Pro-Hamas extremists Blockading Synagogue in Los Angeles

read it again---not holocaust survivors----elderly offspring of
holocaust survivors-----ten of them. What happened to the
tens of thousands of others like them?
You're confused.

Ten Holocaust survivors condemn Israel’s Gaza genocide | MR Online

"As Holocaust survivors, we are just a few individuals but we want to add our voices to the growing global movement to demand a permanent ceasefire, an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, and for the West to stop arming and supporting genocide."


"Jacques Bude (Brussels Belgium), survived in hiding in Belgium, parents killed in Auschwitz.

"Marione Ingram
(Washington DC), survived in hiding in Nazi Germany.

"Stephen Kapos (London UK), survived the Budapest ghetto.

"H. Richard Leuchtag
(Houston TX), escaped Germany in 1938.
Rene Lichtman
(Southfield MI), survived in hiding in France.
Adam Policzer (Vancouver BC), survived in hiding in Hungary.
Lillian Rosengarten (Cold Spring NY), escaped Germany in 1936.
Suzanne Ross (New York), escaped Nazi-occupied Belgium
Suzanne Berliner Weiss (Toronto Ont.), survived in hiding in France, mother killed in Auschwitz.
Ervin Somogyi
(Oakland, CA), survivor from Hungary.
Monthly Review does not necessarily adhere to all of the views..."
I am still waiting for his definition of "palestinian land"
Where do you want to start?
Ottoman Land Code of 1858 - Wikipedia.

"Israel has used a complex legal and bureaucratic mechanism to take control of more than fifty percent of the land in the West Bank.

"This land was used mainly to establish settlements and create reserves of land for the future expansion of the settlements.

"The principal tool used to take control of land is to declare it 'state land.' This process began in 1979, and is based on a manipulative implementation of the Ottoman Lands Law of 1858, which applied in the area at the time of occupation."

"Other methods employed by Israel to take control of land include seizure for military needs, declaration of land as 'abandoned assets,' and the expropriation of land for public needs. Each of these are based on a different legal foundation.

"In addition, Israel has assisted private citizens purchasing land on the 'free market.'"
You're confused.

Ten Holocaust survivors condemn Israel’s Gaza genocide | MR Online

"As Holocaust survivors, we are just a few individuals but we want to add our voices to the growing global movement to demand a permanent ceasefire, an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, and for the West to stop arming and supporting genocide."


"Jacques Bude (Brussels Belgium), survived in hiding in Belgium, parents killed in Auschwitz.

"Marione Ingram
(Washington DC), survived in hiding in Nazi Germany.

"Stephen Kapos
(London UK), survived the Budapest ghetto.

"H. Richard Leuchtag
(Houston TX), escaped Germany in 1938.
Rene Lichtman
(Southfield MI), survived in hiding in France.
Adam Policzer (Vancouver BC), survived in hiding in Hungary.
Lillian Rosengarten (Cold Spring NY), escaped Germany in 1936.
Suzanne Ross (New York), escaped Nazi-occupied Belgium
Suzanne Berliner Weiss (Toronto Ont.), survived in hiding in France, mother killed in Auschwitz.
Ervin Somogyi
(Oakland, CA), survivor from Hungary.
Monthly Review does not necessarily adhere to all of the views..."
So there are 10 that think that way? There are almost 50,000 survivors. You can always 1% or less of people who take the opposite view.
You're confused.

Ten Holocaust survivors condemn Israel’s Gaza genocide | MR Online

"As Holocaust survivors, we are just a few individuals but we want to add our voices to the growing global movement to demand a permanent ceasefire, an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, and for the West to stop arming and supporting genocide."


"Jacques Bude (Brussels Belgium), survived in hiding in Belgium, parents killed in Auschwitz.

"Marione Ingram
(Washington DC), survived in hiding in Nazi Germany.

"Stephen Kapos
(London UK), survived the Budapest ghetto.

