Pro-Hamas extremists Blockading Synagogue in Los Angeles

It's past time to stop beating around the bush and call this what it is. It's the 21st century version of Nazism.

It turns out the terrorists attacked Jews.

All old things are new again.

Thank you. I wonder if I’ve woken up in Nazi Germany, circa 1938.
That Pico - Robertson neighborhood was MY neighborhood. I shopped at those stores, ate at those restaurants. I have friends who live there, send their children to school there. I know people those terrorists beat in the street.

That this is what the United States has devolved into is shameful to the memories of all who died for this country
You must have him confused with "good people on both sides" Trump.
No, that’s Joe. He’s good at it.

Reporter: "Do you condemn the anti-Semitic protests on college campuses?"

Biden: “I condemn the antisemitic protests. That’s why I have set up a program to deal with that. I also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the Palestinians."

Reporter: "Should the Columbia University president resign?"

Biden: "I didn't know that."

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