The top ten reasons not to vote Republican in the midterms

The fact that some people make more money than others has become a major issue with Democrats. Republicans accept this because it's only common-sense. We all can't be totally equal. We can have equal opportunities, but can't be guaranteed equal results. Democrats claim that you should be able to make the same as somebody else regardless of your time on the job, or your natural work progression because of your sex. Doesn't matter if a woman spends half of the year home sick for one reason or another. According to the Left, she deserved to progress the same way men do. So in their drive to force equality they instead favor one group over another.

This has to be the premier conservative straw man of our time. Nobody is asking for equal results. That's clearly unattainable and undesirable. There has to be some incentive to excel. But if you can't see that the levels of inequality are rising and unsustainable, I don't know how to make it more obvious. Wealth inequality has reached such epic proportions that it's not even about excelling any longer. It's about crushing the people under you for personal gain.

Really? You are barred from purchasing stock? Investing in oil or gold? Owning a home or car?
Received a decrease in pay from your employer?

Wealth building requires risk and savings. Have you been willing to do either?

Whine all you want about folks doing better than yourself. It just shows your greed and poorly placed belief you are entitled to something another has.

Yes, I have stocks and a 401k and a paid-off house and all the trappings of American success. But I'm not the average American. When our major corporations and financial system have been allowed to ransack the country for the benefit of a very few to the point of making it impossible for the average guy to even participate in the system, it's not hard to see that we're in for a fall. And I'm not so well off that I'll be able to escape it. I would guess that nobody on this forum is.
Yup, and the Democrats had nothing to do with any of this.

They were certainly complicit. I can admit that democrats aren't much better than republicans. Are you willing to admit that republicans aren't much better than democrats?
The fact that some people make more money than others has become a major issue with Democrats. Republicans accept this because it's only common-sense. We all can't be totally equal. We can have equal opportunities, but can't be guaranteed equal results. Democrats claim that you should be able to make the same as somebody else regardless of your time on the job, or your natural work progression because of your sex. Doesn't matter if a woman spends half of the year home sick for one reason or another. According to the Left, she deserved to progress the same way men do. So in their drive to force equality they instead favor one group over another.

This has to be the premier conservative straw man of our time. Nobody is asking for equal results. That's clearly unattainable and undesirable. There has to be some incentive to excel. But if you can't see that the levels of inequality are rising and unsustainable, I don't know how to make it more obvious. Wealth inequality has reached such epic proportions that it's not even about excelling any longer. It's about crushing the people under you for personal gain.

Really? You are barred from purchasing stock? Investing in oil or gold? Owning a home or car?
Received a decrease in pay from your employer?

Wealth building requires risk and savings. Have you been willing to do either?

Whine all you want about folks doing better than yourself. It just shows your greed and poorly placed belief you are entitled to something another has.

Yes, I have stocks and a 401k and a paid-off house and all the trappings of American success. But I'm not the average American. When our major corporations and financial system have been allowed to ransack the country for the benefit of a very few to the point of making it impossible for the average guy to even participate in the system, it's not hard to see that we're in for a fall. And I'm not so well off that I'll be able to escape it. I would guess that nobody on this forum is.
Yup, and the Democrats had nothing to do with any of this.

They were certainly complicit. I can admit that democrats aren't much better than republicans. Are you willing to admit that republicans aren't much better than democrats?

No? That's what I figured. Fucking partisan hack.
The fact that some people make more money than others has become a major issue with Democrats. Republicans accept this because it's only common-sense. We all can't be totally equal. We can have equal opportunities, but can't be guaranteed equal results. Democrats claim that you should be able to make the same as somebody else regardless of your time on the job, or your natural work progression because of your sex. Doesn't matter if a woman spends half of the year home sick for one reason or another. According to the Left, she deserved to progress the same way men do. So in their drive to force equality they instead favor one group over another.

