The Top 5 Issues Facing Black Americans


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
This is so true.

The left has convinced many to blame others. This victim-hood mentality means there will never be a solution to the poverty or crime in the predominantly black neighborhoods. Because they believe someone else is at fault, they do nothing to improve themselves. The left has done such a good job of conditioning people to see themselves as victims, they remain in the same rut because they don't understand that they have control over their lives, not some nameless, faceless racist. No one is holding them back but their own misguided beliefs.

The left, after declaring them victims, convinced them that there are owed something. So, they take welfare. They remain on it because government acts as the baby daddy. This has destroyed the black families, particularly in inner cities. Again, they depend on government to fix a problem that they blame someone else for causing. Why look to themselves when nothing is their responsibility?

The Dem controlled cities, like Detroit, Baltimore, and Chicago are the worst places for anyone to live. The blacks in the ghettos have suffered for years and yet so many don't catch on to the fact that the left has been "helping" them for decades and yet nothing changes. Still waiting for government to find all the racists holding them back? Racism is not responsible for the woes of blacks.

Black on black crime is what they should fear most. They should also fear leftists who claim to want to help them because that "help" has made them worse off than ever before. If the Dems who have controlled some cities for decades wanted minorities to advance, they would have long ago. Wake up and realize that they want these victims to keep voting for them and not realizing that the Dems run on the same promises every time. How many decades of hearing the same bullshit will it take before minorities realize that the left doesn't want them off government doles?

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Fake news that's what Trump says..
especially with no link..
She just made it all up. Stream of consciousness. Probably never seen a black person in real life.

Careful, your ignorance is showing. You are one who likes to blame others so problems never get solved. How can any minority elevate themselves if they are too busy blaming someone else? Blame it on racism and call it a day- the left's motto. You didn't watch the video. It's a black person offering the explanation. Or as you leftists would call him- a traitor Uncle Tom.

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This is so true.

The left has convinced many to blame others. This victim-hood mentality means there will never be a solution to the poverty or crime in the predominantly black neighborhoods. Because they believe someone else is at fault, they do nothing to improve themselves. The left has done such a good job of conditioning people to see themselves as victims, they remain in the same rut because they don't understand that they have control over their lives, not some nameless, faceless racist. No one is holding them back but their own misguided beliefs.

The left, after declaring them victims, convinced them that there are owed something. So, they take welfare. They remain on it because government acts as the baby daddy. This has destroyed the black families, particularly in inner cities. Again, they depend on government to fix a problem that they blame someone else for causing. Why look to themselves when nothing is their responsibility?

The Dem controlled cities, like Detroit, Baltimore, and Chicago are the worst places for anyone to live. The blacks in the ghettos have suffered for years and yet so many don't catch on to the fact that the left has been "helping" them for decades and yet nothing changes. Still waiting for government to find all the racists holding them back? Racism is not responsible for the woes of blacks.

Black on black crime is what they should fear most. They should also fear leftists who claim to want to help them because that "help" has made them worse off than ever before. If the Dems who have controlled some cities for decades wanted minorities to advance, they would have long ago. Wake up and realize that they want these victims to keep voting for them and not realizing that the Dems run on the same promises every time. How many decades of hearing the same bullshit will it take before minorities realize that the left doesn't want them off government doles?

Always humorous when a non-black tries to tell blacks what they should be concerned about as a group. Carry on.
Fake news that's what Trump says..

Common sense is fake news? You think blaming other people solves problems? If a person decides to play the victim, that means they will never take responsibility for their own life and do what is necessary to improve their situation. It's not rocket science. Leftists like playing the blame game and pretending that government handouts are the solution. How's that working out for the majority of black who continue to live in poverty?

Why is it that they think they can cry racism instead of finishing school and actually doing more for themselves? Are they waiting till the last racist is wiped off the face of the earth before they quit making excuses and get off their butts?

