THE TITANIC IS SINKING! This is your last chance to jump ship and save some of your dignity.

Do you still believe in Impeachment with regard to Ukraine?

  • I never supported it

  • I supported it but now see I was misled

  • I want Trump our regardless of the facts so impeach away

  • I STILL believe there was a QUID PRO QUO

Results are only viewable after voting.
As all the hard evidence says Trump is guilty, of course I support the impeachment. He's going to be impeached, and history will regard those opposing that some sort of disgusting human scum that put party over country.

When you have the facts on your side, pound the facts.
When you have the law on your side, pound the law.
When you have nothing, pound the table.

Democrats are pounding the facts.

Republicans are pounding the table.

Trump cultists, on a scale of 10 to 10, how much does it bother you that most of the nation thinks you're bonkers and corrupt? At this stage, you're only useful of examples of how mindless cult devotion leads to the abandonment of morality and common sense.

Remember Trumptards, drunk, stupid and butthurt is no way to go through life.
Here is one going down with the ship.
Are you high or just senile?

Gramps, you used to not be such a bitter mindless partisan hack. What changed you? Was it the butthurt?

Do you understand that your rage-weeping has zero effect on reality?

Your corrupt GodKing is still getting impeached, no matter how hysterical you get.

Your party is still getting massacred in 2020, no matter how much whistling past the graveyard you try.

Best I can tell, you all think this is some kind of SafeSpace, which is why the Trumptards are patting each others' hair and saying "There, there". You're here seeking comfort in each others' arms in your time of darkness.
What world are you in. This clown show is proving how desperate you people are. You know you cannot beat him in a election. So you pull this stunt. Trump will be reelected and we will also get a super majority in both houses. Then Trump will get his choice in judges to turn the supreme court conservative. I also hope for the reward of your stupidity, the judges rule that an unborn baby is a human life.
And as I watch networks like CNN and MSNBC, they're (predictably) saying that Trump is nailed, and that his world and presidency are falling apart in real time.
You mean ANY network outside of Fox don't you? It's not just CNN and MSNBC, but ALL print news as well. If all they are watching is Fox, they are not coming from a fact or reality based standing.

That's one small clip with no commentary. If you actually got your news from PBS and not Fox, you would not have started this thread.
Commentary is not necessary. The exchange speaks for itself.
The ONLY evidence that is contrary to this actual evidence is based on FEELINGS & SUPPOSITION

Only you left out when that call was placed like the dishonest piece of shit that you are.
No. Moron. These hearings are the way the Constitution says that we put a check on presidential abuse of power.

The impeachment process, especially when the DOJ refuses to indict a sitting president, is the only remedy available to the citizenry when the president fails to uphold his end of the bargain.

The process is, by definition, political. The man committed the offenses. Screaming "politics!!" is no reason to not hold the president accountable.

Other presidents have done much worse than ask a foreign leader for "a favor". ...things that ended up getting people killed. Those people will never be held accountable.

Sorry. No. Trump.tried to use the power of his office to force a foreign entity to interfere in our elections for his personal gain. Period.

You bringing up some things that other presidents have done in the course of doing the nation's business does not erase that fact.

You either accept corruption from your presdient or you don't. You either want to protect our elections from foreign interference or you don't. You either sand that the POTUS has limits placed on him or you don't.


If Hunter Biden wasn't exploiting his dad's political clout in a manner most corrupt then you wouldn't be able to play the "election interference" angle.

That's been proven false. Biden's son got a gig due to his name. But Joe never did a fucking thing to help him or that company in any way. In fact, what Joe did was harmful to the company.

Want to talk Trump yet? Or are you going to continue deflecting?

Hunter kept on "working" at that company until 2019 so apparently Joe didn't harm them too much... Unlike Trump asking for a favor, Biden's corruption was obvious, blatant and purely for monetary gain and there's no way in hell Joe didn't know about it.

Joe Biden did what he did on behalf of the nation. Trump did what he did on behalf of himself. Fuck off now. You're boring.
Are you high or just senile?

Gramps, you used to not be such a bitter mindless partisan hack. What changed you? Was it the butthurt?

