THE TITANIC IS SINKING! This is your last chance to jump ship and save some of your dignity.

Do you still believe in Impeachment with regard to Ukraine?

  • I never supported it

  • I supported it but now see I was misled

  • I want Trump our regardless of the facts so impeach away

  • I STILL believe there was a QUID PRO QUO

Results are only viewable after voting.
Yet every one with a brain knows the left has been trying to get rid of trump before he was elected..

So this is just s kangaroo court, for show.


Yes. The left has wanted this corrupt and divisive weirdo to not be our president since before he was elected.

Still, he is the one who committed impeachable offenses. He's the one who lies to Americans every day. The fact that he's going to be impeached is on him.

Don't worry, lemming. The Senate will not vote to convict and he will serve out his term. The voters will decide his fate.

so you admit that he won't be removed from office and this spectacle that costs who knows how much is all to hopefully effect the election in your favor.

No. Moron. These hearings are the way the Constitution says that we put a check on presidential abuse of power.

The impeachment process, especially when the DOJ refuses to indict a sitting president, is the only remedy available to the citizenry when the president fails to uphold his end of the bargain.

The process is, by definition, political. The man committed the offenses. Screaming "politics!!" is no reason to not hold the president accountable.

Other presidents have done much worse than ask a foreign leader for "a favor". ...things that ended up getting people killed. Those people will never be held accountable.

Sorry. No. Trump.tried to use the power of his office to force a foreign entity to interfere in our elections for his personal gain. Period.

You bringing up some things that other presidents have done in the course of doing the nation's business does not erase that fact.

You either accept corruption from your presdient or you don't. You either want to protect our elections from foreign interference or you don't. You either sand that the POTUS has limits placed on him or you don't.


If Hunter Biden wasn't exploiting his dad's political clout in a manner most corrupt then you wouldn't be able to play the "election interference" angle.
so you admit that he won't be removed from office and this spectacle that costs who knows how much is all to hopefully effect the election in your favor.

No. Moron. These hearings are the way the Constitution says that we put a check on presidential abuse of power.

The impeachment process, especially when the DOJ refuses to indict a sitting president, is the only remedy available to the citizenry when the president fails to uphold his end of the bargain.

The process is, by definition, political. The man committed the offenses. Screaming "politics!!" is no reason to not hold the president accountable.

ing an election for 3 years

Sorry, dummy. That's not what's happening.

Something so obvious and you say it's not true?

What's next water is not wet?
Actually, we complain about Trump because of his childish name calling & hate spewing., his stupid decisions that are killing America, his lying, his disrespect for our veterans, After working for 8 years to recover from the last Republican President, here comes Trump & skyrockets the deficits. You elected the King of Debt & expected something else?

What you thought quantitative easing didn't come with a price tag?
Yes. The left has wanted this corrupt and divisive weirdo to not be our president since before he was elected.

Still, he is the one who committed impeachable offenses. He's the one who lies to Americans every day. The fact that he's going to be impeached is on him.

Don't worry, lemming. The Senate will not vote to convict and he will serve out his term. The voters will decide his fate.

so you admit that he won't be removed from office and this spectacle that costs who knows how much is all to hopefully effect the election in your favor.

No. Moron. These hearings are the way the Constitution says that we put a check on presidential abuse of power.

The impeachment process, especially when the DOJ refuses to indict a sitting president, is the only remedy available to the citizenry when the president fails to uphold his end of the bargain.

The process is, by definition, political. The man committed the offenses. Screaming "politics!!" is no reason to not hold the president accountable.

Other presidents have done much worse than ask a foreign leader for "a favor". ...things that ended up getting people killed. Those people will never be held accountable.

Sorry. No. Trump.tried to use the power of his office to force a foreign entity to interfere in our elections for his personal gain. Period.

You bringing up some things that other presidents have done in the course of doing the nation's business does not erase that fact.

You either accept corruption from your presdient or you don't. You either want to protect our elections from foreign interference or you don't. You either sand that the POTUS has limits placed on him or you don't.


If Hunter Biden wasn't exploiting his dad's political clout in a manner most corrupt then you wouldn't be able to play the "election interference" angle.

That's been proven false. Biden's son got a gig due to his name. But Joe never did a fucking thing to help him or that company in any way. In fact, what Joe did was harmful to the company.

