Pro-Hamas extremists Blockading Synagogue in Los Angeles

Plenty of incidents.
oh----must I do a search? ?? "shot up mosque"?
"firebombed mosque"? I seem to recall---but forget
the specifics of some graffiti things. I was thinking
more along the lines of crowds of kids blocking, etc
I searched----I couldn't find even one shot up mosque
incident in the USA-----anyone?
I searched again----while the CAIR site claims lots of
anti muslim stuff----no specific incidents---just
muslims are made to feel "unwelcomed"anyone?
I searched----I couldn't find even one shot up mosque
incident in the USA-----anyone?
I did a search and came up empty, but the recent attacks on churches and synagogues in Russia was instigated by Islamic sleeper cells. I’m sure we have them here in the U.S. too, and it’s only a matter of time.

I did a search and came up empty, but the recent attacks on churches and synagogues in Russia was instigated by Islamic sleeper cells. I’m sure we have them here in the U.S. too, and it’s only a matter of time.

What would the muslims have against churches and synagogues in
Russia? Chechnya ?
oh----must I do a search? ?? "shot up mosque"?
"firebombed mosque"? I seem to recall---but forget
the specifics of some graffiti things. I was thinking
more along the lines of crowds of kids blocking, etc
Fire Bomb:


I did a search and came up empty, but the recent attacks on churches and synagogues in Russia was instigated by Islamic sleeper cells. I’m sure we have them here in the U.S. too, and it’s only a matter of time.

You didn’t look very hard did you? Just keep ginning up the hate…like we need more of that these days.

You didn’t look very hard did you? Just keep ginning up the hate…like we need more of that these days.

Quebec, New Zealand and 'Burkina faso'? are not in
the USA

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