Pro-Hamas extremists Blockading Synagogue in Los Angeles

sure, but if you ever learn one thing about the left, it’s that they actually hope..they YEARN for people on the right to commit violence, so they can use it as a political weapon.

Don’t give it to them. Besides, violence begets violence is just a bad policy all around.
I’m not calling for violence in return. I’m calling for the Democrat leaders in California, and all the liberal places the assaults on Jews are happening, to ARREST the antisemites. Instead, they’re enabling it.

And I’m also pointing out if these attacks were happening against another minority - blacks, Muslims, or gays - the Democrats would be taking swift and harsh action. But because it’s against the Jews, eh.
I will be leaving for my Torah class soon, held at our synagogue. We’ve hired a former Marine to stand out front, and he’s been doing this for 8 months.

Shameful we have to do this in America, 2024.

We need to ban the Muslim dress of hiding faces. They and their liberal supporters have become domestic terrorists, and we need to be able to identify the Hitler’s army.
That's nothing new. we've had a security guard for events for years. And paid-duty cops for HHD.
That's nothing new. we've had a security guard for events for years. And paid-duty cops for HHD.
At the synagogues I’ve been members of, we’ve only had security for the High Holidays. It is only since October 7th and the rise of pro-HAMAS protestors that we hire for Friday night and Saturday services.

Also, you probably know that it will soon be the 30th anniversary of the Rebbe’s passing, and multiple shuls are gathering for a commemoration event. There will be so many people that we are holding it in a park, and there will be a large security force in place in case pro-Palestinians decide to disturb our event. Sad that it’s come to this.

Any mention of the real estate event in the synagogue that was selling stolen Arab land to JEWS ONLY?

CAIR-LA Condemns Events Promoting Real Estate Sale of Occupied Palestinian Land at Two California Synagogues, Calls for Investigation Into Violence at Los Angeles Event -

"The Greater Los Angeles Area office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-LA) today condemned recent real estate events held at two California synagogues allegedly promoting the sale of land located in the illegally-occupied Palestinian territories.

"CAIR-LA also called for an investigation into the violence that broke out at the real estate event in Los Angeles."

Any mention of the real estate event in the synagogue that was selling stolen Arab land to JEWS ONLY?

CAIR-LA Condemns Events Promoting Real Estate Sale of Occupied Palestinian Land at Two California Synagogues, Calls for Investigation Into Violence at Los Angeles Event -

"The Greater Los Angeles Area office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-LA) today condemned recent real estate events held at two California synagogues allegedly promoting the sale of land located in the illegally-occupied Palestinian territories.

"CAIR-LA also called for an investigation into the violence that broke out at the real estate event in Los Angeles."
CAIR is a terrorist support group
They need to be eradicated just like Hamas
I’m not calling for violence in return. I’m calling for the Democrat leaders in California, and all the liberal places the assaults on Jews are happening, to ARREST the antisemites. Instead, they’re enabling it.

And I’m also pointing out if these attacks were happening against another minority - blacks, Muslims, or gays - the Democrats would be taking swift and harsh action. But because it’s against the Jews, eh.
I wonder what would happen if a mosque got besieged. I cannot recall such an event in the USA
even once.

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