THE TITANIC IS SINKING! This is your last chance to jump ship and save some of your dignity.

Do you still believe in Impeachment with regard to Ukraine?

  • I never supported it

  • I supported it but now see I was misled

  • I want Trump our regardless of the facts so impeach away

  • I STILL believe there was a QUID PRO QUO

Results are only viewable after voting.
1. The impeachment process is imploding.
2. The new IG reports on the FBI are explosive.
3. Hunter/Joe Biden have been implicated in crimes by Ukrainian officials.
4. The media is running false gotcha headlines after Shifty Shitts lies to them.
5. The Ambassador who actually spoke to trump ADMITTED the president wanted nothing.

This is the last port of entry for the Titanics maiden and doomed voyage.
Are you smart enough to disembark now or are you going down with this ship?
Provide real deal links to back these lies up. Everything you said is a lie.

Sondland's testimony was the nail in the coffin. The Quid Pro Quo is undeniable.
Even Shifty Schiff gave up on quid pro quo. Do keep up.
As all the hard evidence says Trump is guilty, of course I support the impeachment. He's going to be impeached, and history will regard those opposing that some sort of disgusting human scum that put party over country.

When you have the facts on your side, pound the facts.
When you have the law on your side, pound the law.
When you have nothing, pound the table.

Democrats are pounding the facts.

Republicans are pounding the table.

Trump cultists, on a scale of 10 to 10, how much does it bother you that most of the nation thinks you're bonkers and corrupt? At this stage, you're only useful of examples of how mindless cult devotion leads to the abandonment of morality and common sense.

Remember Trumptards, drunk, stupid and butthurt is no way to go through life.
I'm not a true diehard Trump supporter.

I'm not a Republican...

But you????

Need to find a hobby.

You fucking idiots make it seriously hard to be a Democrat anymore...

Give this bullshit a rest...

Please... for Christ sake.

Talk about drunk.... 10 sheets to the wind...




You are...

Butthurt... ?

Pull your head out of your ass and you may...

Possibly find some relief for what ails you...
Titanic Demoncrat ship is sinking....good

now we need the Patriots to take the gloves off.... give them traitors hell.....give them hell....neutralize them now.

not tomorrow....not the day after....neutralize deep state traitors NOW.


Neutralize them? how much baking soda do you think that will take?
You spelled Lime wrong.

Muriatic acid is a favorable solution
I'm not a true diehard Trump supporter.

And yet you went into a rambling rant when simply I pointed out Trump was guilty. You certainly quack like a Trump duck.

Maybe it's the alcohol. Don't drink and post.

You fucking idiots make seriously hard to be a Democrat anymore...

Concern troll here is very concerned that strong democrats will win elections.
As all the hard evidence says Trump is guilty, of course I support the impeachment. He's going to be impeached, and history will regard those opposing that some sort of disgusting human scum that put party over country.

When you have the facts on your side, pound the facts.
When you have the law on your side, pound the law.
When you have nothing, pound the table.

Democrats are pounding the facts.

Republicans are pounding the table.

Trump cultists, on a scale of 10 to 10, how much does it bother you that most of the nation thinks you're bonkers and corrupt? At this stage, you're only useful of examples of how mindless cult devotion leads to the abandonment of morality and common sense.

Remember Trumptards, drunk, stupid and butthurt is no way to go through life.

And yet you clearly are.
I'm not a true diehard Trump supporter.

And yet you went into a rambling rant when simply I pointed out Trump was guilty. You certainly quack like a Trump duck.

Maybe it's the alcohol. Don't drink and post.

You fucking idiots make seriously hard to be a Democrat anymore...

Concern troll here is very concerned that strong democrats will win elections.


Not a concern troll..

Doesn't matter who occupies what office...

The results never change.

Get a life.
Better question is did YOU watch the hearings? Nothing but opinion, hearsay and presumption on display.

Again, what do you think that playing dumb is going to accomplish?

Everyone knows you're lying.

Trump is still getting impeached.

The nation is still going to reject you in 2020.

You're like a flat-earther screaming for evidence of the round earth. Nobody cares.

I do understand why you do this. You do it for cult approval. For cult sheep like you, that's the most important thing.

The election of Trump has really wreaked havoc on a lot of the weaker lefties such as yourself.

The only thing you have left to help you cope with the trauma are a few insults, so over used they're worthless, a couple names you throw out there here and there and the pathetic bleats of the defeated.

You will not answer anyones questions of you and everyone here knows why. Every bone head thing you crazy fucks do, you immediately start blithering on about the righties doing it. That's how we know what you shysters are up to...just see what they're accusing us of this time.

And Pelosi, Schiff, Waters et al are playing you pitifuls as chumps and you people are so fucking dumb you white knight for these with their boots on your face.