This has to be the premier conservative straw man of our time. Nobody is asking for equal results. That's clearly unattainable and undesirable. There has to be some incentive to excel. But if you can't see that the levels of inequality are rising and unsustainable, I don't know how to make it more obvious. Wealth inequality has reached such epic proportions that it's not even about excelling any longer. It's about crushing the people under you for personal gain.

Really? You are barred from purchasing stock? Investing in oil or gold? Owning a home or car?
Received a decrease in pay from your employer?

Wealth building requires risk and savings. Have you been willing to do either?

Whine all you want about folks doing better than yourself. It just shows your greed and poorly placed belief you are entitled to something another has.

Yes, I have stocks and a 401k and a paid-off house and all the trappings of American success. But I'm not the average American. When our major corporations and financial system have been allowed to ransack the country for the benefit of a very few to the point of making it impossible for the average guy to even participate in the system, it's not hard to see that we're in for a fall. And I'm not so well off that I'll be able to escape it. I would guess that nobody on this forum is.
Yup, and the Democrats had nothing to do with any of this.

They were certainly complicit. I can admit that democrats aren't much better than republicans. Are you willing to admit that republicans aren't much better than democrats?
Republicans aren't the ones making accusations about this.

This is Democrats criminalizing business as usual, and forgetting to mention that they're just as guilty.
You di
This has to be the premier conservative straw man of our time. Nobody is asking for equal results. That's clearly unattainable and undesirable. There has to be some incentive to excel. But if you can't see that the levels of inequality are rising and unsustainable, I don't know how to make it more obvious. Wealth inequality has reached such epic proportions that it's not even about excelling any longer. It's about crushing the people under you for personal gain.

Really? You are barred from purchasing stock? Investing in oil or gold? Owning a home or car?
Received a decrease in pay from your employer?

Wealth building requires risk and savings. Have you been willing to do either?

Whine all you want about folks doing better than yourself. It just shows your greed and poorly placed belief you are entitled to something another has.

Yes, I have stocks and a 401k and a paid-off house and all the trappings of American success. But I'm not the average American. When our major corporations and financial system have been allowed to ransack the country for the benefit of a very few to the point of making it impossible for the average guy to even participate in the system, it's not hard to see that we're in for a fall. And I'm not so well off that I'll be able to escape it. I would guess that nobody on this forum is.
Yup, and the Democrats had nothing to do with any of this.

They were certainly complicit. I can admit that democrats aren't much better than republicans. Are you willing to admit that republicans aren't much better than democrats?

No? That's what I figured. Fucking partisan hack.

You didn't wait for the answer.

Warren Buffet
George Soros
Bill Gates
Who was the CEO of G.E. and got the contract for electronic records for Obamacare. How many Democrats are getting kickbacks from big pharmaceutical?
You di
Really? You are barred from purchasing stock? Investing in oil or gold? Owning a home or car?
Received a decrease in pay from your employer?

Wealth building requires risk and savings. Have you been willing to do either?

Whine all you want about folks doing better than yourself. It just shows your greed and poorly placed belief you are entitled to something another has.

Yes, I have stocks and a 401k and a paid-off house and all the trappings of American success. But I'm not the average American. When our major corporations and financial system have been allowed to ransack the country for the benefit of a very few to the point of making it impossible for the average guy to even participate in the system, it's not hard to see that we're in for a fall. And I'm not so well off that I'll be able to escape it. I would guess that nobody on this forum is.
Yup, and the Democrats had nothing to do with any of this.

They were certainly complicit. I can admit that democrats aren't much better than republicans. Are you willing to admit that republicans aren't much better than democrats?

No? That's what I figured. Fucking partisan hack.

You didn't wait for the answer.

Warren Buffet
George Soros
Bill Gates
Who was the CEO of G.E. and got the contract for electronic records for Obamacare. How many Democrats are getting kickbacks from big pharmaceutical?

