THE TITANIC IS SINKING! This is your last chance to jump ship and save some of your dignity.

Do you still believe in Impeachment with regard to Ukraine?

  • I never supported it

  • I supported it but now see I was misled

  • I want Trump our regardless of the facts so impeach away

  • I STILL believe there was a QUID PRO QUO

Results are only viewable after voting.
As all the hard evidence says Trump is guilty, of course I support the impeachment. He's going to be impeached, and history will regard those opposing that some sort of disgusting human scum that put party over country.

When you have the facts on your side, pound the facts.
When you have the law on your side, pound the law.
When you have nothing, pound the table.

Democrats are pounding the facts.

Republicans are pounding the table.

Trump cultists, on a scale of 10 to 10, how much does it bother you that most of the nation thinks you're bonkers and corrupt? At this stage, you're only useful of examples of how mindless cult devotion leads to the abandonment of morality and common sense.

Remember Trumptards, drunk, stupid and butthurt is no way to go through life.
disgusting human scum that put party over country.
that describes both parties....
Missed the hearings?

The ONLY evidence presented in the hearings was evidence that the left lack critical thinking skills.

There has been NOTHING but feelings masquerading as evidence presented in these hearings. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to see through the emotional bullshit presented.
If this thing crashes and burns, it's hard to see how the political careers of Pelosi and other senior Democrats will survive.

you are stating the obvious


I'm not sure how obvious it is. Democrats have been known to survive worse...


There's an old adage in politics. There are only two things guaranteed to kill a political career, getting caught with a dead girl or a live boy.

Sometimes, not even that.

yes....I know about that sad episode

but Pelosi is another story,

Get your story right
Poor "I'm with Her >" doof. If only it were a real crime to Obstruct Hillary from the White House.


Keep on pounding that table. We'll keep pounding the facts. And there are more rational people than cultists in the USA.

Pelosi NEVER brings this Hindenburg Titanic to a vote to send to the Senate

Frank, given your perfect record of failure on every prediction you've ever made, we can now be absolutely certain impeachment will happen.
Since every account from first hand sources confirm no attempt by Trump to do anything untoward you have nothing and that you are to stupid to see that proves just how insane you are.
As all the hard evidence says Trump is guilty, of course I support the impeachment. He's going to be impeached, and history will regard those opposing that some sort of disgusting human scum that put party over country.

When you have the facts on your side, pound the facts.
When you have the law on your side, pound the law.
When you have nothing, pound the table.

Democrats are pounding the facts.

Republicans are pounding the table.

Trump cultists, on a scale of 10 to 10, how much does it bother you that most of the nation thinks you're bonkers and corrupt? At this stage, you're only useful of examples of how mindless cult devotion leads to the abandonment of morality and common sense.
Are you high or just senile?

Sounds like he's pounding the Tequila worm again
Titanic Demoncrat ship is sinking....good

now we need the Patriots to take the gloves off.... give them traitors hell.....give them hell....neutralize them now.

not tomorrow....not the day after....neutralize deep state traitors NOW.


Neutralize them? how much baking soda do you think that will take?
Titanic Demoncrat ship is sinking....good

now we need the Patriots to take the gloves off.... give them traitors hell.....give them hell....neutralize them now.

not tomorrow....not the day after....neutralize deep state traitors NOW.


Neutralize them? how much baking soda do you think that will take?

lots dear....


but it will be done
1. The impeachment process is imploding.
2. The new IG reports on the FBI are explosive.
3. Hunter/Joe Biden have been implicated in crimes by Ukrainian officials.
4. The media is running false gotcha headlines after Shifty Shitts lies to them.
5. The Ambassador who actually spoke to trump ADMITTED the president wanted nothing.

This is the last port of entry for the Titanics maiden and doomed voyage.
Are you smart enough to disembark now or are you going down with this ship?

Yeah, the only downside now is, if Trump actually does do something, I don't think the opposition will have the credibility to oppose him.
That's not a good sign.

But this is why you don't keep yelling wolf, when there is no wolf yet.
Stupid democraps..... We're all worse off because of this.
The ONLY evidence presented in the hearings was evidence that the left lack critical thinking skills.

Remember what the Bible says about the behavior of the Trump cult (adjusted to reflect the modern day).
22 “The time came when Hillary Clinton died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The Trump cultist also died and was buried.

23 In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Hillary Clinton by his side.

24 So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Hillary Clinton to dip the tip of her finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’

25 “But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Hillary Clinton received bad things, but now she is comforted here and you are in agony.

26 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’

27 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Hillary Clinton to my family,

28 for I have five brothers. Let her warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’

29 “Abraham replied, ‘They have Mamooth and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’

30 “‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’

31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Mamooth and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”
The ONLY evidence presented in the hearings was evidence that the left lack critical thinking skills.

