Pro-Hamas extremists Blockading Synagogue in Los Angeles

I was completely unaware, that the forces that are lobbying for the Palestinians, and the BLM folks, are all the same folks. . . and that, in the end, they cared neither for black people, nor Palestinians. . . that isn't really the agenda, is it now?


It makes me wonder who they will use next. . . the homeless? The illegals?

He was right , imagine how far the Marxists have come today ...
You've been posting this fantasy story on the board for years.
But don't stop. It's quite entertaining. ... :thup:
what part do you imagine is a fantasy? ----you have already let us know that AUSCHWITZ was a fantasy and
your fellows have already stated that October 7, 2023 was a fantasy and even 9-ll-01 was a fantasy---you are a very GOOD MUSLIM
Adolph Hitler is the true founder of modern Israel.
There should a huge monument dedicated to him in Tel Aviv and streets all over Israel named in his honor. ... :thup:
Hitler murdering 6 million Jews was the impetus for God’s chosen people returning to their homeland

As a muslim I dont expect you to agree with that

But its unfortunate that muslims could not accept the existence of Israel in 1947

If they had the Holy Land would be a much happier place today for everyone
Hitler murdering 6 million Jews was the impetus for God’s chosen people returning to their homeland
Although the 6 million number is highly inflated.
Hitler was responsible for the Jews colonizing Palestine.
Which is what I've been stating in my posts.
A very, very small percentage of those originally in those nations up until 1948. Who if not slain, fled for their safety and lives. Those few remaining likely lack resources to leave what are repressive nations.
What is disappointing by so many is they consider Jew as a race or ethnic but not a choice such as other religions are seen.

BTW, my ancestry is Armenian and I hold little respect for the Turkish Muslims who engaged genocide on my people a century ago and who still remain hostile to we non-Muslim infidels! :mad:
Well I’m Irish ….i don’t hate the English. All people including Jews have a history of good and bad.

All over the world folks says Jews are a race , some a religion. Some Jews say Jewish indeed represents a race

Big point… I don’t hate any religions. I respect Judaism puts me at a more civil level compared to pro Jewish folks who are anti Muslim.

I think most folks don’t hate a religion…I just don’t get the hate …there’s good and bad in every group.
Although the 6 million number is highly inflated.
Hitler was responsible for the Jews colonizing Palestine.
Which is what I've been stating in my posts.
If that were True he ( Hitler) would have had Rommel Hold Jerusalem and facilitated Deportations of European Jews to Palestine instead of Camps & Ovens
I hope you could respond to my points and not just overreact to the first sentence. I’m responding to all your boys. Well I rarely ever see fire ride conservative Muslims at these prop Palestinian protest, especially the college ones. It seems like overwhelmingly they are radical left wingers who are smoking marijuana.

I am a traditional Democrat and my friend. And on my trip to Thailand recently, I meant three gentlemen from Israel and had a nice conversation with them. I believe that most people in Israel would agree with my viewpoint. I’m not against the existence of Israel.

Also met A few people from Israel in Cambodia… we had polite conversations.

That said Nobody can deny that a segment of pro Israel people are using BLM tactics. They’re calling people anti-Jewish for disagreeing with a foreign government. That is literally a BLM tactic to call somebody racist for disagreeing with BLM or Democrats who support BLM.

Yes, I fully understand that there are radical left wingers who are pro Palestinian. It’s a very unique situation; bizarre. That goes to support the fact that I have stated that much of the so-called “violent Palestinian protests” are not violent at all. these are left-wing radical hippies. They post no violent threat to anybody. And in fact, they would be criticized by the traditional Arabs, and that includes Arab Christians who criticize the Israeli gov

Btw if you have studied Arab nationalism, you will know that even Arab Jews have took up the Arab nationalist cause. When Israel was created in 1948 many Arab Jews left their countries like in Iraq and Syria and Egypt and went to Israel. But it is interesting and some of the non-Arab countries like Iran and Turkey there’s something like 20,000 Jews in each of those countries.