Probably a bunch. Does that make it right?
You di
Yes, I have stocks and a 401k and a paid-off house and all the trappings of American success. But I'm not the average American. When our major corporations and financial system have been allowed to ransack the country for the benefit of a very few to the point of making it impossible for the average guy to even participate in the system, it's not hard to see that we're in for a fall. And I'm not so well off that I'll be able to escape it. I would guess that nobody on this forum is.
Yup, and the Democrats had nothing to do with any of this.

They were certainly complicit. I can admit that democrats aren't much better than republicans. Are you willing to admit that republicans aren't much better than democrats?

No? That's what I figured. Fucking partisan hack.

You didn't wait for the answer.

Warren Buffet
George Soros
Bill Gates
Who was the CEO of G.E. and got the contract for electronic records for Obamacare. How many Democrats are getting kickbacks from big pharmaceutical?

Probably a bunch. Does that make it right?

No, but each situation is different. You're making sweeping accusations, essentially complaining about the sliver in our eye when you can't see over the stack of lumber in your's
You di
Yup, and the Democrats had nothing to do with any of this.

They were certainly complicit. I can admit that democrats aren't much better than republicans. Are you willing to admit that republicans aren't much better than democrats?

No? That's what I figured. Fucking partisan hack.

You didn't wait for the answer.

Warren Buffet
George Soros
Bill Gates
Who was the CEO of G.E. and got the contract for electronic records for Obamacare. How many Democrats are getting kickbacks from big pharmaceutical?

Probably a bunch. Does that make it right?

No, but each situation is different. You're making sweeping accusations, essentially complaining about the sliver in our eye when you can't see over the stack of lumber in your's

Sometimes it's hard for me to keep track of who's who on these forums and I have neither the time nor desire to try. Forgive me if I lump you in with the conservatives who seem to eschew any kind of regulation of the financial sector or major corporations for brain-dead reasons like 'why should we punish the most successful among us'. If that's not you, allow me to apologize in advance.
The fact that some people make more money than others has become a major issue with Democrats. Republicans accept this because it's only common-sense. We all can't be totally equal. We can have equal opportunities, but can't be guaranteed equal results. Democrats claim that you should be able to make the same as somebody else regardless of your time on the job, or your natural work progression because of your sex. Doesn't matter if a woman spends half of the year home sick for one reason or another. According to the Left, she deserved to progress the same way men do. So in their drive to force equality they instead favor one group over another.

This has to be the premier conservative straw man of our time. Nobody is asking for equal results. That's clearly unattainable and undesirable. There has to be some incentive to excel. But if you can't see that the levels of inequality are rising and unsustainable, I don't know how to make it more obvious. Wealth inequality has reached such epic proportions that it's not even about excelling any longer. It's about crushing the people under you for personal gain.

It is the Democrats Social Programs that are the cause of it.
Growth of Welfare Entitlements Principles of Reform and the Next Steps

The growth of welfare spending is unsustainable and will drive the United States into bankruptcy if allowed to continue. President Barack Obama’s fiscal year 2011 budget request would increase total welfare spending to $953 billion—a 42 percent increase over welfare spending in FY 2008, the last full year of the Bush Administration.
The federal government runs over 70 different means-tested anti-poverty programs that provide cash, food, housing, medical care, and social services to poor and low-income persons. These means-tested programs—including food stamps, public housing, low-income energy assistance, and Medicaid—pay the bills and meet the physical needs of tens of millions of low-income families. However, these programs do not help the recipients move from a position of dependence on the government to being able to provide for themselves.

As government spending on means-tested welfare approaches $1 trillion per year, it is time to reboot the other poverty programs to control costs and promote greater self-reliance. In addition, efforts to rebuild marriage in low-income communities would improve the well-being of children, parents, and communities.

That is 1 Trillion taken from every working American that they themselves need. It takes 1 trillion out of the spending that makes this economy work.
Wake up Lefties it is the Dem's Social Programs that are bankrupting the workers of America.

So tell me why you think welfare spending is up. Average Americans are a bunch of lazy freeloaders?