Educated minorities are the ones speaking out and wondering when others will wake up and realize that leftists want them in poverty and dependent on government. It's the only way to ensure votes and make sure the voters aren't educated enough to think for themselves. It encourages people to do nothing for themselves. This applies to minorities and whites, though the left has mainly targeted minorities. It's minorities they use for political gain and they do it by conditioning them to lean on government and blame racists for all their woes. White people can't blame racists for their stupid decisions.

I am tired of people dismissing logic because it wasn't discussed by the pundits at CNN. Get real, already, and think about things for a moment.

Can you distinguish between independent thought and talking points? The left says racists are to blame for black poverty even though most poor blacks live in Dem-controlled states and have for decades. You't think those politicians would have done something by now, wouldn't you?

At least under Trump, the unemployment for all, including minorities, is low. Only leftists get pissed about that because they fear losing their little sheep.

And the defensive comments here tell me that some don't distinguish between liberals and leftists. I know the radical left controls the Dem party now so I take it that some former liberals here have taken the plunge and embraced the leftwing movement. Interesting.
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Look at ol' deranged bernie tellin all them white folk how racist they are.

Bernie Says Many Whites ‘Uncomfortable’ Voting for Black Candidates. What About Obama?

I agree, he is deranged.

Bernie is a fucking idiot. Amazing some of the crap that comes out of the left and the little sheep suck it up.

Many of us wanted Herman Cain and Ben Carson. Oh wait, I forgot, they are Republicans so they aren't real blacks, just Uncle Toms.

An Asian women just got elected to the senate. She's intelligent and has done some amazing things. But, wait, she is a Republican so the women's libs and left won't acknowledge her.

They are too busy fawning over the idiot Cortez in NY or the Muslim woman who believes in sharia law. The left celebrates subservient women. Unbelievable that so many liberals have readily embraced the radical leftist movement. Liberals used to hate government and love freedom. Now they are willing to give everything up so a massive government can run our lives.
Fake news that's what Trump says..
especially with no link..
She just made it all up. Stream of consciousness. Probably never seen a black person in real life.
They have pictures of scary black folks online.

What the hell are you talking about moonbeam? Blacks are speaking out against other blacks who foolishly believe the line of crap dished out by leftists. The left teaches them to blame racism so the people will never do anything to improve their lives. They will wait forever for government to fix the problem and never take responsibility for themselves. Vicious cycle that can only be broken by realizing the truth and ignoring the radical leftists trying to divide and destroy us. I take it you have gone from liberal to radical leftist now and no longer believe in people or freedom.
Prager U is Fake News

Got anything legitimate?
Look at ol' deranged bernie tellin all them white folk how racist they are.

Bernie Says Many Whites ‘Uncomfortable’ Voting for Black Candidates. What About Obama?

I agree, he is deranged.

Bernie is a fucking idiot. Amazing some of the crap that comes out of the left and the little sheep suck it up.

Many of us wanted Herman Cain and Ben Carson. Oh wait, I forgot, they are Republicans so they aren't real blacks, just Uncle Toms.

An Asian women just got elected to the senate. She's intelligent and has done some amazing things. But, wait, she is a Republican so the women's libs and left won't acknowledge her.

They are too busy fawning over the idiot Cortez in NY or the Muslim woman who believes in sharia law. The left celebrates subservient women. Unbelievable that so many liberals have readily embraced the radical leftist movement. Liberals used to hate government and love freedom. Now they are willing to give everything up so a massive government can run our lives.

Yep, left loves subservient women. Theyve tacked hard towards a nihilistic socialist dystopia. Its bizarre but its happening.
Did any of you naysayers even watch the video? As far as I saw, everything he said was absolutely true.

Of course the Dems here are going to attack and mock it, because it clearly shows that Dem policies have failed Blacks in a major way. (Most, not all Blacks. The smart ones saw the scam and got off the Democratic plantation long ago.) Which reminds me of this quote:


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