"H. Richard Leuchtag
(Houston TX), escaped Germany in 1938.
Rene Lichtman
(Southfield MI), survived in hiding in France.
Adam Policzer (Vancouver BC), survived in hiding in Hungary.
Lillian Rosengarten (Cold Spring NY), escaped Germany in 1936.
Suzanne Ross (New York), escaped Nazi-occupied Belgium
Suzanne Berliner Weiss (Toronto Ont.), survived in hiding in France, mother killed in Auschwitz.
Ervin Somogyi
(Oakland, CA), survivor from Hungary.
Monthly Review does not necessarily adhere to all of the views..."
not impressed-----I know a whole lot more ----both direct survivors and children thereof----and grandchildren---there are
hundreds of thousands in the USA
Where do you want to start?
Ottoman Land Code of 1858 - Wikipedia.

"Israel has used a complex legal and bureaucratic mechanism to take control of more than fifty percent of the land in the West Bank.

"This land was used mainly to establish settlements and create reserves of land for the future expansion of the settlements.

"The principal tool used to take control of land is to declare it 'state land.' This process began in 1979, and is based on a manipulative implementation of the Ottoman Lands Law of 1858, which applied in the area at the time of occupation."

"Other methods employed by Israel to take control of land include seizure for military needs, declaration of land as 'abandoned assets,' and the expropriation of land for public needs. Each of these are based on a different legal foundation.

"In addition, Israel has assisted private citizens purchasing land on the 'free market.'"
right-----sounds very similar to the USA laws of EMINENT DOMAIN. As to land in SAMARIA----there is no border
between Israel and Samaria----only a truce line. The UMMAH
has never recognized a "BORDER" Prior to 1948---some of the land in Samaria was OWNED by jews by actual purchase----including the land that islamo nazis call "arab land" or
"muslim land" <<< this is especially true of East Jerusalem and,
of course HEBRON. I spent my childhood on land owned by the
Lenilenape Indians-----before the the Episconazis stole it
So there are 10 that think that way? There are almost 50,000 survivors. You can always 1% or less of people who take the opposite view.
Actually, there are nearly five times as many Holocaust survivors world wide; how many support the Jewish genocide in Gaza?

"Unprecedented Demographic Report On Holocaust Survivors Indicates Approximately 245,000 Jewish Survivors Alive Globally"

Holocaust Survivor Demographic Reports - Claims Conference
right-----sounds very similar to the USA laws of EMINENT DOMAIN. As to land in SAMARIA----there is no border
between Israel and Samaria----only a truce line. The UMMAH
has never recognized a "BORDER" Prior to 1948---some of the land in Samaria was OWNED by jews by actual purchase----including the land that islamo nazis call "arab land" or
"muslim land" <<< this is especially true of East Jerusalem and,
of course HEBRON. I spent my childhood on land owned by the
Lenilenape Indians-----before the the Episconazis stole it
oh gee----georgie denies the Historic existence of the Lenilenape Indians in the USA
oh gee----georgie denies the Historic existence of the Lenilenape Indians in the USA
Take not. There is a disproportionate number of antisemitic posters who first name starts with G. I think they are paid to promote the genocide lie and smear Jews.
Take not. There is a disproportionate number of antisemitic posters who first name starts with G. I think they are paid to promote the genocide lie and smear Jews.
Good point----I will check out the S's----maybe there is a cohort of supporters of the "STARVATION LIBEL"
right-----sounds very similar to the USA laws of EMINENT DOMAIN. As to land in SAMARIA----there is no border
between Israel and Samaria----only a truce line.
Eminent domain is a right of a government or its agent to expropriate private property for public use with payment of compensation; point out any compensation Palestinians have received from Israel for their stolen land.

"In summary, the Israeli annexation of the West Bank and the US concept of eminent domain differ fundamentally in terms of their legal foundations, purposes, and impacts, both domestically and internationally.."
Eminent domain is a right of a government or its agent to expropriate private property for public use with payment of compensation; point out any compensation Palestinians have received from Israel for their stolen land.

"In summary, the Israeli annexation of the West Bank and the US concept of eminent domain differ fundamentally in terms of their legal foundations, purposes, and impacts, both domestically and internationally.."
you are getting very simplistic----lands confiscated by Israel are those either not owned or entirely abandoned. Those owned by "palestinians" are still owned by "palestinians" ---they cannot sell them even if they want to----doing so is a CAPITAL crime in the minds and in practice of your fellow islamo nazis. In ISLAMIC LAW---ie, shariah---ALL THE LAND of the Levant is "MUSLIM LAND"------uhm to what ""legal foundations" do you refer?

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