Pro-Hamas extremists Blockading Synagogue in Los Angeles


I find it odd some republicans hate Islam when we have men going into women’s bathrooms in the USA …gop politicians either support it or are not doing enough to prevent it..

A lot of gop politicians supported George Floyd and threw Chauvin to the wolves.

Also many American Christian supporters of Israel have no idea that many Arab Christian’s oppose the Israeli government.

It's odd you try to pose as republican,
and rally to evoke moral outrage
with BLM identity politics.

Maybe you don't want us to notice
those men going to women bathrooms
are the Islamist's main political allies right now?

Actually, the husband walks behind the wife in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Because there are still a lot of land mines buried there from the war. ... lol


Tell us more about all the manhood
and the modesty of the So-Macho-Islamists...
Disliking the terrorist state Israel and it's government doesn't make a person anti-semitic.

Because harassment, murder and rape of Jews
are only natural when you "dislike a state".

What can be anti-semitic about
encircling a synagogue?

It's odd you try to pose as republican,
and rally to evoke moral outrage
with BLM identity politics.

Maybe you don't want us to notice
those men going to women bathrooms
are the Islamist's main political allies right now?

I hope you could respond to my points and not just overreact to the first sentence. I’m responding to all your boys. Well I rarely ever see fire ride conservative Muslims at these prop Palestinian protest, especially the college ones. It seems like overwhelmingly they are radical left wingers who are smoking marijuana.

I am a traditional Democrat and my friend. And on my trip to Thailand recently, I meant three gentlemen from Israel and had a nice conversation with them. I believe that most people in Israel would agree with my viewpoint. I’m not against the existence of Israel.

Also met A few people from Israel in Cambodia… we had polite conversations.

That said Nobody can deny that a segment of pro Israel people are using BLM tactics. They’re calling people anti-Jewish for disagreeing with a foreign government. That is literally a BLM tactic to call somebody racist for disagreeing with BLM or Democrats who support BLM.

Yes, I fully understand that there are radical left wingers who are pro Palestinian. It’s a very unique situation; bizarre. That goes to support the fact that I have stated that much of the so-called “violent Palestinian protests” are not violent at all. these are left-wing radical hippies. They post no violent threat to anybody. And in fact, they would be criticized by the traditional Arabs, and that includes Arab Christians who criticize the Israeli gov

Btw if you have studied Arab nationalism, you will know that even Arab Jews have took up the Arab nationalist cause. When Israel was created in 1948 many Arab Jews left their countries like in Iraq and Syria and Egypt and went to Israel. But it is interesting and some of the non-Arab countries like Iran and Turkey there’s something like 20,000 Jews in each of those countries.
Protesting isn't a hate crime
Depends on who's doing the protesting and who/what is being protested.
Our modern subjective "justice system" seems to operate that way.

Also depends on how "physical" the protesting gets.

In theory and principle; blocking legal access, public harassment, assault and/or battery (that bear spray usage) are examples of "protest" not protected by the First Amendment.
Like Lisa says, round every one of them up, and by the way, charge every single one of them with a hate crime!
Once rounded up, just send them over to Palestinian or other nearby Muslim territory/nations where they will be useful to the people and "cause" they support. Many of the females will be welcomed into local harems.
They’re calling people anti-Jewish for disagreeing with a foreign government.
I don't think that that is accurate. The problem isn't about disagreeing -- as a matter of fact, disagreeing with the Israeli government is a central pasttime for Israelis. The problem is when the disagreement has to do with the right to exist, or the continued existence of the country, or the disagreement imposes standards on Israel that are not expected of other places. The problem is when the disagreement is actually aimed at the Jewish identity of the state and not the specific policies of the state. You want to protest the Chareidi draft bill? Welcome to the club. If you want to say that the underlying philosophy of the country is inherently flawed, meaning that the country as it stands should be dismantled, then that's becomes a problem.
But they arent mad at jews, just the israeli govt :rolleyes:
Is that sarcasm? If they’re not mad at Jews, why are they parading around screaming “Death to Jews!,” blocking Jews from walking to class, assaulting and spitting on Jews, and, to bring this back to topic, rioting in front of a Jewish house of worship?
it was sarcasm
I will be leaving for my Torah class soon, held at our synagogue. We’ve hired a former Marine to stand out front, and he’s been doing this for 8 months.

Shameful we have to do this in America, 2024.

We need to ban the Muslim dress of hiding faces. They and their liberal supporters have become domestic terrorists, and we need to be able to identify the Hitler’s army.
I will be leaving for my Torah class soon, held at our synagogue. We’ve hired a former Marine to stand out front, and he’s been doing this for 8 months.

Shameful we have to do this in America, 2024.

We need to ban the Muslim dress of hiding faces. They and their liberal supporters have become domestic terrorists, and we need to be able to identify the Hitler’s army.

I'm so sorry you and your friends and loved ones have to go through this. There is no way to understand it--it can't be rationed with because it is straight from the bowels of Hell. Every time I think "I just don't understand this at all" I have to remind myself the demonic is not rational.
I'm so sorry you and your friends and loved ones have to go through this. There is no way to understand it--it can't be rationed with because it is straight from the bowels of Hell. Every time I think "I just don't understand this at all" I have to remind myself the demonic is not rational.
Thank you. My friend’s mother is a Holocaust survivor (she’s now mid-90s) and says the environment of irrational hate and abuse of Jews is just like it was in Germany, in the lead up to the concentration camps.
, I’m limiting social interactions to Reoublican Jews (for the most part).
Good luck with that. Most “Jews” are leftwing atheist types that have never read the Torah. They are essentially pagans that make believe they are “God’s chosen people” so they think they are going to heaven no matter what. The fact that these violent leftwing movements are fully funded and supported by big Jewish money like Soros should tell you that so called “Judaism” is a scam. If you are wondering why so many Jews are supporting this self destructive nonsense it’s because all things Satanic are meant to destroy everyone.

I know it’s not easy to leave the religion you were born into or raised with, but I did it and so can you.

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