Pro-Hamas extremists Blockading Synagogue in Los Angeles

I'm so sorry you and your friends and loved ones have to go through this. There is no way to understand it--it can't be rationed with because it is straight from the bowels of Hell. Every time I think "I just don't understand this at all" I have to remind myself the demonic is not rational.
"Haters just gotta hate."
In Islamic scripture and dogma, the more infidels=non-believers slain or enslaved the higher place in Paradise/Heaven will be attained by the Islamic Jihadist.
I hope you could respond to my points and not just overreact to the first sentence. I’m responding to all your boys. Well I rarely ever see fire ride conservative Muslims at these prop Palestinian protest, especially the college ones. It seems like overwhelmingly they are radical left wingers who are smoking marijuana.

I am a traditional Democrat and my friend. And on my trip to Thailand recently, I meant three gentlemen from Israel and had a nice conversation with them. I believe that most people in Israel would agree with my viewpoint. I’m not against the existence of Israel.

Also met A few people from Israel in Cambodia… we had polite conversations.

That said Nobody can deny that a segment of pro Israel people are using BLM tactics. They’re calling people anti-Jewish for disagreeing with a foreign government. That is literally a BLM tactic to call somebody racist for disagreeing with BLM or Democrats who support BLM.

Yes, I fully understand that there are radical left wingers who are pro Palestinian. It’s a very unique situation; bizarre. That goes to support the fact that I have stated that much of the so-called “violent Palestinian protests” are not violent at all. these are left-wing radical hippies. They post no violent threat to anybody. And in fact, they would be criticized by the traditional Arabs, and that includes Arab Christians who criticize the Israeli gov

Btw if you have studied Arab nationalism, you will know that even Arab Jews have took up the Arab nationalist cause. When Israel was created in 1948 many Arab Jews left their countries like in Iraq and Syria and Egypt and went to Israel. But it is interesting and some of the non-Arab countries like Iran and Turkey there’s something like 20,000 Jews in each of those countries.
A very, very small percentage of those originally in those nations up until 1948. Who if not slain, fled for their safety and lives. Those few remaining likely lack resources to leave what are repressive nations.
What is disappointing by so many is they consider Jew as a race or ethnic but not a choice such as other religions are seen.

BTW, my ancestry is Armenian and I hold little respect for the Turkish Muslims who engaged genocide on my people a century ago and who still remain hostile to we non-Muslim infidels! :mad:
Well allow me to point you to the constant flow of weapons and money to Israel from our.government.

Wonder no more.
The Left Hand of our government also allows constant flow of weapons and money to the anti-Jew/anti-Israel factions. Der Fuehrer Biden's rapid "run away" from Afghanistan leaving billion$ in weapons and equipment for the Taliban faction of Islamic Jihad to attain, and share with others, is one recent and classic example.

Others include unfreezing Iranian assets in the West - Obama and Biden; along with refusing to support the Green Movement against the ayatollahs/Iranian government of several years ago by the Obama administration.
What he posted isn't the Truth.
It is to some Muslims!

Islam is filled with differences and divisions, varied interpretations of the Quran and Hadith, and some of the Sunnahs advocate war and conquest to make those who do not submit(convert) to Islam to pay a special tax, constrain the outward expressions and activities of their non-Islam religions and be treated as a lower class of 'citizen'. This is mainly applied towards Jews and Christians whom are consider fellow people of "the Book" but not full or correct believers.

It was rewards from Jihad and the mandate to convert all humanity to Islam and have Islam dominate and rule all the World that resulted in the religion expanding out of the desert of Arabia.
It's past time to stop beating around the bush and call this what it is. It's the 21st century version of Nazism.

Where would the Jewish (supremacist) state be without Nazism?

The Treachery of the Nazi-Zionist Alliance

"As uncomfortable as it may be to many, Israel’s current apartheid policies took shape in the lead up to the Holocaust when Nazi Germany and a small group of influential Zionists formed an alliance to build their ethno-nationalist states.

"On Aug. 25, 1933, German Zionists signed an agreement with the Nazi government that allowed some wealthy German Jews to immigrate to Palestine in exchange for purchasing German goods that were then exported to the Jewish community in Palestine.

"As part of the deal, the Zionists also agreed to lobby the global Jewish community to end their boycott of German goods that began when Hitler came to power."

Zionism, Nazism and the intersection of the two genocidal ideologies | Makerere Institute of Social Research (MISR) - Makerere University
The Left Hand of our government also allows constant flow of weapons and money to the anti-Jew/anti-Israel factions.
A stupid lie. I am not interested in this stupidity.

When things happen in the world, it isn't because "the American left" lets it happen. You people have worms in your brains.

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