The Ten Commandments


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
After watching the Ten Commandments on TV last night it reminds me of how God, the creator of the earth and he stars, who created man in his own image, was not having one of his better days when he wrote the Ten Commandments. I could have done a better job

I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

So god wrote the ten commandments in response to Moses leading the Hebrews out of Slavery


Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Good commandment, all God needed to say about himself


Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

Kind of creepy actually. God hunting down your children and childrens children for making a graven image. Makes all Catholics sinners. Throw it out


Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

unworthy of a God. Don't call me names! Someone as big as god should be able to take it. Throw it out

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

. God should realize that you should not order people to worship you. A great God will draw people to worship. Throw it out

Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

Good commandment, but I could make it better


Thou shalt not kill.

No brainer, keep it


Thou shalt not commit adultery.

No brainer, keep it


Thou shalt not steal.

No brainer, keep it


Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

No brainer, keep it but be clear to apply to all lying


Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.
Makes no sense. If you covet his wife and do something about it, that is adultery. If you covet his ass (love that one) and take it, that is stealing. But coveting can be good. If I covet your house and work hard to get one like it, that is good. If I covet your ass, I can work hard and offer to buy it from you. Throw this one out
What I would include in my Ten Commandments

1. Thou shall not allow slavery. Moses led the Hebrews out of slavery and struggled to free them. Yet God does not even prohibit slavery in his ten commandments. I would prohibit slavery and order employers to pay an honest wage and order workers to give an honest days work

2. Thou shall be clean in thy person and thy environment. God could have saved hundreds of millions of lives with this one. Sanitation was a major killer of mankind. Keep yourself clean to avoid germs. Do not pollute your drinking water or your environment. Could have prevented the plague and other killer diseases

3. Thou shall not engage in War. War is a practice of man and not God. God should encourage peaceful resolution of conflicts and consider war an act against God

4. Thou shall educate yourself and others. A critical trait of man. Learning and the spread of knowledge. You should strive to learn your whole life and spread knowledge to others

5. I would expand the honor your father and mother to honor your family. Parents should honor their kids, make sure they are fed and clothed and protected. You should work hard to take care of your family
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Every liberal his own god!

That's what Jeffrey Dahmer thought too.

God had a chance and he blew it. My commandments are better. If God reads this board he is welcome to use my commandments
Every liberal his own god!

That's what Jeffrey Dahmer thought too.

God had a chance and he blew it. My commandments are better. If God reads this board he is welcome to use my commandments

Laws that were written 3000 years ago reflect the society that they were written for. Your laws are more in tune with society of today. Both society and the law evolve over time.
Every liberal his own god!

That's what Jeffrey Dahmer thought too.

God had a chance and he blew it. My commandments are better. If God reads this board he is welcome to use my commandments

Laws that were written 3000 years ago reflect the society that they were written for. Your laws are more in tune with society of today. Both society and the law evolve over time.

Which of my commandments do not apply to 3000 years ago?
God had a chance and he blew it. My commandments are better. If God reads this board he is welcome to use my commandments

Laws that were written 3000 years ago reflect the society that they were written for. Your laws are more in tune with society of today. Both society and the law evolve over time.

Which of my commandments do not apply to 3000 years ago?

Slavery was the norm. Sanitation was at best rudimentary. Warmongering was a means of survival. Education was limited to the ruling classes. Women and children were chattels.
Laws that were written 3000 years ago reflect the society that they were written for. Your laws are more in tune with society of today. Both society and the law evolve over time.

Which of my commandments do not apply to 3000 years ago?

Slavery was the norm. Sanitation was at best rudimentary. Warmongering was a means of survival. Education was limited to the ruling classes. Women and children were chattels.

Moses freed the Hebrews from slavery and God does not even see it as wrong?

Sanitation was key, God should have known that.

War is wrong. Going to war and claiming God is on your side is even worse. War is an act of man....not God

Education was critical even before books. Learn key skills.....teach them to others. It is part of civilization.
What I would include in my Ten Commandments

1. Thou shall not allow slavery. Moses led the Hebrews out of slavery and struggled to free them. Yet God does not even prohibit slavery in his ten commandments. I would prohibit slavery and order employers to pay an honest wage and order workers to give an honest days work

2. Thou shall be clean in thy person and thy environment. God could have saved hundreds of millions of lives with this one. Sanitation was a major killer of mankind. Keep yourself clean to avoid germs. Do not pollute your drinking water or your environment. Could have prevented the plague and other killer diseases

3. Thou shall not engage in War. War is a practice of man and not God. God should encourage peaceful resolution of conflicts and consider war an act against God

4. Thou shall educate yourself and others. A critical trait of man. Learning and the spread of knowledge. You should strive to learn your whole life and spread knowledge to others

5. I would expand the honor your father and mother to honor your family. Parents should honor their kids, make sure they are fed and clothed and protected. You should work hard to take care of your family

Clearly the right would call these the ‘commie commandments.’