Do you understand that your rage-weeping has zero effect on reality?

Your corrupt GodKing is still getting impeached, no matter how hysterical you get.

Your party is still getting massacred in 2020, no matter how much whistling past the graveyard you try.

Best I can tell, you all think this is some kind of SafeSpace, which is why the Trumptards are patting each others' hair and saying "There, there". You're here seeking comfort in each others' arms in your time of darkness.
What world are you in. This clown show is proving how desperate you people are. You know you cannot beat him in a election. So you pull this stunt. Trump will be reelected and we will also get a super majority in both houses. Then Trump will get his choice in judges to turn the supreme court conservative. I also hope for the reward of your stupidity, the judges rule that an unborn baby is a human life.
"unborn baby"?
There are no unborn babies.
Poor "I'm with Her >" doof. If only it were a real crime to Obstruct Hillary from the White House.


Keep on pounding that table. We'll keep pounding the facts. And there are more rational people than cultists in the USA.

Pelosi NEVER brings this Hindenburg Titanic to a vote to send to the Senate

Frank, given your perfect record of failure on every prediction you've ever made, we can now be absolutely certain impeachment will happen.
What fact do you have? You seem to leave that out, you know what happened to the little boy that cried wolf.
Are you high or just senile?

Gramps, you used to not be such a bitter mindless partisan hack. What changed you? Was it the butthurt?

Do you understand that your rage-weeping has zero effect on reality?

Your corrupt GodKing is still getting impeached, no matter how hysterical you get.

Your party is still getting massacred in 2020, no matter how much whistling past the graveyard you try.

Best I can tell, you all think this is some kind of SafeSpace, which is why the Trumptards are patting each others' hair and saying "There, there". You're here seeking comfort in each others' arms in your time of darkness.
What world are you in. This clown show is proving how desperate you people are. You know you cannot beat him in a election. So you pull this stunt. Trump will be reelected and we will also get a super majority in both houses. Then Trump will get his choice in judges to turn the supreme court conservative. I also hope for the reward of your stupidity, the judges rule that an unborn baby is a human life.
"unborn baby"?
There are no unborn babies.
You call them fetuses, but with this fiasco. Trump will get reelected with a supermajority in both houses. Just remind people of the pussy hat fiasco. The Kavanaugh fiasco. Russia gate and now the Ukraine fiasco. Just how has the democrats done for the average American? I'll tell ya, nothing. They want their power back and screw us.
Yet every one with a brain knows the left has been trying to get rid of trump before he was elected..

So this is just s kangaroo court, for show.


Yes. The left has wanted this corrupt and divisive weirdo to not be our president since before he was elected.

Still, he is the one who committed impeachable offenses. He's the one who lies to Americans every day. The fact that he's going to be impeached is on him.

Don't worry, lemming. The Senate will not vote to convict and he will serve out his term. The voters will decide his fate.

so you admit that he won't be removed from office and this spectacle that costs who knows how much is all to hopefully effect the election in your favor.

No. Moron. These hearings are the way the Constitution says that we put a check on presidential abuse of power.

The impeachment process, especially when the DOJ refuses to indict a sitting president, is the only remedy available to the citizenry when the president fails to uphold his end of the bargain.

The process is, by definition, political. The man committed the offenses. Screaming "politics!!" is no reason to not hold the president accountable.

Other presidents have done much worse than ask a foreign leader for "a favor". ...things that ended up getting people killed. Those people will never be held accountable.

Sorry. No. Trump.tried to use the power of his office to force a foreign entity to interfere in our elections for his personal gain. Period.

You bringing up some things that other presidents have done in the course of doing the nation's business does not erase that fact.

You either accept corruption from your presdient or you don't. You either want to protect our elections from foreign interference or you don't. You either sand that the POTUS has limits placed on him or you don't.

Cute fantasy. It's a shame for you that there is zero credible evidence to back up your claim.
Yes. The left has wanted this corrupt and divisive weirdo to not be our president since before he was elected.

Still, he is the one who committed impeachable offenses. He's the one who lies to Americans every day. The fact that he's going to be impeached is on him.

