The systemic racism ploy is not new.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The democrats and statist republicans have a real problem with systemic racism in the US. There is so little of it that it has to be synthesized with rare video events like the George Floyd incident. Much of the national media have become propaganda platforms for the state so information is disguised as news is really nothing more than a national rallying cry for disorder because everything has been tried to unseat a state-unfriendly president. There were no coast-to-coast marches by white folks declaring that black lives don’t matter, there no are white and black drinking fountains and no Americans with different colored skin are forced to sit in the back of busses or airplanes.

According to the statist status quo, systemic racism is everywhere you look even though Ku Klux Klan meetings and marches are rarer than Fotomat huts. This was problematic for the president’s statist foes who had exhausted themselves trying everything including spying for the Russians to take him out. This point in American history will likely go down as the era of propaganda through education, Hollywood and a resurgence of desperate 60’s radicalism.

Racism has been a cash cow for the left in America for so long that they regard a non-racist society as the beginning of the end. The president reached out to black America pointing out that the state had done nothing for them but use them as pawns. When he asked: “What have you got to lose?” Many listened and more are listening. This is a grave threat to the plantation of dependence enriching elites in America by keeping Blacks fooled and afraid to leave. No wonder the state accused him of being a Russian spy; they see the writing on the wall as America’s minorities wake up to the scam.

Now the George Floyd incident has become their Reichstag moment and they are going for broke while statues are dragged to the ground by gullible mobs. The state sees power slipping away so discord and violence are all that is left. We now have a similar bizzaro world that was around with the Weather Underground movement and the Symbionese Liberation Army a half century ago. Bomb-throwing Obama friends Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn must be smiling with vindication.

The more things change, the more the stay the same. Trump will prevail because the collective wisdom of the people will keep him.

Totally agree. The urban riots only galvanize the rest of the population against the lawless democrats.
Look to St Louis and the gun toting lawyers for proof. Even they see the value of the 2nd Amendment and "stand your ground" and "castle doctrine".
The Left has been wishing hard to repeat the "glory days" of the late 60s-early 70s.

The difference is at that time they were seen as political revolutionaries. Radicals.

Now they are merely criminally insane. Mad dogs. Perhaps we will wise up and treat them as such.
The Left has been wishing hard to repeat the "glory days" of the late 60s-early 70s.

The difference is at that time they were seen as political revolutionaries. Radicals.

Now they are merely criminally insane. Mad dogs. Perhaps we will wise up and treat them as such.
With the exception that the Marxist revolutionaries of the 1960s actually had some semblance of an education...Today's "revolutionaries' are dumber than bags of hammers.

That's right: There's NO "systemic racism."

If there were, those violent looting and arson binges (not to mention those fireworks every night) would have been quickly and harshly suppressed.

As we have seen to our astonishment, the powers-that-be are actually on the side of the protesters and actually bowing down to them. Oh, you want a statue taken down? Okey dokey. You want to change a name? Of course.

That "anti-cop movement" is soooooooooo lucky to live in this country, where it is allowed to engage in such nonsense.
The democrats and statist republicans have a real problem with systemic racism in the US. There is so little of it that it has to be synthesized with rare video events like the George Floyd incident. Much of the national media have become propaganda platforms for the state so information is disguised as news is really nothing more than a national rallying cry for disorder because everything has been tried to unseat a state-unfriendly president. There were no coast-to-coast marches by white folks declaring that black lives don’t matter, there no are white and black drinking fountains and no Americans with different colored skin are forced to sit in the back of busses or airplanes.

According to the statist status quo, systemic racism is everywhere you look even though Ku Klux Klan meetings and marches are rarer than Fotomat huts. This was problematic for the president’s statist foes who had exhausted themselves trying everything including spying for the Russians to take him out. This point in American history will likely go down as the era of propaganda through education, Hollywood and a resurgence of desperate 60’s radicalism.

Racism has been a cash cow for the left in America for so long that they regard a non-racist society as the beginning of the end. The president reached out to black America pointing out that the state had done nothing for them but use them as pawns. When he asked: “What have you got to lose?” Many listened and more are listening. This is a grave threat to the plantation of dependence enriching elites in America by keeping Blacks fooled and afraid to leave. No wonder the state accused him of being a Russian spy; they see the writing on the wall as America’s minorities wake up to the scam.