I just told you why.
Because of Social Programs that take the American workers money.
When you add up City, County, State and Federal taxes most middle class workers money is being taken in the amount of around 40 to 45% or more.
Add that with this administrations policies that have caused gas, utilities and food and health care premiums to go up and they no longer have much disposable income that drives our economy and they then need the welfare programs in order to get by like the SNAP program.
It is a vicious cycle that is just getting totally out of control.
The fact that some people make more money than others has become a major issue with Democrats. Republicans accept this because it's only common-sense. We all can't be totally equal. We can have equal opportunities, but can't be guaranteed equal results. Democrats claim that you should be able to make the same as somebody else regardless of your time on the job, or your natural work progression because of your sex. Doesn't matter if a woman spends half of the year home sick for one reason or another. According to the Left, she deserved to progress the same way men do. So in their drive to force equality they instead favor one group over another.

This has to be the premier conservative straw man of our time. Nobody is asking for equal results. That's clearly unattainable and undesirable. There has to be some incentive to excel. But if you can't see that the levels of inequality are rising and unsustainable, I don't know how to make it more obvious. Wealth inequality has reached such epic proportions that it's not even about excelling any longer. It's about crushing the people under you for personal gain.

It is the Democrats Social Programs that are the cause of it.
Growth of Welfare Entitlements Principles of Reform and the Next Steps

The growth of welfare spending is unsustainable and will drive the United States into bankruptcy if allowed to continue. President Barack Obama’s fiscal year 2011 budget request would increase total welfare spending to $953 billion—a 42 percent increase over welfare spending in FY 2008, the last full year of the Bush Administration.
The federal government runs over 70 different means-tested anti-poverty programs that provide cash, food, housing, medical care, and social services to poor and low-income persons. These means-tested programs—including food stamps, public housing, low-income energy assistance, and Medicaid—pay the bills and meet the physical needs of tens of millions of low-income families. However, these programs do not help the recipients move from a position of dependence on the government to being able to provide for themselves.

As government spending on means-tested welfare approaches $1 trillion per year, it is time to reboot the other poverty programs to control costs and promote greater self-reliance. In addition, efforts to rebuild marriage in low-income communities would improve the well-being of children, parents, and communities.

That is 1 Trillion taken from every working American that they themselves need. It takes 1 trillion out of the spending that makes this economy work.
Wake up Lefties it is the Dem's Social Programs that are bankrupting the workers of America.

So tell me why you think welfare spending is up. Average Americans are a bunch of lazy freeloaders?

I just told you why.
Because of Social Programs that take the American workers money.
When you add up City, County, State and Federal taxes most middle class workers money is being taken in the amount of around 40 to 45% or more.
Add that with this administrations policies that have caused gas, utilities and food and health care premiums to go up and they no longer have much disposable income that drives our economy and they then need the welfare programs in order to get by like the SNAP program.
It is a vicious cycle that is just getting totally out of control.

Right now between 47 and 49% of citizens pay no Fed income taxes.

One has to wonder what happens when it reachs 50% or more.

There will be more takers than producers. All this social bs needs to go. People need to take care of themselves.

There is no charity in the Constitution and thats what Welfare and these social programs are. Charity which the producers are being forced to provide.

The FF would turn over in their graves if they could see what our Govt has become.
They shouldn’t be there in the first place

They don’t realize we get it already

No one likes them

They don’t do anything

They don’t represent society

They’re too into Israel

Their outreach to the Black community still faces hurdles

They’ve wasted a huge amount of money

They can’t get their story straight

They’re going backwards in their thinking

...and there you have it!
Nice list of hackneyed crapola. That cut and paste job took a whole thee seconds.

Want a reason not to vote GOP? It is the same as the reason not to vote Dem, they represent the duopoly of statist abuse of their fellow man. Organized theft to benefit themselves and those that keep them in office.
Consider this:

1. One percenters, start at $375,000 income per year. So almost every professional sports personality is one.

2. Every large corporation you rail against, contributed to a Democrat's campaign too. Did they return the contributions? Nope.
They shouldn’t be there in the first place

This Republican House has the least public mandate of any Congress in history. In the 2012 elections, the Republicans won 234 seats to the Democrats 201. But the Democrats won 48.8% of the popular vote, to the Republican’s 47.6%. The Democrat’s vote tally was nearly one-and-a-half-million higher. There is no precedent for this, not even close – never has the legitimate preference of the voters been so distorted.