Don't worry, lemming. The Senate will not vote to convict and he will serve out his term. The voters will decide his fate.

so you admit that he won't be removed from office and this spectacle that costs who knows how much is all to hopefully effect the election in your favor.

No. Moron. These hearings are the way the Constitution says that we put a check on presidential abuse of power.

The impeachment process, especially when the DOJ refuses to indict a sitting president, is the only remedy available to the citizenry when the president fails to uphold his end of the bargain.

The process is, by definition, political. The man committed the offenses. Screaming "politics!!" is no reason to not hold the president accountable.

Other presidents have done much worse than ask a foreign leader for "a favor". ...things that ended up getting people killed. Those people will never be held accountable.

Sorry. No. Trump.tried to use the power of his office to force a foreign entity to interfere in our elections for his personal gain. Period.

You bringing up some things that other presidents have done in the course of doing the nation's business does not erase that fact.

You either accept corruption from your presdient or you don't. You either want to protect our elections from foreign interference or you don't. You either sand that the POTUS has limits placed on him or you don't.

Cute fantasy. It's a shame for you that there is zero credible evidence to back up your claim.

I wil do with that what I do with all such silliness.

I will choose to believe that you are defending and supporting a corrupt and incompetent moron out of ignorance and not malice.

It is my sincere hope that you and every American who has yet to grasp reality will soon awake from your stupor.
so you admit that he won't be removed from office and this spectacle that costs who knows how much is all to hopefully effect the election in your favor.

No. Moron. These hearings are the way the Constitution says that we put a check on presidential abuse of power.

The impeachment process, especially when the DOJ refuses to indict a sitting president, is the only remedy available to the citizenry when the president fails to uphold his end of the bargain.

The process is, by definition, political. The man committed the offenses. Screaming "politics!!" is no reason to not hold the president accountable.

Other presidents have done much worse than ask a foreign leader for "a favor". ...things that ended up getting people killed. Those people will never be held accountable.

Sorry. No. Trump.tried to use the power of his office to force a foreign entity to interfere in our elections for his personal gain. Period.

You bringing up some things that other presidents have done in the course of doing the nation's business does not erase that fact.

You either accept corruption from your presdient or you don't. You either want to protect our elections from foreign interference or you don't. You either sand that the POTUS has limits placed on him or you don't.

Cute fantasy. It's a shame for you that there is zero credible evidence to back up your claim.

I wil do with that what I do with all such silliness.

I will choose to believe that you are defending and supporting a corrupt and incompetent moron out of ignorance and not malice.

It is my sincere hope that you and every American who has yet to grasp reality will soon awake from your stupor.

The left walked around in a stupor for 8 years under that recent stain, Obama.
so you admit that he won't be removed from office and this spectacle that costs who knows how much is all to hopefully effect the election in your favor.

No. Moron. These hearings are the way the Constitution says that we put a check on presidential abuse of power.

The impeachment process, especially when the DOJ refuses to indict a sitting president, is the only remedy available to the citizenry when the president fails to uphold his end of the bargain.

The process is, by definition, political. The man committed the offenses. Screaming "politics!!" is no reason to not hold the president accountable.

Other presidents have done much worse than ask a foreign leader for "a favor". ...things that ended up getting people killed. Those people will never be held accountable.

Sorry. No. Trump.tried to use the power of his office to force a foreign entity to interfere in our elections for his personal gain. Period.

You bringing up some things that other presidents have done in the course of doing the nation's business does not erase that fact.

You either accept corruption from your presdient or you don't. You either want to protect our elections from foreign interference or you don't. You either sand that the POTUS has limits placed on him or you don't.

Cute fantasy. It's a shame for you that there is zero credible evidence to back up your claim.

I wil do with that what I do with all such silliness.

I will choose to believe that you are defending and supporting a corrupt and incompetent moron out of ignorance and not malice.

It is my sincere hope that you and every American who has yet to grasp reality will soon awake from your stupor.

You can believe any damned fantasy you wish. But I have yet to see any credible evidence of trump wrongdoing.

You had the most biased and unethical people investigating him for two fucking years and they couldn't find a damned thing.

