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Zone1 the topic of the Third Temple


Gold Member
May 29, 2023
It's only today I came across this topic:

Among religious Jews, the anticipation of an ultimate future project centred around building the Third Temple at the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem has been a running theme that, in Israel, is also espoused as an ideological motive.[1][2] However, the notion of the Third Temple has been contested by Muslims due to the existence of the Dome of the Rock,[1][2] which was built by the Umayyad Caliphate on top of the site of Solomon's Temple and the Second Temple; tensions between Jews and Muslims over the Temple Mount have carried over politically as one of the major flashpoints of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, and the area has likewise been a subject of significant debate in the Israeli–Palestinian peace process.[3][4] Most of the international community has refrained from recognizing any sovereignty over Jerusalem due to conflicting territorial claims between Israel and the Palestinian National Authority, as both sides have asserted it as their capital city (see Wikipedia article "Status of Jerusalem").

I wonder if there are still plans to build a Third Temple.
Do you know anything about it?
I have read many Jews are "preparing for it" whatever that means. But the Israeli govt wont do anything about it because Jordan controls the site, and they dont want the muzzies going around and blowing innocent women and children up.
Was there ever a First Temple? I know the Bible mentions it, but is there any physical evidence for it? None that I'm aware of.
Well, when there were many temples, one of them has to be the first one. :)
Was there ever a First Temple? I know the Bible mentions it, but is there any physical evidence for it? None that I'm aware of.

I think so yes. Built by Hiram for Solomon, but it was smaller and modeled after small temples in Lebanon.
Plans and abilities to build the third temple are complete. The Israelites could have a completed Temple up and consecrated in less than two weeks....each beam and stone and gold and bronze is numbered and lettered with precise instructions how to fit everything together.


The Temple Mount itself is the problem. Too much tunneling and unstable foundations. Which means excavating the site extensively and new fill rock put in place.
However there are cedar timbers from King David's time currently being used in the existing complex. (Earthquake destroyed the Dome of the Rock in the early '60's and were helped put it back together) There are a lot of other artifacts that historians would like to find and examine. Over 3500 years of history buried there....some possibly dating back to Abraham.

6 empires have held control over the site....thousands of years of history too. It is doubted that the Ark of the Covenant is there....

But it will require years to carefully excavate and sift through the foundation before a Temple foundation could be built.
Antiochus IV (Epiphanes), the king of Syria, captured Jerusalem in 167 BC and desecrated the Temple by offering the sacrifice of a pig on an altar to Zeus (the Abomination of Desolation). In seeking to prohibit Judaism and Hellenize the Jews, Antiochus forbade their religious practices and commanded that copies of the Law be burned, all of which is related by Josephus in the Antiquities of the Jews (XII.5.4).

"he [Antiochus] got possession of the city by treachery; at which time he spared not so much as those that admitted him into it, on account of the riches that lay in the temple; but, led by his covetous inclination, (for he saw there was in it a great deal of gold, and many ornaments that had been dedicated to it of very great value,) and in order to plunder its wealth, he ventured to break the league he had made.

So he left the temple bare, and took away the golden candlesticks, and the golden altar, and table, and the altar; and did not abstain from even the veils, which were made of fine linen and scarlet. He also emptied it of its secret treasures, and left nothing at all remaining; and by this means cast the Jews into great lamentation, for he forbade them to offer those daily sacrifices which they used to offer to God, according to the law. And when he had pillaged the whole city, some of the inhabitants he slew, and some he carried captive, together with their wives and children, so that the multitude of those captives that were taken alive amounted to about ten thousand.

He also burnt down the finest buildings; and when he had overthrown the city walls, he built a citadel in the lower part of the city, for the place was high, and overlooked the temple; on which account he fortified it with high walls and towers, and put into it a garrison of Macedonians. However, in that citadel dwelt the impious and wicked part of the multitude, from whom it proved that the citizens suffered many and sore calamities. And when the king had built an idol altar upon God's altar, he slew swine upon it, and so offered a sacrifice neither according to the law, nor the Jewish religious worship in that country.

He also compelled them to forsake the worship which they paid their own God, and to adore those whom he took to be gods; and made them build temples, and raise idol altars in every city and village, and offer swine upon them every day. He also commanded them not to circumcise their sons, and threatened to punish any that should be found to have transgressed his injunction.

He also appointed overseers, who should compel them to do what he commanded. And indeed many Jews there were who complied with the king's commands, either voluntarily, or out of fear of the penalty that was denounced.

But the best men, and those of the noblest souls, did not regard him, but did pay a greater respect to the customs of their country than concern as to the punishment which he threatened to the disobedient; on which account they every day underwent great miseries and bitter torments; for they were whipped with rods, and their bodies were torn to pieces, and were crucified, while they were still alive, and breathed.

They also strangled those women and their sons whom they had circumcised, as the king had appointed, hanging their sons about their necks as they were upon the crosses. And if there were any sacred book of the law found, it was destroyed, and those with whom they were found miserably perished also."

Such desecration and persecution prompted the identification of Antiochus as a prototype of the Antichrist. And what is the physical description of this figure?

"Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened."

Zechariah 11:17
"Abomination of desolation" is a phrase from the Book of Daniel describing the pagan sacrifices with which the 2nd century BC Greek king Antiochus IV Epiphanes replaced the twice-daily offering in the Jewish temple, or alternatively the altar on which such offerings were made.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki
Abomination of desolation - Wikipedia
They tried but it was destroyed by fire and earthquakes.

This is something I didn't know.

1267, during the Mongol raids into Syria, an interregnum period between the complete domination of the Levant by the crusader states until 1260 and the conquest of Levant by the Mamluks in 1291, Nachmanides wrote a letter to his son. It contained the following references to the land and the Temple:

What shall I say of this land ... The more holy the place the greater the desolation. Jerusalem is the most desolate of all ... There are about 2,000 inhabitants ... but there are no Jews, for after the arrival of the Tartars, the Jews fled, and some were killed by the sword. There are now only two brothers, dyers, who buy their dyes from the government.

At their place a quorum of worshippers meets on the Sabbath, and we encourage them, and found a ruined house, built on pillars, with a beautiful dome, and made it into a synagogue ... People regularly come to Jerusalem, men and women from Damascus and from Aleppo and from all parts of the country, to see the Temple and weep over it. And may He who deemed us worthy to see Jerusalem in her ruins, grant us to see her rebuilt and restored, and the honor of the Divine Presence returned.

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