If the Democrats had won – because they got the most votes – the Tea Party would be far less influential. There would have been no debt ceiling crisis, roiling markets and shaking consumer confidence, and no government shutdown lasting sixteen days.

With the Senate having passed a bi-partisan Immigration bill with more than two-thirds of the chamber voting yea, the house would, by now, have followed suit, with a final bill coming out of conference, bound for the president’s desk.

They don’t realize we get it already

The Republicans have voted more than 50 times to repeal or defund Obamacare.

“They have been obsessed with repealing the Affordable Care Act,” President Obama told a Democratic National Committee meeting in Washington. “You know what they say: 50th time is the charm. Maybe when you hit your 50th repeal vote, you will win a prize. Maybe if you buy 50 repeal votes, you get one free. We get it.”

No one likes them

The lowest point in the average of the polls that Nancy Pelosi’s Democrat-led House ever reached was 17%, as Obamacare was being passed. Generally speaking, the Democrats mainly stayed above 20%. Hardly amazing, but worthwhile remembering, given what was to come. The Republican controlled House has been by far the most disliked in modern history. An associated Press poll from the last week of September had them at 7%. It’s not just the least popular Congress, though: It’s also, according to Gallup, the least popular institution of any kind ever recorded.

They don’t do anything

The 113th Congress remains on track to be the least productive in modern history. Just 142 public bills have been enacted into law in the current session, down from the 906 the 80th “Do-Nothing” Congress passed in 1947-48. At this same point in the last Congress, which set the record for the fewest bills passed into public law in the modern era, 151 bills had made it into law.

They don’t represent society

Backers of Rep. Steve Southerland threw the Florida Republican a men-only fundraiser earlier this year. The invitation came complete with instructions that attendees should “tell the missus not to wait up” because “the after dinner whiskey and cigars will be smooth and the issues to discuss are many.”

In 1950, 98% of House Democrats and 97% of House Republicans were white men. In the 64 years since, that share has fallen 51 points for Democrats, but only 8 points for Republicans. Today, 89% of House Republicans are white men, compared to just 47% of House Democrats. On election night 2012, Democrats took pride in the fact that, for the first time ever, women and minorities would compose a majority — 53% — of their caucus. Meanwhile, the share of women and minorities in the GOP House conference went down, from 14% to 11%.

They’re too into Israel

Recent polls make it clear that, in the U.S., the strongest support for Israel’s right-wing policies now comes not from Jews, but from Republicans. Around the time of the Gaza conflict, Pew reported that the share of Republicans who sympathize more with Israel had risen from 68% to 73%, far larger than the proportion of Democrats.

Republican love for Israel knows almost no bounds, stemming, perhaps, from an absolutist trait in the conservative worldview. Israel is the Middle East’s only “good guy,” surrounded by a sea of “bad guys.”

In 2013, Israel’s GDP was $291.3 billion. The U.S. has subsidized about 25% of the tiny country’s annual defense budget in recent years; and U.S. military aid is roughly 1% of Israel’s economy. Yet the Republicans still complain that the Obama administration hasn’t been sufficiently supportive. For all their unwavering loyalty, however, it is really strange that, after the surprise defeat of Eric Cantor, there are now exactly zero Jewish Republicans in the House.

Their outreach to the Black community still faces hurdles

“To a significant extent, the Republican base does have elements that are animated by racism. And that’s unfortunate,” Democrat Steve Israel said recently on CNN.

“I couldn’t be consistent with myself and my core beliefs, and stay with a party that was so unfriendly toward the African-American president,” former Florida governor Charlie Crist said in an interview.“I was a Republican and I saw the activists and what they were doing, it was intolerable to me.”