Want to talk Trump yet? Or are you going to continue deflecting?
As all the hard evidence says Trump is guilty, of course I support the impeachment. He's going to be impeached, and history will regard those opposing that some sort of disgusting human scum that put party over country.

When you have the facts on your side, pound the facts.
When you have the law on your side, pound the law.
When you have nothing, pound the table.

Democrats are pounding the facts.

Republicans are pounding the table.

Trump cultists, on a scale of 10 to 10, how much does it bother you that most of the nation thinks you're bonkers and corrupt? At this stage, you're only useful of examples of how mindless cult devotion leads to the abandonment of morality and common sense.

Remember Trumptards, drunk, stupid and butthurt is no way to go through life.

Dims are pounding each other, as usual.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
so you admit that he won't be removed from office and this spectacle that costs who knows how much is all to hopefully effect the election in your favor.

No. Moron. These hearings are the way the Constitution says that we put a check on presidential abuse of power.

The impeachment process, especially when the DOJ refuses to indict a sitting president, is the only remedy available to the citizenry when the president fails to uphold his end of the bargain.

The process is, by definition, political. The man committed the offenses. Screaming "politics!!" is no reason to not hold the president accountable.

Other presidents have done much worse than ask a foreign leader for "a favor". ...things that ended up getting people killed. Those people will never be held accountable.

Sorry. No. Trump.tried to use the power of his office to force a foreign entity to interfere in our elections for his personal gain. Period.

You bringing up some things that other presidents have done in the course of doing the nation's business does not erase that fact.

You either accept corruption from your presdient or you don't. You either want to protect our elections from foreign interference or you don't. You either sand that the POTUS has limits placed on him or you don't.


If Hunter Biden wasn't exploiting his dad's political clout in a manner most corrupt then you wouldn't be able to play the "election interference" angle.

That's been proven false. Biden's son got a gig due to his name. But Joe never did a fucking thing to help him or that company in any way. In fact, what Joe did was harmful to the company.

Want to talk Trump yet? Or are you going to continue deflecting?

Hunter kept on "working" at that company until 2019 so apparently Joe didn't harm them too much... Unlike Trump asking for a favor, Biden's corruption was obvious, blatant and purely for monetary gain and there's no way in hell Joe didn't know about it.
Please post the hard evidence. We've been asking for weeks.

Missed the hearings?

Oh, that's right. You're not actually that stupid. You're just playing stupid as a form of dishonesty.

The trouble for you is that the rest of the nation isn't buying your dumb act. Everyone outside of your cult knows you're lying. Lie all you want here, it has no effect on the real world.
Better question is did YOU watch the hearings? Nothing but opinion, hearsay and presumption on display. If you have actual evidence, post it.
if you go to bed at night with no snow on the ground,

and then when you wake up in the morning and there is 6 inches of snow on the ground!

Because you were not a first hand witness to it snowing overnight,

does that mean, that it did not snow overnight? Really?
Being a first hand witness, or having a first hand witness, is not always necessary... to determine the facts.


Perhaps not.

However, if there is no snow on the ground, and those testifying about the snow indicate that they merely presumed that snow was there without looking to see that there was not, even in the face of others who by their direct observation state there was not, then the second and third-hand witnesses are merely spewing their personal presumptions, perhaps driven by a personal desire that snow be found.

It is not evidence. Best of luck.
As I thought, you can post no evidence.

You've seen the testimony.

You're just lying.

You'd best hope the atheists are right, or you're in for a toasty eternity.

Sure we saw it. A bunch of people with no first hand knowledge of anything. Hearsay. No evidence of any wrong doing by Trump at all.

Trump will have a another four years to drive you lefty loon dipshits crazy.

Enjoy. I sure will LOL

Are you suggesting that those with firsthand knowledge should all testify?

I'm confident that if necessary, they will be happy to for the Senate.

I suspect Schiff may be called as well. Wouldn't that be amusing?
And as I watch networks like CNN and MSNBC, they're (predictably) saying that Trump is nailed, and that his world and presidency are falling apart in real time.
You mean ANY network outside of Fox don't you? It's not just CNN and MSNBC, but ALL print news as well. If all they are watching is Fox, they are not coming from a fact or reality based standing.[/QUOTE]
Was it the butthurt?

Senile it is....

