THE TITANIC IS SINKING! This is your last chance to jump ship and save some of your dignity.

Do you still believe in Impeachment with regard to Ukraine?

  • I never supported it

  • I supported it but now see I was misled

  • I want Trump our regardless of the facts so impeach away

  • I STILL believe there was a QUID PRO QUO

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You predicted "Trump has no path to the White House" "Hillary 400+EV"

How was I to know Comey would deliberately throw the election to Trump? How was I to know Republicans would support Russian meddling? At the time, I thought there were limits to Republican depravity. I now know better. Look at you. You're still proud of being a Russian stooge.

I said "2019/2020 will be the most decisive years since 1776"

I an agree there. The treasonous Stalinist Shitstains of the Trump cult are going on the ash heap of history.

As your Stalinist cult is your entire life, I hope you'll be okay after it collapses.

And no, you won't be prosecuted. It's not a crime to be stupid and brainwashed.
Comey kept Hillary out of prison. How many other candidates were the subject of a FBI investigation?
I find it hard to believe you are being serious. This is just so far out there based on the ACTUAL evidence

According to you, 70+% of America is insane. That's the percentage that says what Trump did was illegal and immoral.

Does that give you pause? Or does your overwhelming narcissism make you think that you can't possibly be wrong about anything?

You're either really dumb or a professional troll...

Being that you're part of a hysterical shrieking minority which keeps saying things that aren't even remotely related to reality, you don't get to call the normal people dumb. Sure, you can, but you're like a flat-earther screaming that all the round-earthers are brainwashed.

Oh, let me guess. The polls are a conspiracy. The evidence is a conspiracy. Everything is a conspiracy, right?

The fact that you have to say everything is a conspiracy reinforces the point that you're a brainwashed cultist, just bleating what he was told to bleat.
If this thing crashes and burns, it's hard to see how the political careers of Pelosi and other senior Democrats will survive.
AOC Smiles
1. The impeachment process is imploding.
2. The new IG reports on the FBI are explosive.
3. Hunter/Joe Biden have been implicated in crimes by Ukrainian officials.
4. The media is running false gotcha headlines after Shifty Shitts lies to them.
5. The Ambassador who actually spoke to trump ADMITTED the president wanted nothing.

This is the last port of entry for the Titanics maiden and doomed voyage.
Are you smart enough to disembark now or are you going down with this ship?
Provide real deal links to back these lies up. Everything you said is a lie.

Sondland's testimony was the nail in the coffin. The Quid Pro Quo is undeniable.
Are you high or just senile?

Gramps, you used to not be such a bitter mindless partisan hack. What changed you? Was it the butthurt?

Do you understand that your rage-weeping has zero effect on reality?

Your corrupt GodKing is still getting impeached, no matter how hysterical you get.

Your party is still getting massacred in 2020, no matter how much whistling past the graveyard you try.

Best I can tell, you all think this is some kind of SafeSpace, which is why the Trumptards are patting each others' hair and saying "There, there". You're here seeking comfort in each others' arms in your time of darkness.

I think if you read Gramps posts and objectively compare them to your own, it will become quite clear which of you is "butthurt" or "hysterical"
1. The impeachment process is imploding.
2. The new IG reports on the FBI are explosive.
3. Hunter/Joe Biden have been implicated in crimes by Ukrainian officials.
4. The media is running false gotcha headlines after Shifty Shitts lies to them.
5. The Ambassador who actually spoke to trump ADMITTED the president wanted nothing.

This is the last port of entry for the Titanics maiden and doomed voyage.
Are you smart enough to disembark now or are you going down with this ship?
Ken Starr On Fox: Will GOP Senators Ask Trump To Resign?

This sums it up nicely...
He's going to be impeached

He's not.

That's absolutely delusional.

He may not be convicted, but given all the hard evidence, evidence that only the most shameless partisan hacks are still trying to deny, he's going to be impeached.

You've fallen for your own dishonest propaganda. The rest of the country hasn't. Congress hasn't. Hence, Trump will be impeached, because the evidence says he's guilty.

Now, pound the table some more. It's not going to stop the ongoing avalanche of facts, but it's all you can do.
1. The impeachment process is imploding.
2. The new IG reports on the FBI are explosive.
3. Hunter/Joe Biden have been implicated in crimes by Ukrainian officials.
4. The media is running false gotcha headlines after Shifty Shitts lies to them.
5. The Ambassador who actually spoke to trump ADMITTED the president wanted nothing.

This is the last port of entry for the Titanics maiden and doomed voyage.
Are you smart enough to disembark now or are you going down with this ship?

Did you actually watch the hearings or just the bullshit questioning by the Republicans on FOX?

Weasel worded questions, and twisting themselves into pretzels to deny the obvious: Donald Trump abused the power of his office to bribe and extort a public declaration of investigations of the DNC and the Biden’s.

I made popcorn and watched all 11 hours of hearings while knitting hats for the craft show this weekend.

Trump must be shitting himself!!!!!
Please post the hard evidence. We've been asking for weeks.

Missed the hearings?

Oh, that's right. You're not actually that stupid. You're just playing stupid as a form of dishonesty.

The trouble for you is that the rest of the nation isn't buying your dumb act. Everyone outside of your cult knows you're lying. Lie all you want here, it has no effect on the real world.
Better question is did YOU watch the hearings? Nothing but opinion, hearsay and presumption on display. If you have actual evidence, post it.
if you go to bed at night with no snow on the ground,

and then when you wake up in the morning and there is 6 inches of snow on the ground!

Because you were not a first hand witness to it snowing overnight,

does that mean, that it did not snow overnight? Really?
Being a first hand witness, or having a first hand witness, is not always necessary... to determine the facts.

With all due respect, Mamooth...if this farce were taking place in an actual courtroom...90% of the testimony I've heard so far wouldn't be admissible because it's all hearsay. The judge would be calling you to the bench to ask if that's all you've got and then dismissing the case with an admonition not to waste the court's time with such a weak case!

Good thing this is the investigation then, and not the trial.

Now, pound that table some more. It's all you can do. It won't stop the avalanche of facts pointing out Trump's guilt, but you literally don't care about the facts.
Comey kept Hillary out of prison.

No, not being guilty of anything kept Hillary out of prison. Despite the best efforts of the Republicans, they couldn't fake any crimes to pin on her.

I understand Stalinists can't understand that. To them, all opponents of TheParty are automatically guilty.

How many other candidates were the subject of a FBI investigation?

One that wouldn't have happened if it wasn't a Clinton.
1. The impeachment process is imploding.
2. The new IG reports on the FBI are explosive.
3. Hunter/Joe Biden have been implicated in crimes by Ukrainian officials.
4. The media is running false gotcha headlines after Shifty Shitts lies to them.
5. The Ambassador who actually spoke to trump ADMITTED the president wanted nothing.

This is the last port of entry for the Titanics maiden and doomed voyage.
Are you smart enough to disembark now or are you going down with this ship?

Did you actually watch the hearings or just the bullshit questioning by the Republicans on FOX?

Weasel worded questions, and twisting themselves into pretzels to deny the obvious: Donald Trump abused the power of his office to bribe and extort a public declaration of investigations of the DNC and the Biden’s.

I made popcorn and watched all 11 hours of hearings while knitting hats for the craft show this weekend.

Trump must be shitting himself!!!!!
me too! Only I was crocheting coasters and potholders in Christmas colors! :D
This is going to be one of "those" threads. One where we drag it out after the election and laugh at how silly the democommiecrats were.

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