The top ten reasons not to vote Republican in the midterms

It is the Democrats Social Programs that are the cause of it.
Growth of Welfare Entitlements Principles of Reform and the Next Steps

The growth of welfare spending is unsustainable and will drive the United States into bankruptcy if allowed to continue. President Barack Obama’s fiscal year 2011 budget request would increase total welfare spending to $953 billion—a 42 percent increase over welfare spending in FY 2008, the last full year of the Bush Administration.
The federal government runs over 70 different means-tested anti-poverty programs that provide cash, food, housing, medical care, and social services to poor and low-income persons. These means-tested programs—including food stamps, public housing, low-income energy assistance, and Medicaid—pay the bills and meet the physical needs of tens of millions of low-income families. However, these programs do not help the recipients move from a position of dependence on the government to being able to provide for themselves.

As government spending on means-tested welfare approaches $1 trillion per year, it is time to reboot the other poverty programs to control costs and promote greater self-reliance. In addition, efforts to rebuild marriage in low-income communities would improve the well-being of children, parents, and communities.

That is 1 Trillion taken from every working American that they themselves need. It takes 1 trillion out of the spending that makes this economy work.
Wake up Lefties it is the Dem's Social Programs that are bankrupting the workers of America.

So tell me why you think welfare spending is up. Average Americans are a bunch of lazy freeloaders?

I just told you why.
Because of Social Programs that take the American workers money.
When you add up City, County, State and Federal taxes most middle class workers money is being taken in the amount of around 40 to 45% or more.
Add that with this administrations policies that have caused gas, utilities and food and health care premiums to go up and they no longer have much disposable income that drives our economy and they then need the welfare programs in order to get by like the SNAP program.
It is a vicious cycle that is just getting totally out of control.

Do you support the move by our major corporations to decimate our industrial base and outsource jobs to third world countries and China? That was the giant sucking sound that Ross Perot warned us about and the reason that the need for assistance is up.

Offshoring is great for our economy. It's fearmongering fools who keep our economy down.

Tell me what's great about it. I know a whole bunch of former factory workers who can't see it either.

I said it's great for the economy. Since you've chosen the standard of if one person is harmed by it, fine. Investors make money offshoring, so they are harmed by your blocking it.

That's the problem with your worthless standard of one person, some individuals benefit and some are harmed by every policy. So it's a worthless standard that takes you nowhere.

Care to discuss my actual point that it's good for the economy?
The FF would turn over in their graves if they could see what our Govt has become.

I agree but not for the same reasons that you're thinking.

This should be rich. So why do you think it is?

I think they'd be disgusted that our politicians are wholly owned by the corporations and financial sector. She thinks it's because we still have some form of a social safety net.
What's sad is that you're right, and yet you are lying. You don't believe that. You advocate massive government growth and spending. If you believed what you said, you would oppose that. You are telling us you want government, which is controlled by "corporations and the financial sector" to be massively more powerful, and that would lead to "corporations and financial sector" having even more power.

It does, corporations don't want free markets, they want corporatism. And you plan to hand that to them.

That rich democrat on the right sure is sneaky!
So tell me why you think welfare spending is up. Average Americans are a bunch of lazy freeloaders?

I just told you why.
Because of Social Programs that take the American workers money.
When you add up City, County, State and Federal taxes most middle class workers money is being taken in the amount of around 40 to 45% or more.
Add that with this administrations policies that have caused gas, utilities and food and health care premiums to go up and they no longer have much disposable income that drives our economy and they then need the welfare programs in order to get by like the SNAP program.
It is a vicious cycle that is just getting totally out of control.

Do you support the move by our major corporations to decimate our industrial base and outsource jobs to third world countries and China? That was the giant sucking sound that Ross Perot warned us about and the reason that the need for assistance is up.

Offshoring is great for our economy. It's fearmongering fools who keep our economy down.

Tell me what's great about it. I know a whole bunch of former factory workers who can't see it either.

I said it's great for the economy. Since you've chosen the standard of if one person is harmed by it, fine. Investors make money offshoring, so they are harmed by your blocking it.

That's the problem with your worthless standard of one person, some individuals benefit and some are harmed by every policy. So it's a worthless standard that takes you nowhere.

Care to discuss my actual point that it's good for the economy?