Now the George Floyd incident has become their Reichstag moment and they are going for broke while statues are dragged to the ground by gullible mobs. The state sees power slipping away so discord and violence are all that is left. We now have a similar bizzaro world that was around with the Weather Underground movement and the Symbionese Liberation Army a half century ago. Bomb-throwing Obama friends Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn must be smiling with vindication.

The more things change, the more the stay the same. Trump will prevail because the collective wisdom of the people will keep him.

What can you expect when the communist of the 60s have taken over the education system, the indoctrination starts in pre K now days. All taxpayer funded. That needs to end.

The democrats and statist republicans have a real problem with systemic racism in the US. There is so little of it that it has to be synthesized with rare video events like the George Floyd incident. Much of the national media have become propaganda platforms for the state so information is disguised as news is really nothing more than a national rallying cry for disorder because everything has been tried to unseat a state-unfriendly president. There were no coast-to-coast marches by white folks declaring that black lives don’t matter, there no are white and black drinking fountains and no Americans with different colored skin are forced to sit in the back of busses or airplanes.

According to the statist status quo, systemic racism is everywhere you look even though Ku Klux Klan meetings and marches are rarer than Fotomat huts. This was problematic for the president’s statist foes who had exhausted themselves trying everything including spying for the Russians to take him out. This point in American history will likely go down as the era of propaganda through education, Hollywood and a resurgence of desperate 60’s radicalism.

Racism has been a cash cow for the left in America for so long that they regard a non-racist society as the beginning of the end. The president reached out to black America pointing out that the state had done nothing for them but use them as pawns. When he asked: “What have you got to lose?” Many listened and more are listening. This is a grave threat to the plantation of dependence enriching elites in America by keeping Blacks fooled and afraid to leave. No wonder the state accused him of being a Russian spy; they see the writing on the wall as America’s minorities wake up to the scam.

Now the George Floyd incident has become their Reichstag moment and they are going for broke while statues are dragged to the ground by gullible mobs. The state sees power slipping away so discord and violence are all that is left. We now have a similar bizzaro world that was around with the Weather Underground movement and the Symbionese Liberation Army a half century ago. Bomb-throwing Obama friends Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn must be smiling with vindication.

The more things change, the more the stay the same. Trump will prevail because the collective wisdom of the people will keep him.

What can you expect when the communist of the 60s have taken over the education system, the indoctrination starts in pre K now days. All taxpayer funded. That needs to end.


Furthering my point in #4...The 1960s subversives knew their Marxism, and also understood Lenin in that that it would take millions of ill-educated "useful idiots" to throw away their liberties, in exchange for the mythical baubles of socialist Utopia....Hence the earnest yet totally illiterate twaddling about "democratic socialism" from the college "educated" likes of the Berntards.
The Left has been wishing hard to repeat the "glory days" of the late 60s-early 70s.

The difference is at that time they were seen as political revolutionaries. Radicals.

Now they are merely criminally insane. Mad dogs. Perhaps we will wise up and treat them as such.
With the exception that the Marxist revolutionaries of the 1960s actually had some semblance of an education...Today's "revolutionaries' are dumber than bags of hammers.

They were dumber than a bag of hammers then as well.

If you're interested, find "The Movement Toward A New America" by Mitchell Goodman, 1970. You can find it online.

Essentially a collection of campus counterculture essays, fake news of the time, hippie "free press" rags, etc. It is filled in nearly all ways with the same crap our modern-day Democrats are feeding the kids and the media is disseminating as a matter of course.

Exactly the same.

The Left has been wishing hard to repeat the "glory days" of the late 60s-early 70s.

The difference is at that time they were seen as political revolutionaries. Radicals.

Now they are merely criminally insane. Mad dogs. Perhaps we will wise up and treat them as such.
With the exception that the Marxist revolutionaries of the 1960s actually had some semblance of an education...Today's "revolutionaries' are dumber than bags of hammers.

They were dumber than a bag of hammers then as well.

If you're interested, find "The Movement Toward A New America" by Mitchell Goodman, 1970. You can find it online.

Essentially a collection of campus counterculture essays, fake news of the time, hippie "free press" rags, etc. It is filled in nearly all ways with the same crap our modern-day Democrats are feeding the kids and the media is disseminating as a matter of course.

Exactly the same.


I didn't say that the crap they spewed was any more coherent then than today, just that most of them were relatively well educated people who deep down knew better....Look at how the likes of the Clintons, Obamas, Steyer, Gates, etcetera live their lives, as opposed to what they preach....These are relatively smart people playing down to the lowest of common denominators, all of whom they have had a hand in mal-educating.

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