“The reason why Fox News and the GOP attract people like Cliven Bundy, Ted Nugent, and George Zimmerman is because they have spent the entire Obama years using racial divides as a political weapon,” Bill Maher argued earlier this year, later going on to argue that Fox News called the New Black Panthers scary, but portrayed white militia members as heroes.

An interesting proxy for measuring racial prejudice is a person’s views on interracial dating and marriage. The Pew Research Center has been polling on this question for 25 years. In 2012, 18 percent of Republicans disapproved of blacks and whites dating each other.

They’ve wasted a huge amount of money

The Republicans have cost the taxpayer, directly and in terms of hindered economic potential, a huge amount since taking over the House.

The lawsuit against the president will cost up to $350,000, billed at a rate of $500 per hour.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) estimated that the House Republican’s prolonged showdown with the administration over the raising of the debt ceiling, a procedure, up till then largely a formality, increased government borrowing costs by $1.3 billion.

Standard & Poors estimated that the Republican-initiated shutdown, which lasted just over two weeks, cost $1.5 billion per day, and took a total of $24 billion out of the U.S. economy.

Almost continuously, since 2012, the Republican controlled House has been investigating Benghazi. “The Department has devoted thousands of man-hours to responding to the numerous and often repetitive congressional requests regarding Benghazi,” Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs Elizabeth King said in a letter to Congress. That estimate included “time devoted to approximately 50 congressional hearings, briefings, and interviews which the Department has led or participated in.”

In May, the Republicans formed a special committee to re investigate Benghazi – the budget is $5,650,000 – bigger than the budgets for the committees on Veteran’s affairs, Intelligence and the budget itself.

When House Republicans voted to appoint a special counsel for the IRS investigation, House Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Sander Levin responded by saying, “The IRS has spent more than $14 million in taxpayer money accommodating Republican requests, turning over more than 600,000 pages of documents, none of which substantiate the GOP’s wild attempt from the get-go to tar the administration.”

Its amazing that a fiscally conservative party has contrived to spend or waste this much money. Would anyone seriously suggest most of it had been well spent?

They can’t get their story straight

Despite having actually issued fewer executive orders than most of his predecessors, the Republicans have accused the President of being aggressively unilateral. In June, Republican Speaker John Boehner criticised the President’s use of executive orders, saying Congress must act to avoid Obama from acting like a “king.”

When Boehner was forced to cancel a vote on his border legislation after he didn’t have enough votes to pass it, he then issued a press release demanding that Obama act alone to secure the border. “There are numerous steps the president can and should be taking right now, without the need for congressional action, to secure our borders…” The logic being that it is not okay for Obama to take executive action unless the House is paralyzed by Republican infighting.

They’re going backwards in their thinking

Fewer Republicans today than in 2009 believe in evolution, according to a Pew poll last year. The poll showed that less than half – 43 percent – of those who identify with the Republican Party say they believe humans have evolved over time, plunging from 54 percent four years ago. Forty-eight percent say they believe “humans and other living things have existed in their present form since the beginning of time,” up from 39 percent in 2009. According to a recent National Science Foundation study, only 28 percent of conservative Republicans believe that humans evolved from earlier species. The fact these statistics are going backwards, in the twenty-first century, is amazing.

The Sheppard Post - Politics Culture and Media

...and there you have it!

Basically you are calling them poopie pants as if that's an argument. BTW, you didn't notice most of those reasons also apply to Democrats as well. LOL.
Consider this:

1. One percenters, start at $375,000 income per year..

This can't be right, Warren Buffet's secretary makes $400,000 a year. Are you saying that the one Democrats produced to exemplify the plight of the common working man is a ... gasp ... evil one percenter? Say it aint so!
The fact that some people make more money than others has become a major issue with Democrats. Republicans accept this because it's only common-sense. We all can't be totally equal. We can have equal opportunities, but can't be guaranteed equal results. Democrats claim that you should be able to make the same as somebody else regardless of your time on the job, or your natural work progression because of your sex. Doesn't matter if a woman spends half of the year home sick for one reason or another. According to the Left, she deserved to progress the same way men do. So in their drive to force equality they instead favor one group over another.