I don't think a free junk ass phone is worth it.

Please post the hard evidence. We've been asking for weeks.

Missed the hearings?

Oh, that's right. You're not actually that stupid. You're just playing stupid as a form of dishonesty.

The trouble for you is that the rest of the nation isn't buying your dumb act. Everyone outside of your cult knows you're lying. Lie all you want here, it has no effect on the real world.
Better question is did YOU watch the hearings? Nothing but opinion, hearsay and presumption on display. If you have actual evidence, post it.
if you go to bed at night with no snow on the ground,

and then when you wake up in the morning and there is 6 inches of snow on the ground!

Because you were not a first hand witness to it snowing overnight,

does that mean, that it did not snow overnight? Really?
Being a first hand witness, or having a first hand witness, is not always necessary... to determine the facts.




5. The Ambassador who actually spoke to trump ADMITTED the president wanted nothing.
He admitted that's what Trump said to him. Trump then immediately said he wanted Zelensky to 'do the right thing'. So Trump lied there. Trump also wanted a 'favour'. So Trump lied there, too. Trump lies to everyone all the time, that's what he does.
The election of Trump has really wreaked havoc on a lot of the weaker lefties such as yourself.

And yet you're the one who just directed a meltdown post at me. Your grip on sanity seems tenuous.

I've had dozens of pout-stalkers before, so you're nothing new. You're ahead of schedule. Usually, I have to humiliate someone directly before they try a "WAAAA! MAMOOTH IS SO MEAN! WAAAA!" post. All I can say is that it never ends well for my pout-stalkers. They go into a sanity death spiral. Try to pull out of it before it's too late.

You will not answer anyones questions of you

Being you just lied to my face, why should I continue to speak you?

It's not that I can't handle butthurt liars. It's just that cult liars are boring. You're not dumb enough to be truly amusing, yet you're not smart enough to say anything worthwhile. You're just another bleating sheep in the Trump herd, and we already have dozens of those.
Anyone that believed it, even for a second, after that months and months of Russia Hoax?

. . . has to be the biggest gullible fool on the planet.
Not a concern troll..

But a "both sides are just as bad" troll. Those are usually libertarians, when they're not Russian trolls, but they spent most of their time hating on Democrats, making them effectively GOP shills.

That's not a problem. Just be up front about the bias. The "I talk about hating Democrats all day, but I'm so unbiased" thing just doesn't fly.
Anyone that believed it, even for a second, after that months and months of Russia Hoax?

Anyone saying the collusion wasn't proven is one of the biggest gullible fools on the planet.

Your problem is you believed what Barr said, instead of what Mueller said. That makes you a grade-A moron.
It is hard to believe the Democrats were given an opportunity to stack the deck against Trump, but yet came out of all this looking like fools. I almost felt bad for Adam Schiff today. He is a smart guy, but greedy for power and it got the best of him. The Democrats have overplayed their hand every time over the last few years. The smart move would be to retreat and tell their media partners to pretend it never happened. Just like Mueller, it would all be forgotten long before the 2020 campaigns heat up. But, do they have the good sense to "know when to fold em"? I dont know.
5. The Ambassador who actually spoke to trump ADMITTED the president wanted nothing.
He admitted that's what Trump said to him. Trump then immediately said he wanted Zelensky to 'do the right thing'. So Trump lied there. Trump also wanted a 'favour'. So Trump lied there, too. Trump lies to everyone all the time, that's what he does.
Interesting interpretation you have.
It is hard to believe the Democrats were given an opportunity to stack the deck against Trump, but yet came out of all this looking like fools. I almost felt bad for Adam Schiff today. He is a smart guy, but greedy for power and it got the best of him. The Democrats have overplayed their hand every time over the last few years. The smart move would be to retreat and tell their media partners to pretend it never happened. Just like Mueller, it would all be forgotten long before the 2020 campaigns heat up. But, do they have the good sense to "know when to fold em"? I dont know.
Democrats were going to try to overturn the 2016 election the day after it happened.
It is hard to believe the Democrats were given an opportunity to stack the deck against Trump, but yet came out of all this looking like fools. I almost felt bad for Adam Schiff today. He is a smart guy, but greedy for power and it got the best of him. The Democrats have overplayed their hand every time over the last few years. The smart move would be to retreat and tell their media partners to pretend it never happened. Just like Mueller, it would all be forgotten long before the 2020 campaigns heat up. But, do they have the good sense to "know when to fold em"? I dont know.
Democrats were going to try to overturn the 2016 election the day after it happened.

That is right. However, it must be clear to them that they have a losing hand. The only play for the Dems at this point is to cut their losses, retreat and live to fight another day. Talk about celebrating a win before the game is over. Schiff made a fool of himself today. Classic strategic error.

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