The system is rigged, the SYSTEM IS RIGGED


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
I even saw someone about this time yesterday saying that Hillary would get the White House no matter what, because THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED, the ELECTION IS RIGGED.

So.... is this the last we're going to hear of it?

If the system were actually rigged, wouldn't Hillary have won?

The reality appears to be that the last two Republican presidents, Trump and Bush W., have both won without getting the majority of the votes. The system certainly seems rigged, but IN FAVOR OF the Republicans more than anything else.

But if Trump won, it means he lied. Well we all know he was throwing shit and hoping it would stick. It stuck.
I even saw someone about this time yesterday saying that Hillary would get the White House no matter what, because THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED, the ELECTION IS RIGGED.

So.... is this the last we're going to hear of it?

If the system were actually rigged, wouldn't Hillary have won?

The reality appears to be that the last two Republican presidents, Trump and Bush W., have both won without getting the majority of the votes. The system certainly seems rigged, but IN FAVOR OF the Republicans more than anything else.

But if Trump won, it means he lied. Well we all know he was throwing shit and hoping it would stick. It stuck.

So what's your point? It's over. You lost. Best to start dealing with it in a more positive productive manner. Otherwise, you'll end with some nasty ulcers. Ya gotta move on son.
I even saw someone about this time yesterday saying that Hillary would get the White House no matter what, because THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED, the ELECTION IS RIGGED.

So.... is this the last we're going to hear of it?

If the system were actually rigged, wouldn't Hillary have won?

The reality appears to be that the last two Republican presidents, Trump and Bush W., have both won without getting the majority of the votes. The system certainly seems rigged, but IN FAVOR OF the Republicans more than anything else.

But if Trump won, it means he lied. Well we all know he was throwing shit and hoping it would stick. It stuck.
Dear frigidweirdo
I thought he said that to CYA in case he lost as most media predicted.

I think his plan if he lost was to set up his own media machine like Palin and continue making money off the hype.

I don't think cries of 'its rigged it's rigged' encourage anyone to go to the polls but make them give up and stay home.

Could this be a strategy?
If people like me thought Clinton had it no matter what, would they take it for granted and either not bother voting, or go vote for him, if they worried like I did that Trump was losing votes he would have gotten if the media wasn't biased toward making sure he and his support base look as ridiculous as possible.

My three main reasons for voting for Trump were the Supreme Court nominations should not go to more people who believe in depending on federal government and courts to dictate laws that belong to people and states; the Democratic party focus on elections at the cost of representing and implementing the real solutions is unsustainable and detracts resources and attention away from local empowerment and liberation from dependence on govt by education and training to create jobs doing the real work; and the splits between Trump and conservatives trying to check govt. by the Constitution are more important to mend to reunite not just their party but the nation, instead of the media bashing that I felt did more to damage support for Trump than it did to affect Clinton. I did not agree with people refusing to vote for Trump because of Cruz, and felt I should use my vote on behalf of those so divided they couldn't do it, because I felt it's more important for Constitutionalist to stand together, and I commit to making sure there is unity in sticking to Constitutional principles as the authority of govt. I didn't see Clinton and Democrats as teaching the Constitution as empowering citizens to be their own govt, but the entire political machine teaches dependence on the federal level.
As a Democrat I still believe the goals of the party are best obtained by self govt and not this backwards trend of dependence, but sadly there are no strong Constitutional candidates or leaders in the party pushing in that direction and I've had to push for this alone.
I even saw someone about this time yesterday saying that Hillary would get the White House no matter what, because THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED, the ELECTION IS RIGGED.

So.... is this the last we're going to hear of it?

If the system were actually rigged, wouldn't Hillary have won?

The reality appears to be that the last two Republican presidents, Trump and Bush W., have both won without getting the majority of the votes. The system certainly seems rigged, but IN FAVOR OF the Republicans more than anything else.

But if Trump won, it means he lied. Well we all know he was throwing shit and hoping it would stick. It stuck.

So what's your point? It's over. You lost. Best to start dealing with it in a more positive productive manner. Otherwise, you'll end with some nasty ulcers. Ya gotta move on son.

I didn't lose in the way you think I lost. I'm not a Hillary supporter.

In fact it was inevitable that I would lose. It was also inevitable that you would lose too, you just think you won. You didn't.

Oh, being told to be positive, again. I got into an argument with a dick last night telling me to be positive. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be positive about exactly.

