The Taylor Swift effect

I trust young voters more than I trust MAGA voters
Something the polls won’t reflect
The surge of voting among young voters

Voter registration is spiking, particularly among young adults

Last week, 337,826 people visited a link posted on Instagram by pop star Taylor Swift that directed them to their state's voter registration site.

A huge percentage of the newly registered voters are young people, many voting for the first time.
Encouraging news that we should all hope contributes to the defeat of Trump.
Something the polls won’t reflect
The surge of voting among young voters

Voter registration is spiking, particularly among young adults

Last week, 337,826 people visited a link posted on Instagram by pop star Taylor Swift that directed them to their state's voter registration site.

A huge percentage of the newly registered voters are young people, many voting for the first time.
14 year olds can’t vote, little Leftwhiner.

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