The Three Amigos: Ron Johnson, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz Issue Blunt Warning For Biden About Debt Ceiling, Johnson proposes 4 solutions to balance budget

“Joe Biden wants to threaten a default. He wants to scare the markets,” Ted Cruz says in GOP presser demanding budget cuts in exchange for debt limit like

Can you link to the budget cuts Cruz demanded when he signed off on debt limit hikes 3 times for Trump?
Love it. Republicans going to stand on a just and righteous hill over the debt ceiling. Making a stand over money...that's already been allocated and spent.

Way to go GOP! My heroes! :auiqs.jpg:
If it has already been allocated and spent, why would we need to borrow more?
They lost the high ground in this issue when they green lit the atrocious amount of spending under Trump.

That is what happens when you get in bed with the devil, everyone knows you are just being a dishonest hack.
thankfully with Republicans party in power in Washington, fiscally sanity will be restored!

I'm grateful I didn't have a mouthful of coffee when I read the opening line of the OP. It was almost as funny as Kevin McCarthy sternly intoning "I have integrity" as his reasons for banning Schiff and Swallwell from the House Intelligence Committee. Right after saying he was seating George Santos, or whatever is real name is, on the Business Committee.

3 economic crashes in the past 40 years - all under Republican Presidents, after they massively cut taxes for the wealthy and/or corporations.

All 3 Republican Presidents went on MASSIVE spending sprees after cutting taxes. All three massively increased unemployment and poverty on their watches. If that's definition of "fiscal sanity", I can't imagine what you think "fiscal insanity" would be.

I always thought that the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result. Republicans are already talking about cutting taxes yet again.
“Joe Biden wants to threaten a default. He wants to scare the markets,” Ted Cruz says in GOP presser demanding budget cuts in exchange for debt limit like

Ted Cruz is demanding something?????? Ted Cruz approved every dollar that Donald Trump spent. Ted Cruz bears a share of personal responsibility for 25% of the current debt of the nation, and NOW that a Democrat is in office, Ted wants cuts to the spending he voted for?????

What a fucking hypocrite!!!

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