That tells me he ain't what you claim.

There HAS been plenty of evidence of Democrat criminality though. Interesting that you choose to ignore real evidence while believing in fantasy.
I find it hard to believe you are being serious. This is just so far out there based on the ACTUAL evidence

According to you, 70+% of America is insane. That's the percentage that says what Trump did was illegal and immoral.

Does that give you pause? Or does your overwhelming narcissism make you think that you can't possibly be wrong about anything?

You're either really dumb or a professional troll...

Being that you're part of a hysterical shrieking minority which keeps saying things that aren't even remotely related to reality, you don't get to call the normal people dumb. Sure, you can, but you're like a flat-earther screaming that all the round-earthers are brainwashed.

Oh, let me guess. The polls are a conspiracy. The evidence is a conspiracy. Everything is a conspiracy, right?

The fact that you have to say everything is a conspiracy reinforces the point that you're a brainwashed cultist, just bleating what he was told to bleat.

"According to you, 70+% of America is insane. That's the percentage that says what Trump did was illegal and immoral."

Then you shouldnt have a problem posting what he actually did that was illegal or immoral.
I STILL believe there was a QUID PRO QUO but I would have also selected I never supported it if enabled. I don't believe these congressional hearings during this and the previous administration have ever been about justice but more toward keeping the country's political discussion focused negatively towards a political opponent. I find it ironic that the Democrats are using their position in congress in somewhat familiar fashion as I believe Trump engaged in.
1. The impeachment process is imploding.
2. The new IG reports on the FBI are explosive.
3. Hunter/Joe Biden have been implicated in crimes by Ukrainian officials.
4. The media is running false gotcha headlines after Shifty Shitts lies to them.
5. The Ambassador who actually spoke to trump ADMITTED the president wanted nothing.

This is the last port of entry for the Titanics maiden and doomed voyage.
Are you smart enough to disembark now or are you going down with this ship?
Provide real deal links to back these lies up. Everything you said is a lie.

Sondland's testimony was the nail in the coffin. The Quid Pro Quo is undeniable. were saying?
President Trump Tweets a 1 Minute Video Summary of Ambassador Sondland’s Testimony that Has The Left Fuming – Investment Watch
5. The Ambassador who actually spoke to trump ADMITTED the president wanted nothing.
He admitted that's what Trump said to him. Trump then immediately said he wanted Zelensky to 'do the right thing'. So Trump lied there. Trump also wanted a 'favour'. So Trump lied there, too. Trump lies to everyone all the time, that's what he does.

Uh....Zelensky ran on ending corruption you dimwit.
As I thought, you can post no evidence.

You've seen the testimony.

You're just lying.

You'd best hope the atheists are right, or you're in for a toasty eternity.

Sure we saw it. A bunch of people with no first hand knowledge of anything. Hearsay. No evidence of any wrong doing by Trump at all.

Trump will have a another four years to drive you lefty loon dipshits crazy.

Enjoy. I sure will LOL

Are you suggesting that those with firsthand knowledge should all testify?

They dont have any witnesses with first hand knowledge.
What fact do you have? You seem to leave that out, you know what happened to the little boy that cried wolf.

I have the testimony. And all of it says Trump is guilty. It really is that simple.

And since a very strong majority of the country agrees with that, I don't have to spend hours retyping the testimony. You can stomp your little cult feet and repeatedly demand it, but I can just compare your tantrums to those of flat-earthers repeatedly demanding evidence of the round earth, and then laugh my ass off. You're part of the hysterical kook fringe minority, so you're the one who has to prove your case. And you can't. You can't even make a case, much less prove one.

So why are you here? You have to know that your playing-dumb act isn't fooling anyone outside of the cult. None of the Trump cultists here are changing a thing by playing dumb and throwing tantrums. Trump will still be impeached, and the Republicans will still be slaughtered in 2020. I think most of them are just demonstrating to the other cultists that they themselves are still loyal to their Stalinist cult. Given how unstable and violent most Trump cultists are, I can see why they'd want to do that. The Army had to put Lt. Col. Vindman and his family under protective custody for a good reason.

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