Butthurt? What Butthurt lol

Even if the house does vote to impeach its DOA in the Senate so what's to be butthurt about?
If anything it's entertaining watching the left make complete fools of themselves.

There is no doubt Trump is not a statesman but no one ever thought he was. He was elected BECAUSE of previous so called statesmen.
I have to laugh when you assfucks actually claim to have voted for a business cheat, conman, liar, women abuser, and proven fraud on purpose.

Even if that were the case, which it is not, it's a far better choice than any living Democrat.
And as I watch networks like CNN and MSNBC, they're (predictably) saying that Trump is nailed, and that his world and presidency are falling apart in real time.
You mean ANY network outside of Fox don't you? It's not just CNN and MSNBC, but ALL print news as well. If all they are watching is Fox, they are not coming from a fact or reality based standing.
1. The impeachment process is imploding.
2. The new IG reports on the FBI are explosive.
3. Hunter/Joe Biden have been implicated in crimes by Ukrainian officials.
4. The media is running false gotcha headlines after Shifty Shitts lies to them.
5. The Ambassador who actually spoke to trump ADMITTED the president wanted nothing.

This is the last port of entry for the Titanics maiden and doomed voyage.
Are you smart enough to disembark now or are you going down with this ship?

Wow, so many dumbfuck Trumpettes post here.

Trump is now tied to the extortion along with Pence, Perry, Pompeo,Guiliani, Mulvaney.

After the phone call was going to get outed, Trump scrambled to hide it. The money was sent to the Ukraine & Drupmpf ran in circles screamiong " OMG OMFG No Quid Pro Quo!!!"

And you dipshits still don't get it.

A phone call made in September. After the whistleblower complaint was filed.

Trump lying to cover his fat ass.
And as I watch networks like CNN and MSNBC, they're (predictably) saying that Trump is nailed, and that his world and presidency are falling apart in real time.
You mean ANY network outside of Fox don't you? It's not just CNN and MSNBC, but ALL print news as well. If all they are watching is Fox, they are not coming from a fact or reality based standing.

That's one small clip with no commentary. If you actually got your news from PBS and not Fox, you would not have started this thread.
Hunter kept on "working" at that company until 2019 so apparently Joe didn't harm them too much

You fukkin dopes.

By getting the corrupt prosecutor who was investigating NOTHING (which was the problem) removed, if there was anything nefarious with Burisma...Biden would have actually put his son and his son's company in the crosshairs of a prosecutor who WOULD investigate corruption.

Your idiocy makes no sense and you have nothing but innuendo...which is Trumper stock in trade
As all the hard evidence says Trump is guilty, of course I support the impeachment. He's going to be impeached, and history will regard those opposing that some sort of disgusting human scum that put party over country.

When you have the facts on your side, pound the facts.
When you have the law on your side, pound the law.
When you have nothing, pound the table.

Democrats are pounding the facts.

Republicans are pounding the table.

Trump cultists, on a scale of 10 to 10, how much does it bother you that most of the nation thinks you're bonkers and corrupt? At this stage, you're only useful of examples of how mindless cult devotion leads to the abandonment of morality and common sense.
Are you high or just senile?
I was just thinking that he wasn't mentally stable.
Trump must be shitting himself!!!!!

Why? Sondland pretty much exonerated him

Are you insane? You're not stupid. So you must be insane.

Nope, just not a delusional TDS sufferer

Had you watched Sondland's entire testimony and not the just the bits on FOX, you would realize that Sondland eviserated Trump, Pompeo and Bolton, throwing all of them under the bus, saying they knew exactly what he was saying and doing. How can it be a rogue foreign policy when the President, Secretary of State and the NSA are all kept in the loop?

The :popcorn: maker I bought last week just for the impeachment, is getting quite the workout.
And as I watch networks like CNN and MSNBC, they're (predictably) saying that Trump is nailed, and that his world and presidency are falling apart in real time.
You mean ANY network outside of Fox don't you? It's not just CNN and MSNBC, but ALL print news as well. If all they are watching is Fox, they are not coming from a fact or reality based standing.

That's one small clip with no commentary. If you actually got your news from PBS and not Fox, you would not have started this thread.
Commentary is not necessary. The exchange speaks for itself.
The ONLY evidence that is contrary to this actual evidence is based on FEELINGS & SUPPOSITION

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