How many people do you think benefit and how many are harmed by it and by how much? I see the benefits going to a relatively small number of the already pretty comfortable and the harm being done to at least 50% of the country.
The FF would turn over in their graves if they could see what our Govt has become.

I agree but not for the same reasons that you're thinking.

This should be rich. So why do you think it is?

I think they'd be disgusted that our politicians are wholly owned by the corporations and financial sector. She thinks it's because we still have some form of a social safety net.
What's sad is that you're right, and yet you are lying. You don't believe that. You advocate massive government growth and spending. If you believed what you said, you would oppose that. You are telling us you want government, which is controlled by "corporations and the financial sector" to be massively more powerful, and that would lead to "corporations and financial sector" having even more power.

It does, corporations don't want free markets, they want corporatism. And you plan to hand that to them.

No, I'd like to see some effective and enforceable regulation along with a progressive tax system that allows the infrastructure needed for the country to function. We used to have that before the moneyed elite fucked it all up.
How many people do you think benefit and how many are harmed by it and by how much? I see the benefits going to a relatively small number of the already pretty comfortable and the harm being done to at least 50% of the country.

It goes to every American in that prices are lower and every American is a consumer. It goes to American workers because American companies are more competitive and they provide better and higher paying jobs. We go up the worker value chain, not down. It also benefits retirees and people saving for retirement who invest in the American economy.

I've outsourced lots of jobs, primarily to India. It's not as simple as you think. Outsourcing also adds domestic jobs. And typically higher skilled, higher paying ones.
The FF would turn over in their graves if they could see what our Govt has become.

I agree but not for the same reasons that you're thinking.

This should be rich. So why do you think it is?

I think they'd be disgusted that our politicians are wholly owned by the corporations and financial sector. She thinks it's because we still have some form of a social safety net.
What's sad is that you're right, and yet you are lying. You don't believe that. You advocate massive government growth and spending. If you believed what you said, you would oppose that. You are telling us you want government, which is controlled by "corporations and the financial sector" to be massively more powerful, and that would lead to "corporations and financial sector" having even more power.

It does, corporations don't want free markets, they want corporatism. And you plan to hand that to them.

No, I'd like to see some effective and enforceable regulation along with a progressive tax system that allows the infrastructure needed for the country to function.

And who's going to write those regulations that will fix the problem, ding dong? The people who are owned by the corporations. You didn't think that through, you never do.

And government spends trillions and you want it to spend more. And you think regulations are going to stop people from trying to buy it? Your freaking insane. Seriously.
I agree but not for the same reasons that you're thinking.

This should be rich. So why do you think it is?

I think they'd be disgusted that our politicians are wholly owned by the corporations and financial sector. She thinks it's because we still have some form of a social safety net.
What's sad is that you're right, and yet you are lying. You don't believe that. You advocate massive government growth and spending. If you believed what you said, you would oppose that. You are telling us you want government, which is controlled by "corporations and the financial sector" to be massively more powerful, and that would lead to "corporations and financial sector" having even more power.

It does, corporations don't want free markets, they want corporatism. And you plan to hand that to them.

No, I'd like to see some effective and enforceable regulation along with a progressive tax system that allows the infrastructure needed for the country to function.

And who's going to write those regulations that will fix the problem, ding dong? The people who are owned by the corporations. You didn't think that through, you never do.

And government spends trillions and you want it to spend more. And you think regulations are going to stop people from trying to buy it? Your freaking insane. Seriously.

It's obviously not going to happen with people like you pulling for the worst among us. I've pretty much resigned myself to watching it all go down. I hope I get to see it - it'll be interesting.
The FF would turn over in their graves if they could see what our Govt has become.

I agree but not for the same reasons that you're thinking.

This should be rich. So why do you think it is?

I think they'd be disgusted that our politicians are wholly owned by the corporations and financial sector. She thinks it's because we still have some form of a social safety net.
What's sad is that you're right, and yet you are lying. You don't believe that. You advocate massive government growth and spending. If you believed what you said, you would oppose that. You are telling us you want government, which is controlled by "corporations and the financial sector" to be massively more powerful, and that would lead to "corporations and financial sector" having even more power.

It does, corporations don't want free markets, they want corporatism. And you plan to hand that to them.