Remember what the Bible says about the behavior of the Trump cult (adjusted to reflect the modern day).
22 “The time came when Hillary Clinton died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The Trump cultist also died and was buried.

23 In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Hillary Clinton by his side.

24 So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Hillary Clinton to dip the tip of her finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’

25 “But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Hillary Clinton received bad things, but now she is comforted here and you are in agony.

26 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’

27 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Hillary Clinton to my family,

28 for I have five brothers. Let her warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’

29 “Abraham replied, ‘They have Mamooth and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’

30 “‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’

31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Mamooth and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”
The bible?


How desperate are you ffs.

BTW I don't believe in "God" so now what?

Poor "I'm with Her >" doof. If only it were a real crime to Obstruct Hillary from the White House.


Keep on pounding that table. We'll keep pounding the facts. And there are more rational people than cultists in the USA.

Pelosi NEVER brings this Hindenburg Titanic to a vote to send to the Senate

Frank, given your perfect record of failure on every prediction you've ever made, we can now be absolutely certain impeachment will happen.

You predicted "Trump has no path to the White House" "Hillary 400+EV"

I said "2019/2020 will be the most decisive years since 1776"

After the Stalinist democrat Party vanishes as a national Party by this time next year, will you register as Socialist or Communist?
Titanic Demoncrat ship is sinking....good

now we need the Patriots to take the gloves off.... give them traitors hell.....give them hell....neutralize them now.

not tomorrow....not the day after....neutralize deep state traitors NOW.


Neutralize them? how much baking soda do you think that will take?

lots dear....


but it will be done

Ha ha ... ok, I was just concerned we wouldn't have nearly enough in the baking soda factories... and you know I always prefer the scientific method! neutralized and shipped to mars!

You predicted "Trump has no path to the White House" "Hillary 400+EV"

How was I to know Comey would deliberately throw the election to Trump? How was I to know Republicans would support Russian meddling? At the time, I thought there were limits to Republican depravity. I now know better. Look at you. You're still proud of being a Russian stooge.

I said "2019/2020 will be the most decisive years since 1776"

I an agree there. The treasonous Stalinist Shitstains of the Trump cult are going on the ash heap of history.

As your Stalinist cult is your entire life, I hope you'll be okay after it collapses.

And no, you won't be prosecuted. It's not a crime to be stupid and brainwashed.
You predicted "Trump has no path to the White House" "Hillary 400+EV"

How was I to know Comey would deliberately throw the election to Trump? How was I to know Republicans would support Russian meddling? At the time, I thought there were limits to Republican depravity. I now know better. Look at you. You're still proud of being a Russian stooge.

I said "2019/2020 will be the most decisive years since 1776"

I an agree there. The treasonous Stalinist Shitstains of the Trump cult are going on the ash heap of history.

As your Stalinist cult is your entire life, I hope you'll be okay after it collapses.

And no, you won't be prosecuted. It's not a crime to be stupid and brainwashed.

Assassinate a political foe is the only thing the left has to offer, you should be ashamed
Have no fear, somewhere in the anus of the current Dimocrat House, F-Tard Dims are already planning their next Trump smear campaign.

These people are not smart enough to know when to quit.

By the way...Trump flipped the 11th Circuit Court today. More winning.
He's already made a significant impact on the country by seating a large number of less Liberal judges and that will steer our nation away from the clutches of Progressive evil for decades to come.

Hopefully he'll stop putting Rino's pretending to be conservatives on the SCOTUS.
We need at least a few true blood conservatives on the court. There are ZERO at this point.
The bible?


Trump cultists are all liars.

There's no "it's okay to lie about liberals" subclause. Liars burn in hell.

Trump cultists may think they've cut a special deal with Satan for a luxury suite in Hell, but he's the Lord of Lies, and he doesn't keep his deals.

I'm just trying to save some souls from hellfire.
You predicted "Trump has no path to the White House" "Hillary 400+EV"

How was I to know Comey would deliberately throw the election to Trump? How was I to know Republicans would support Russian meddling? At the time, I thought there were limits to Republican depravity. I now know better. Look at you. You're still proud of being a Russian stooge.

I said "2019/2020 will be the most decisive years since 1776"

I an agree there. The treasonous Stalinist Shitstains of the Trump cult are going on the ash heap of history.

As your Stalinist cult is your entire life, I hope you'll be okay after it collapses.

And no, you won't be prosecuted. It's not a crime to be stupid and brainwashed.

Assassinate a political foe is the only thing the left has to offer, you should be ashamed

The enemies of the President will go first

you mark my words!


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