Nice try at deflection.

While avoiding what was said, you except me to address every point to deflect the conversation
into the generalities of identity politics, with the appeal to perceived authority of your personal anecdotes over reality, as means of "hippie-way to criticise a policy",

...rather than the act of attacking synagogues.

And if you learn anything about Arab imperialism
you find Arab violence against Jews preceded
Israeli re-constitution and any govt policy,
which is exactly what you expose by
promoting such behaviour.

So "leftie hippies",
or an anti-Jewish act?

Although the 6 million number is highly inflated.
Hitler was responsible for the Jews colonizing Palestine.
Which is what I've been stating in my posts.
I disagree slightly

The return to the Holy Land began in a small way 80 years before hitler

But hitler made the final push to the State of Israel possible
I disagree slightly

The return to the Holy Land began in a small way 80 years before hitler

But hitler made the final push to the State of Israel possible
BTW there were Jews in Jerusalem
In all the Eras ( Macedonian ) ( Greek ) ( Roman) ( crusades ) ( Dark Age ) ( Ottoman ) ...
Well I’m Irish ….i don’t hate the English. All people including Jews have a history of good and bad.

All over the world folks says Jews are a race , some a religion. Some Jews say Jewish indeed represents a race

Big point… I don’t hate any religions. I respect Judaism puts me at a more civil level compared to pro Jewish folks who are anti Muslim.

I think most folks don’t hate a religion…I just don’t get the hate …there’s good and bad in every group.
Would be more and ethnic than a race since there is no known genetic marker for "Jewish".

You don't hate ANY religion, heh ???

So you have no problem with the Pre-Columbus/Cortez Aztec religion with it's system of human sacrifice to their gawds that involved cutting the heart out of the living victim ??? !!!

The key many people fail to grasp is that the scripture and dogma of a religion is separate from those who believe and practice the religion. Not all believers do all things their religion says they should.

I'm anti-Islam because I find too much within the scripture and dogma of the religion repulsive and a violation of basic Human Rights.
I don't hate all Muslims because I know most are apostates.
Islamic Jihadists who believe the fundamental form and engage in the violence against those who don't believe as they do I have very strong exception to.

The mention of my Armenian ancestry and the Turkish-Muslim genocide done to them is also an indirect example of where "reparations" might be appropriate. I don't expect to ever see any though. It's a Muslim thyng.
Although the 6 million number is highly inflated.
Hitler was responsible for the Jews colonizing Palestine.
Which is what I've been stating in my posts.
Jews never "colonized" Palestine---they returned---the specific episode of that return started at the beginning of the 1800s (before al nabi muslim adolf hitler, was born) By 1880 ---the city of Rishon L'Tzion was established and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
I disagree slightly

The return to the Holy Land began in a small way 80 years before hitler

But hitler made the final push to the State of Israel possible
Actually---the zionist project that led to the state of Israel began about 160 years before all nabi adolf hitler----in short----it had nothing to do with al nabi hitler
If it were attacks on blacks, he’d be screaming for their heads. But he’s just another antisemitic, hypocritical black who makes excuses for assaults on Jews.
sure, but if you ever learn one thing about the left, it’s that they actually hope..they YEARN for people on the right to commit violence, so they can use it as a political weapon.

Don’t give it to them. Besides, violence begets violence is just a bad policy all around.
Jews never "colonized" Palestine---they returned---the specific episode of that return started at the beginning of the 1800s (before al nabi muslim adolf hitler, was born) By 1880 ---the city of Rishon L'Tzion was established and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Actually---the zionist project that led to the state of Israel began about 160 years before all nabi adolf hitler----in short----it had nothing to do with al nabi hitler
I think that without Hitler and the Holocaust the Jewish community in Palestine would have remained as insignificant as those in other countries scattered around the globe

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