No, I'd like to see some effective and enforceable regulation along with a progressive tax system that allows the infrastructure needed for the country to function. We used to have that before the moneyed elite fucked it all up.

a progressive tax system that allows the infrastructure needed for the country to function.

If we didn't have out of control entitlement spending, we could afford more infrastructure building.
Repeal Davis - Bacon.
We used to have that, before liberal Dems fucked it all up.
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How many people do you think benefit and how many are harmed by it and by how much? I see the benefits going to a relatively small number of the already pretty comfortable and the harm being done to at least 50% of the country.

It goes to every American in that prices are lower and every American is a consumer. It goes to American workers because American companies are more competitive and they provide better and higher paying jobs. We go up the worker value chain, not down. It also benefits retirees and people saving for retirement who invest in the American economy.

I've outsourced lots of jobs, primarily to India. It's not as simple as you think. Outsourcing also adds domestic jobs. And typically higher skilled, higher paying ones.

The company I work for is big into outsourcing to India and China too. They've been bitten by China in the form of rampant IP theft. They've been bitten in another way by India - mainly that even though they're 1/3 as expensive, they produce less than 1/3 of the output and have to be held by the hand most of the time.
This should be rich. So why do you think it is?

I think they'd be disgusted that our politicians are wholly owned by the corporations and financial sector. She thinks it's because we still have some form of a social safety net.
What's sad is that you're right, and yet you are lying. You don't believe that. You advocate massive government growth and spending. If you believed what you said, you would oppose that. You are telling us you want government, which is controlled by "corporations and the financial sector" to be massively more powerful, and that would lead to "corporations and financial sector" having even more power.

It does, corporations don't want free markets, they want corporatism. And you plan to hand that to them.

No, I'd like to see some effective and enforceable regulation along with a progressive tax system that allows the infrastructure needed for the country to function.

And who's going to write those regulations that will fix the problem, ding dong? The people who are owned by the corporations. You didn't think that through, you never do.

And government spends trillions and you want it to spend more. And you think regulations are going to stop people from trying to buy it? Your freaking insane. Seriously.

It's obviously not going to happen with people like you pulling for the worst among us. I've pretty much resigned myself to watching it all go down. I hope I get to see it - it'll be interesting.

It's capitalists like me who created the wealth this country has. It's socialists like you peddling fear who are destroying it. Look at all the business leaders who made us like we are. All are like me, not one is like you. Even guys like Gates and Buffett who advocate what you do didn't do it that way themselves.
]The company I work for is big into outsourcing to India and China too. They've been bitten by China in the form of rampant IP theft. They've been bitten in another way by India - mainly that even though they're 1/3 as expensive, they produce less than 1/3 of the output and have to be held by the hand most of the time.

If I've done it and you worked for a company that did it and you opposed that, I can see how you'd think our experience in it is about the same...
Making re-incorporating a company overseas illegal.

Now that you've disadvantaged American corporations, they'll be bought by foreign competitors.
Overseas earnings have escaped US taxation, despite your whining. Now what?
Obama stomps his feet and pouts? LOL!

Disadvantaged by not being able to walk on the tax of differed income? Burger King wants to move to Canada. Canadian companies pay a higher net corporate tax than the US. Burger King moving to Canada eliminates the taxes on the differed income. Don't think so? Show me the tax code that makes them pay.

Berkshire Hathaway by their own admission has been differing income since 2002. Imagine the lost revenue if they moved off-shore.

Who makes up for the lost revenue? The middle class. So your 'LOL' is either ignorance or you're a koch rimmer.

Burger King bought a company in Canada that is twice as big as they are. Where do you think the corporate headquarters should be?
Republicans: They don’t do anything

The 113th Congress remains on track to be the least productive in modern history. Just 142 public bills have been enacted into law in the current session, down from the 906 the 80th “Do-Nothing” Congress passed in 1947-48. At this same point in the last Congress, which set the record for the fewest bills passed into public law in the modern era, 151 bills had made it into law.
There are 352 House bills "sittingon Harry Reid's desk awaiting action," including 55 introduced by Democrats.
I think they'd be disgusted that our politicians are wholly owned by the corporations and financial sector. She thinks it's because we still have some form of a social safety net.
What's sad is that you're right, and yet you are lying. You don't believe that. You advocate massive government growth and spending. If you believed what you said, you would oppose that. You are telling us you want government, which is controlled by "corporations and the financial sector" to be massively more powerful, and that would lead to "corporations and financial sector" having even more power.

