innovation Preservation Institute. “It could be composed of one or several structures... Maybe it could be another Grand Gallery. It could be a chamber, it could be a lot of things.”

The scientists made the discovery using cosmic ray imaging, recording the behavior of subatomic particles called muons that penetrate the rock similar to X-rays, only much deeper. Their paper was peer-reviewed before appearing in Nature, an international, interdisciplinary journal of science, and its results confirmed by other teams of scientists. Chances of the space containing treasure or burial chambers are almost nil, University of Bristol Egyptologist Aidan Dodson said, but added that the discovery helps shed light on building techniques. “The pyramid’s burial chamber and sarcophagus have already been discovered, so this new area was more likely kept empty above the Grand Gallery to reduce the weight of stone pressing down on its ceiling,” he said, adding that similar designs have been found in other pyramids.

Former Egyptian minister of antiquities and famed archeologist Zahi Hawass, who has been testing scanning methods and heads the government’s oversight panel for the new techniques, said that the area in question has been known of for years and thus does not constitute a discovery. He has long downplayed the usefulness of scans of ancient sites. “The Great Pyramid is full of voids. We have to be careful how results are presented to the public,” he said, adding that one problem facing the international team is that it did not have an Egyptologist as a member. He said the chamber was likely empty space builders used to construct the rooms below. “In order to construct the Grand Gallery, you had to have a hollow, or a big void in order to access it — you cannot build it without such a space,” he said. “Large voids exist between the stones and may have been left as construction gaps.”

The pyramid is also known as Khufu’s Pyramid for its builder, a fourth-dynasty pharaoh who reigned from 2509 to 2483 BC. Visitors to the pyramid, on the outskirts of Cairo, can walk, hunched over, up a long tunnel to reach the Grand Gallery. The space announced by the scanning team does not appear to be connected to any known internal passages. Scientists involved in the scanning called the find a “breakthrough” that highlighted the usefulness of modern particle physics in archeology. The Great Pyramid, the last surviving wonder of the ancient world, has captivated visitors since it was built as a royal burial chamber about 4,500 years ago. Experts are still divided over how it and other pyramids were constructed, so even relatively minor discoveries generate great interest.

L. Sprague DeCamp wrote a book, called 'The Ancient Engineers', in which he pointed out that the construction methods used by the Egyptians were pictured in the pyramids.

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