This has to be the premier conservative straw man of our time. Nobody is asking for equal results. That's clearly unattainable and undesirable. There has to be some incentive to excel. But if you can't see that the levels of inequality are rising and unsustainable, I don't know how to make it more obvious. Wealth inequality has reached such epic proportions that it's not even about excelling any longer. It's about crushing the people under you for personal gain.

It is the Democrats Social Programs that are the cause of it.
Growth of Welfare Entitlements Principles of Reform and the Next Steps

The growth of welfare spending is unsustainable and will drive the United States into bankruptcy if allowed to continue. President Barack Obama’s fiscal year 2011 budget request would increase total welfare spending to $953 billion—a 42 percent increase over welfare spending in FY 2008, the last full year of the Bush Administration.
The federal government runs over 70 different means-tested anti-poverty programs that provide cash, food, housing, medical care, and social services to poor and low-income persons. These means-tested programs—including food stamps, public housing, low-income energy assistance, and Medicaid—pay the bills and meet the physical needs of tens of millions of low-income families. However, these programs do not help the recipients move from a position of dependence on the government to being able to provide for themselves.

As government spending on means-tested welfare approaches $1 trillion per year, it is time to reboot the other poverty programs to control costs and promote greater self-reliance. In addition, efforts to rebuild marriage in low-income communities would improve the well-being of children, parents, and communities.

That is 1 Trillion taken from every working American that they themselves need. It takes 1 trillion out of the spending that makes this economy work.
Wake up Lefties it is the Dem's Social Programs that are bankrupting the workers of America.

So tell me why you think welfare spending is up. Average Americans are a bunch of lazy freeloaders?

I just told you why.
Because of Social Programs that take the American workers money.
When you add up City, County, State and Federal taxes most middle class workers money is being taken in the amount of around 40 to 45% or more.
Add that with this administrations policies that have caused gas, utilities and food and health care premiums to go up and they no longer have much disposable income that drives our economy and they then need the welfare programs in order to get by like the SNAP program.
It is a vicious cycle that is just getting totally out of control.

Do you support the move by our major corporations to decimate our industrial base and outsource jobs to third world countries and China? That was the giant sucking sound that Ross Perot warned us about and the reason that the need for assistance is up.
The fact that some people make more money than others has become a major issue with Democrats. Republicans accept this because it's only common-sense. We all can't be totally equal. We can have equal opportunities, but can't be guaranteed equal results. Democrats claim that you should be able to make the same as somebody else regardless of your time on the job, or your natural work progression because of your sex. Doesn't matter if a woman spends half of the year home sick for one reason or another. According to the Left, she deserved to progress the same way men do. So in their drive to force equality they instead favor one group over another.

This has to be the premier conservative straw man of our time. Nobody is asking for equal results. That's clearly unattainable and undesirable. There has to be some incentive to excel. But if you can't see that the levels of inequality are rising and unsustainable, I don't know how to make it more obvious. Wealth inequality has reached such epic proportions that it's not even about excelling any longer. It's about crushing the people under you for personal gain.

It is the Democrats Social Programs that are the cause of it.
Growth of Welfare Entitlements Principles of Reform and the Next Steps

The growth of welfare spending is unsustainable and will drive the United States into bankruptcy if allowed to continue. President Barack Obama’s fiscal year 2011 budget request would increase total welfare spending to $953 billion—a 42 percent increase over welfare spending in FY 2008, the last full year of the Bush Administration.
The federal government runs over 70 different means-tested anti-poverty programs that provide cash, food, housing, medical care, and social services to poor and low-income persons. These means-tested programs—including food stamps, public housing, low-income energy assistance, and Medicaid—pay the bills and meet the physical needs of tens of millions of low-income families. However, these programs do not help the recipients move from a position of dependence on the government to being able to provide for themselves.