It does, corporations don't want free markets, they want corporatism. And you plan to hand that to them.

No, I'd like to see some effective and enforceable regulation along with a progressive tax system that allows the infrastructure needed for the country to function.

And who's going to write those regulations that will fix the problem, ding dong? The people who are owned by the corporations. You didn't think that through, you never do.

And government spends trillions and you want it to spend more. And you think regulations are going to stop people from trying to buy it? Your freaking insane. Seriously.

It's obviously not going to happen with people like you pulling for the worst among us. I've pretty much resigned myself to watching it all go down. I hope I get to see it - it'll be interesting.

It's capitalists like me who created the wealth this country has. It's socialists like you peddling fear who are destroying it. Look at all the business leaders who made us like we are. All are like me, not one is like you. Even guys like Gates and Buffett who advocate what you do didn't do it that way themselves.

I'm sure you THINK you've created the wealth this country has. It's the people who actually produce things who've created it in reality.

I began working for my current employer when the founder of the company was still running things. He was a brilliant and innovative humanitarian. He passed a few years back and was replaced by the typical CEO type. He'd have been as happy selling paint as MRI machines. Short term profits were his real passion so he brought in the typical corporate parasites. It's a shell of what it used to be.
What's sad is that you're right, and yet you are lying. You don't believe that. You advocate massive government growth and spending. If you believed what you said, you would oppose that. You are telling us you want government, which is controlled by "corporations and the financial sector" to be massively more powerful, and that would lead to "corporations and financial sector" having even more power.

It does, corporations don't want free markets, they want corporatism. And you plan to hand that to them.

No, I'd like to see some effective and enforceable regulation along with a progressive tax system that allows the infrastructure needed for the country to function.

And who's going to write those regulations that will fix the problem, ding dong? The people who are owned by the corporations. You didn't think that through, you never do.

And government spends trillions and you want it to spend more. And you think regulations are going to stop people from trying to buy it? Your freaking insane. Seriously.

It's obviously not going to happen with people like you pulling for the worst among us. I've pretty much resigned myself to watching it all go down. I hope I get to see it - it'll be interesting.

It's capitalists like me who created the wealth this country has. It's socialists like you peddling fear who are destroying it. Look at all the business leaders who made us like we are. All are like me, not one is like you. Even guys like Gates and Buffett who advocate what you do didn't do it that way themselves.

I'm sure you THINK you've created the wealth this country has. It's the people who actually produce things who've created it in reality.

I began working for my current employer when the founder of the company was still running things. He was a brilliant and innovative humanitarian. He passed a few years back and was replaced by the typical CEO type. He'd have been as happy selling paint as MRI machines. Short term profits were his real passion so he brought in the typical corporate parasites. It's a shell of what it used to be.

Yes, comrade, it's the bourgeois, we are oppressing the proletariat.

So when I spend all my money and borrow a bunch more to start a business and I only get paid after everyone else and the company is built on my idea and I lose everything if I fail while hire employees who get a regular paycheck through the whole thing and if we fail they just find another job ... I made money on their backs.

Why does the word "Marxist" bother you again?
No, I'd like to see some effective and enforceable regulation along with a progressive tax system that allows the infrastructure needed for the country to function.

And who's going to write those regulations that will fix the problem, ding dong? The people who are owned by the corporations. You didn't think that through, you never do.

And government spends trillions and you want it to spend more. And you think regulations are going to stop people from trying to buy it? Your freaking insane. Seriously.

It's obviously not going to happen with people like you pulling for the worst among us. I've pretty much resigned myself to watching it all go down. I hope I get to see it - it'll be interesting.

It's capitalists like me who created the wealth this country has. It's socialists like you peddling fear who are destroying it. Look at all the business leaders who made us like we are. All are like me, not one is like you. Even guys like Gates and Buffett who advocate what you do didn't do it that way themselves.

I'm sure you THINK you've created the wealth this country has. It's the people who actually produce things who've created it in reality.