Should I have been positive back in 2000?

Well hell, that'd have bitten me on the ass.

Move on? Yeah, like after Trump supporters spend a year calling for change, now they don't want change because they got what they wanted. Well, they think they got what they wanted, their team won the Superbowl and World Series and then they wake up the next day with a headache and have to go back to their miserable lives again.... oh great.
I even saw someone about this time yesterday saying that Hillary would get the White House no matter what, because THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED, the ELECTION IS RIGGED.

So.... is this the last we're going to hear of it?

If the system were actually rigged, wouldn't Hillary have won?

The reality appears to be that the last two Republican presidents, Trump and Bush W., have both won without getting the majority of the votes. The system certainly seems rigged, but IN FAVOR OF the Republicans more than anything else.

But if Trump won, it means he lied. Well we all know he was throwing shit and hoping it would stick. It stuck.

I think if FBI Comey hadn't jumped in 11 days prior to the election, and announced that he was reopening this investigation, Hillary Clinton would be the President elect tonight. Someday they're going to estimate how many people that voted within those 7 days, anticipating that they voted against Clinton because they thought this was very serious, and she would be charged.

In that I think James Comey needs to be fired over, investigated and possibly prosecuted for violating the Hatch Act of 1939. So in this instance, YES the election was rigged for Donald Trump.
I even saw someone about this time yesterday saying that Hillary would get the White House no matter what, because THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED, the ELECTION IS RIGGED.

So.... is this the last we're going to hear of it?

If the system were actually rigged, wouldn't Hillary have won?

The reality appears to be that the last two Republican presidents, Trump and Bush W., have both won without getting the majority of the votes. The system certainly seems rigged, but IN FAVOR OF the Republicans more than anything else.

But if Trump won, it means he lied. Well we all know he was throwing shit and hoping it would stick. It stuck.

I think if FBI Comey hadn't jumped in 11 days prior to the election, and announced that he was reopening this investigation, Hillary Clinton would be the President elect tonight. Someday they're going to estimate how many people that voted within those 7 days, anticipating that they voted against Clinton because they thought this was very serious, and she would be charged.

In that I think James Comey needs to be fired over, investigated and possibly prosecuted for violating the Hatch Act of 1939. So in this instance, YES the election was rigged for Donald Trump.

Yes, I think what he did was wrong. I think early voting has to be taken into consideration. Should be vote at the same time, or based on things not having happened yet. There needs to be rules and regulations about what happens during a certain period before an election too.

It's basically a mess like 2000. Republicans seem to be only able to get elected if A) they're the joke candidate and B) they don't get the majority of the votes.
I even saw someone about this time yesterday saying that Hillary would get the White House no matter what, because THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED, the ELECTION IS RIGGED.

So.... is this the last we're going to hear of it?

If the system were actually rigged, wouldn't Hillary have won?

The reality appears to be that the last two Republican presidents, Trump and Bush W., have both won without getting the majority of the votes. The system certainly seems rigged, but IN FAVOR OF the Republicans more than anything else.

But if Trump won, it means he lied. Well we all know he was throwing shit and hoping it would stick. It stuck.

So what's your point? It's over. You lost. Best to start dealing with it in a more positive productive manner. Otherwise, you'll end with some nasty ulcers. Ya gotta move on son.

I didn't lose in the way you think I lost. I'm not a Hillary supporter.

In fact it was inevitable that I would lose. It was also inevitable that you would lose too, you just think you won. You didn't.

Oh, being told to be positive, again. I got into an argument with a dick last night telling me to be positive. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be positive about exactly.

Should I have been positive back in 2000?

Well hell, that'd have bitten me on the ass.

Move on? Yeah, like after Trump supporters spend a year calling for change, now they don't want change because they got what they wanted. Well, they think they got what they wanted, their team won the Superbowl and World Series and then they wake up the next day with a headache and have to go back to their miserable lives again.... oh great.
Dear frigidweirdo I agree with the proportional representation you brought up in another thread. With this lopsided loss of representation, don't you think people left out would be more receptive to setting up some internal system of representation by party? Like a coalition govt where parties collaborate and meet regularly similar to a people's congress? Sanders used the to push for Green Progressive ideals. What if we invite all third parties to.join with D and use the party structure by precincts to keep meeting organizing and lobbying for reforms that represent these.interests?
I even saw someone about this time yesterday saying that Hillary would get the White House no matter what, because THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED, the ELECTION IS RIGGED.