As government spending on means-tested welfare approaches $1 trillion per year, it is time to reboot the other poverty programs to control costs and promote greater self-reliance. In addition, efforts to rebuild marriage in low-income communities would improve the well-being of children, parents, and communities.

That is 1 Trillion taken from every working American that they themselves need. It takes 1 trillion out of the spending that makes this economy work.
Wake up Lefties it is the Dem's Social Programs that are bankrupting the workers of America.

So tell me why you think welfare spending is up. Average Americans are a bunch of lazy freeloaders?

I just told you why.
Because of Social Programs that take the American workers money.
When you add up City, County, State and Federal taxes most middle class workers money is being taken in the amount of around 40 to 45% or more.
Add that with this administrations policies that have caused gas, utilities and food and health care premiums to go up and they no longer have much disposable income that drives our economy and they then need the welfare programs in order to get by like the SNAP program.
It is a vicious cycle that is just getting totally out of control.

Do you support the move by our major corporations to decimate our industrial base and outsource jobs to third world countries and China? That was the giant sucking sound that Ross Perot warned us about and the reason that the need for assistance is up.

Offshoring is great for our economy. It's fearmongering fools who keep our economy down.
This has to be the premier conservative straw man of our time. Nobody is asking for equal results. That's clearly unattainable and undesirable. There has to be some incentive to excel. But if you can't see that the levels of inequality are rising and unsustainable, I don't know how to make it more obvious. Wealth inequality has reached such epic proportions that it's not even about excelling any longer. It's about crushing the people under you for personal gain.

It is the Democrats Social Programs that are the cause of it.
Growth of Welfare Entitlements Principles of Reform and the Next Steps

The growth of welfare spending is unsustainable and will drive the United States into bankruptcy if allowed to continue. President Barack Obama’s fiscal year 2011 budget request would increase total welfare spending to $953 billion—a 42 percent increase over welfare spending in FY 2008, the last full year of the Bush Administration.
The federal government runs over 70 different means-tested anti-poverty programs that provide cash, food, housing, medical care, and social services to poor and low-income persons. These means-tested programs—including food stamps, public housing, low-income energy assistance, and Medicaid—pay the bills and meet the physical needs of tens of millions of low-income families. However, these programs do not help the recipients move from a position of dependence on the government to being able to provide for themselves.

As government spending on means-tested welfare approaches $1 trillion per year, it is time to reboot the other poverty programs to control costs and promote greater self-reliance. In addition, efforts to rebuild marriage in low-income communities would improve the well-being of children, parents, and communities.

That is 1 Trillion taken from every working American that they themselves need. It takes 1 trillion out of the spending that makes this economy work.
Wake up Lefties it is the Dem's Social Programs that are bankrupting the workers of America.

So tell me why you think welfare spending is up. Average Americans are a bunch of lazy freeloaders?

I just told you why.
Because of Social Programs that take the American workers money.
When you add up City, County, State and Federal taxes most middle class workers money is being taken in the amount of around 40 to 45% or more.
Add that with this administrations policies that have caused gas, utilities and food and health care premiums to go up and they no longer have much disposable income that drives our economy and they then need the welfare programs in order to get by like the SNAP program.
It is a vicious cycle that is just getting totally out of control.

Do you support the move by our major corporations to decimate our industrial base and outsource jobs to third world countries and China? That was the giant sucking sound that Ross Perot warned us about and the reason that the need for assistance is up.

Offshoring is great for our economy. It's fearmongering fools who keep our economy down.

Tell me what's great about it. I know a whole bunch of former factory workers who can't see it either.
The FF would turn over in their graves if they could see what our Govt has become.

I agree but not for the same reasons that you're thinking.

This should be rich. So why do you think it is?

I think they'd be disgusted that our politicians are wholly owned by the corporations and financial sector. She thinks it's because we still have some form of a social safety net.

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