I began working for my current employer when the founder of the company was still running things. He was a brilliant and innovative humanitarian. He passed a few years back and was replaced by the typical CEO type. He'd have been as happy selling paint as MRI machines. Short term profits were his real passion so he brought in the typical corporate parasites. It's a shell of what it used to be.

Yes, comrade, it's the bourgeois, we are oppressing the proletariat.

So when I spend all my money and borrow a bunch more to start a business and I only get paid after everyone else and the company is built on my idea and I lose everything if I fail while hire employees who get a regular paycheck through the whole thing and if we fail they just find another job ... I made money on their backs.

Why does the word "Marxist" bother you again?

No, you declare bankruptcy and screw all of your creditors out of their money. Then you get a regular job like everybody else. Or... It becomes a success and you live high on the hog. Nobody is forcing you to risk everything.
No, I'd like to see some effective and enforceable regulation along with a progressive tax system that allows the infrastructure needed for the country to function.

And who's going to write those regulations that will fix the problem, ding dong? The people who are owned by the corporations. You didn't think that through, you never do.

And government spends trillions and you want it to spend more. And you think regulations are going to stop people from trying to buy it? Your freaking insane. Seriously.

It's obviously not going to happen with people like you pulling for the worst among us. I've pretty much resigned myself to watching it all go down. I hope I get to see it - it'll be interesting.

It's capitalists like me who created the wealth this country has. It's socialists like you peddling fear who are destroying it. Look at all the business leaders who made us like we are. All are like me, not one is like you. Even guys like Gates and Buffett who advocate what you do didn't do it that way themselves.

I'm sure you THINK you've created the wealth this country has. It's the people who actually produce things who've created it in reality.

I began working for my current employer when the founder of the company was still running things. He was a brilliant and innovative humanitarian. He passed a few years back and was replaced by the typical CEO type. He'd have been as happy selling paint as MRI machines. Short term profits were his real passion so he brought in the typical corporate parasites. It's a shell of what it used to be.

Yes, comrade, it's the bourgeois, we are oppressing the proletariat.

So when I spend all my money and borrow a bunch more to start a business and I only get paid after everyone else and the company is built on my idea and I lose everything if I fail while hire employees who get a regular paycheck through the whole thing and if we fail they just find another job ... I made money on their backs.

Why does the word "Marxist" bother you again?

It's the worker who pushes the buttons on the million dollar machine who creates the wealth in this country, not the guy who bought the million dollar machine. Silly capitalist.
One day the workers of the world will unite, get rid of the silly investors, use those fingers to build a workers paradise. You'll be sorry. You'll see.
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And who's going to write those regulations that will fix the problem, ding dong? The people who are owned by the corporations. You didn't think that through, you never do.

And government spends trillions and you want it to spend more. And you think regulations are going to stop people from trying to buy it? Your freaking insane. Seriously.

It's obviously not going to happen with people like you pulling for the worst among us. I've pretty much resigned myself to watching it all go down. I hope I get to see it - it'll be interesting.

It's capitalists like me who created the wealth this country has. It's socialists like you peddling fear who are destroying it. Look at all the business leaders who made us like we are. All are like me, not one is like you. Even guys like Gates and Buffett who advocate what you do didn't do it that way themselves.

I'm sure you THINK you've created the wealth this country has. It's the people who actually produce things who've created it in reality.

I began working for my current employer when the founder of the company was still running things. He was a brilliant and innovative humanitarian. He passed a few years back and was replaced by the typical CEO type. He'd have been as happy selling paint as MRI machines. Short term profits were his real passion so he brought in the typical corporate parasites. It's a shell of what it used to be.

Yes, comrade, it's the bourgeois, we are oppressing the proletariat.

So when I spend all my money and borrow a bunch more to start a business and I only get paid after everyone else and the company is built on my idea and I lose everything if I fail while hire employees who get a regular paycheck through the whole thing and if we fail they just find another job ... I made money on their backs.

Why does the word "Marxist" bother you again?

It's the worker who pushes the buttons on the million dollar machine who creates the wealth in this country, not the guy who bought the million dollar machine. Silly capitalist.
One day the workers of the world will unite, get rid of the silly investors, use those fingers to build a workers paradise. You'll be sorry. You'll see.

Ah, I get it now, thanks Todd

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