With regard to the OP, evidence to the fact that the ten ‘commandments’ were written by men, not a god.
What I would include in my Ten Commandments

1. Thou shall not allow slavery. Moses led the Hebrews out of slavery and struggled to free them. Yet God does not even prohibit slavery in his ten commandments. I would prohibit slavery and order employers to pay an honest wage and order workers to give an honest days work

2. Thou shall be clean in thy person and thy environment. God could have saved hundreds of millions of lives with this one. Sanitation was a major killer of mankind. Keep yourself clean to avoid germs. Do not pollute your drinking water or your environment. Could have prevented the plague and other killer diseases

3. Thou shall not engage in War. War is a practice of man and not God. God should encourage peaceful resolution of conflicts and consider war an act against God

4. Thou shall educate yourself and others. A critical trait of man. Learning and the spread of knowledge. You should strive to learn your whole life and spread knowledge to others

5. I would expand the honor your father and mother to honor your family. Parents should honor their kids, make sure they are fed and clothed and protected. You should work hard to take care of your family

Clearly the right would call these the ‘commie commandments.’

With regard to the OP, evidence to the fact that the ten ‘commandments’ were written by men, not a god.

Which is my point. If I could write better commandments than God, then God mustn't have written the originals
What I would include in my Ten Commandments

1. Thou shall not allow slavery. Moses led the Hebrews out of slavery and struggled to free them. Yet God does not even prohibit slavery in his ten commandments. I would prohibit slavery and order employers to pay an honest wage and order workers to give an honest days work

2. Thou shall be clean in thy person and thy environment. God could have saved hundreds of millions of lives with this one. Sanitation was a major killer of mankind. Keep yourself clean to avoid germs. Do not pollute your drinking water or your environment. Could have prevented the plague and other killer diseases

3. Thou shall not engage in War. War is a practice of man and not God. God should encourage peaceful resolution of conflicts and consider war an act against God

4. Thou shall educate yourself and others. A critical trait of man. Learning and the spread of knowledge. You should strive to learn your whole life and spread knowledge to others

5. I would expand the honor your father and mother to honor your family. Parents should honor their kids, make sure they are fed and clothed and protected. You should work hard to take care of your family

Clearly the right would call these the ‘commie commandments.’

With regard to the OP, evidence to the fact that the ten ‘commandments’ were written by men, not a god.

Which is my point. If I could write better commandments than God, then God mustn't have written the originals

I can hear the shrill screeching of the Christian fundies accusing you of being your own gawd.

But your point is made, why cant the gods proof read their work and get it right the first time?

For that matter, why a book of god? The gods should have known that humans writing books was a prescription for disaster. Why not the message aloft in the sky, always before us, unaltered by the “corruptive” hand of man— in no single language but understandable by all, even children, even before they can read? Imagine—unaltered, no dispute—clear knowledge that something beyond the natural world communicates with us mere mortals! Why not the words emblazoned in our minds-- a common hardwired realization not needing external verification but no two people could ever utter a conflicting phrase, just like none of us use our ears to see light (we all use our eyes to see light-- this is hardwired into us). Just a couple of suggestions by a "mere mortal" that escapes the ability of all the collective powers of all the gods ever claimed to have existed...
Which of my commandments do not apply to 3000 years ago?

Slavery was the norm. Sanitation was at best rudimentary. Warmongering was a means of survival. Education was limited to the ruling classes. Women and children were chattels.

Moses freed the Hebrews from slavery and God does not even see it as wrong?

Sanitation was key, God should have known that.

War is wrong. Going to war and claiming God is on your side is even worse. War is an act of man....not God

Education was critical even before books. Learn key skills.....teach them to others. It is part of civilization.

Your point is taken. Thank you.
It doesn't say do not kill. It says "Do not murder".

There is a big difference.
If one looks at the first four of the 10 commandments one has to conclude that they are the ravings of a SUPREME EGOIST.

I have always doubted the possibility that an entity capable of inventing the universe would be SO DAMNED PETTY.
If one looks at the first four of the 10 commandments one has to conclude that they are the ravings of a SUPREME EGOIST.

I have always doubted the possibility that an entity capable of inventing the universe would be SO DAMNED PETTY.

It is a flawed universe after all so therefore the "creator" must also have flaws.
:D Of course that flies in the face of the "perfection" belief.
If one looks at the first four of the 10 commandments one has to conclude that they are the ravings of a SUPREME EGOIST.

I have always doubted the possibility that an entity capable of inventing the universe would be SO DAMNED PETTY.

It COULD be seen that way, of course.

But think about a person writing, drawing, or creating something unique. They do not wish for someone else to "steal" or take credit for a creation that was not theirs, right?

It's like God's "All rights reserved" sign.:cool:

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