So.... is this the last we're going to hear of it?

If the system were actually rigged, wouldn't Hillary have won?

The reality appears to be that the last two Republican presidents, Trump and Bush W., have both won without getting the majority of the votes. The system certainly seems rigged, but IN FAVOR OF the Republicans more than anything else.

But if Trump won, it means he lied. Well we all know he was throwing shit and hoping it would stick. It stuck.

I think if FBI Comey hadn't jumped in 11 days prior to the election, and announced that he was reopening this investigation, Hillary Clinton would be the President elect tonight. Someday they're going to estimate how many people that voted within those 7 days, anticipating that they voted against Clinton because they thought this was very serious, and she would be charged.

In that I think James Comey needs to be fired over, investigated and possibly prosecuted for violating the Hatch Act of 1939. So in this instance, YES the election was rigged for Donald Trump.
Dear oreo I can see and appreciate both sides of the media perception and Clintons investigation with emails
1. The left who assume innocence until proven guilty see this announcement as interfering and manipulating public perception toward guilt
2. The right holds that just the existence and transmission of classified materials on the private server ALREADY shows negligence and that's enough to ditch her career as pointed out that other officials lost theirs over less.
(With criminal charges the intent need to be proven in order to meet standards on that level of law. Not negligence that was argued already established with the existence of classified emails on the private server with nothing more required to justify penalty.)

So this is where the bias is coming from. One side argues that negligence was already established and admitted so the bias not to punish Clinton is already in her favor and the opposite of that is the balance contesting the bias.
The other side focuses on no criminal level intent being proven, and any push in that direction is biased and maintaining innocence until proven otherwise is trying to offset the bias.

Isn't it fair to say
* negligence is there so not pursuing this is biased against other officials who have been strung up over less and shows favor toward Clinton
* no criminal intent was found so to keep declaring it otherwise shows bias and exploiting the FBI announcement takes advantage of people who don't know the difference between negligence that is established and criminal intent which isn't proven.

Aren't both sides biased?

I thought it was karma that by not clearing the difference openly between negligence and criminal, this set Clinton up to fail. Avoiding the issue all together opened the door for this to backfire.

Both Clinton and Trump acted as their own worst enemy, making themselves look bad.

I still think it's unbelievable that Trump didn't lose to the third parties racking up votes from citizens so fed up with both sides they voted for neither one!
I even saw someone about this time yesterday saying that Hillary would get the White House no matter what, because THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED, the ELECTION IS RIGGED.

So.... is this the last we're going to hear of it?

If the system were actually rigged, wouldn't Hillary have won?

The reality appears to be that the last two Republican presidents, Trump and Bush W., have both won without getting the majority of the votes. The system certainly seems rigged, but IN FAVOR OF the Republicans more than anything else.

But if Trump won, it means he lied. Well we all know he was throwing shit and hoping it would stick. It stuck.

So what's your point? It's over. You lost. Best to start dealing with it in a more positive productive manner. Otherwise, you'll end with some nasty ulcers. Ya gotta move on son.

I didn't lose in the way you think I lost. I'm not a Hillary supporter.

In fact it was inevitable that I would lose. It was also inevitable that you would lose too, you just think you won. You didn't.

Oh, being told to be positive, again. I got into an argument with a dick last night telling me to be positive. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be positive about exactly.

Should I have been positive back in 2000?

Well hell, that'd have bitten me on the ass.

Move on? Yeah, like after Trump supporters spend a year calling for change, now they don't want change because they got what they wanted. Well, they think they got what they wanted, their team won the Superbowl and World Series and then they wake up the next day with a headache and have to go back to their miserable lives again.... oh great.
Dear frigidweirdo I agree with the proportional representation you brought up in another thread. With this lopsided loss of representation, don't you think people left out would be more receptive to setting up some internal system of representation by party? Like a coalition govt where parties collaborate and meet regularly similar to a people's congress? Sanders used the to push for Green Progressive ideals. What if we invite all third parties to.join with D and use the party structure by precincts to keep meeting organizing and lobbying for reforms that represent these.interests?

Sounds like an awful idea. The Republican Party has the Tea Party within it. It seems to cause lots of problems, and often people don't get a choice of whether to vote Tea Party or for someone else. It stifles up and coming ideas.

Germany had a new party emerge quite quickly over the last few years because of their system. In the US the voice disappears or merges with that of the main party.

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