The totally phony Susan Rice story, explained

Stink Progress circles the wagons to protect Rice.

She lied about Benghazi and has always been an Obungle's henchman errr henchwoman

What lies did she tell about Benghazi? If she did lie - why wasn't she prosecuted? She testified under oath before Congress.

The video lie you low info moonbat

Really? Why was that a lie? Even some of the Benghazi attackers said it was because of the video. Don't you NaziCon trolls ever get tired of lying?

NYT: Captured Suspect Said Benghazi Attack Was Revenge For Anti-Islam Video

Dude, give it up, she lied, she embarrassed herself, outed Hillary Clinton and further exposed how corrupt Obama's entire posse if clowns were.

You're first mistake was not knowing she lied, your second was using Stink Progress...they are even more batty then your usual Huffing Paint links
Stink Progress circles the wagons to protect Rice.

She lied about Benghazi and has always been an Obungle's henchman errr henchwoman

What lies did she tell about Benghazi? If she did lie - why wasn't she prosecuted? She testified under oath before Congress.

The video lie you low info moonbat

Really? Why was that a lie? Even some of the Benghazi attackers said it was because of the video. Don't you NaziCon trolls ever get tired of lying?

NYT: Captured Suspect Said Benghazi Attack Was Revenge For Anti-Islam Video

Yes, yes...we know.

And they all carry mortars in their trunks.
Stink Progress circles the wagons to protect Rice.

She lied about Benghazi and has always been an Obungle's henchman errr henchwoman

What lies did she tell about Benghazi? If she did lie - why wasn't she prosecuted? She testified under oath before Congress.

The video lie you low info moonbat

Really? Why was that a lie? Even some of the Benghazi attackers said it was because of the video. Don't you NaziCon trolls ever get tired of lying?

NYT: Captured Suspect Said Benghazi Attack Was Revenge For Anti-Islam Video

Dude, give it up, she lied, she embarrassed herself, outed Hillary Clinton and further exposed how corrupt Obama's entire posse if clowns were.

You're first mistake was not knowing she lied, your second was using Stink Progress...they are even more batty then your usual Huffing Paint links

Stop lying! Just stop it! I'm sure the attackers know more than you do about why they did it.
This confirms that a negro should never be given a position of power!

Damn, I hate you ignorant racists!

The former national security advisor’s surveillance activity is neither illegal or unethical.

Conservatives are seizing on a report that former national security advisor Susan Rice requested the identity of anonymous people named in intelligence reports, claiming that it provides evidence for President Trump’s false claim that Trump Tower was wiretapped.

Bloomberg’s Eli Lake reported Monday that Rice requested the “unmasking” of third parties whose information is collected during targeted surveillance of other individuals. Conservative media jumped on the claim and reported that it corroborates Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee’s allegation that information about Trump’s transition team had been “incidentally collected” during U.S. government surveillance of foreign officials.

But the reports, which originated from the far-right, fringe corners of the internet, do not reveal any illegal activity or violation of privacy laws. They also provide no support for President Trump’s still entirely-unsubstantiated claim that the Obama administration’s surveillance targeted Trump officials.

DETAILS: The totally phony Susan Rice story, explained

Well, that debunks another right-wing conspiracy theory. Sounds like Susan Rice is owed another apology.

You couldn't be more of a joke. She did it and I hope she ends up in prison with a Guard's dick in her ass. She'll go down and so will whomever unmasked the names.
She needs a good lawyer.......Hilary didn't rice isn't protected.......

That's the problem right there, they figured the Bitch would win so nothing would come out.
She needs a good lawyer.......Hilary didn't rice isn't protected.......

That's the problem right there, they figured the Bitch would win so nothing would come out.

They are about to learn that if you are going to try to break the law like a need to be in control of law enforcement before you do, just like the clinton's were.......they didn't learn that lesson....
Stink Progress circles the wagons to protect Rice.

She lied about Benghazi and has always been an Obungle's henchman errr henchwoman

What lies did she tell about Benghazi? If she did lie - why wasn't she prosecuted? She testified under oath before Congress.
In these situations you will rarely go wrong proceeding on the assumption that Gassy is lying....

The former national security advisor’s surveillance activity is neither illegal or unethical.

Conservatives are seizing on a report that former national security advisor Susan Rice requested the identity of anonymous people named in intelligence reports, claiming that it provides evidence for President Trump’s false claim that Trump Tower was wiretapped.

Bloomberg’s Eli Lake reported Monday that Rice requested the “unmasking” of third parties whose information is collected during targeted surveillance of other individuals. Conservative media jumped on the claim and reported that it corroborates Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee’s allegation that information about Trump’s transition team had been “incidentally collected” during U.S. government surveillance of foreign officials.

But the reports, which originated from the far-right, fringe corners of the internet, do not reveal any illegal activity or violation of privacy laws. They also provide no support for President Trump’s still entirely-unsubstantiated claim that the Obama administration’s surveillance targeted Trump officials.

DETAILS: The totally phony Susan Rice story, explained

Well, that debunks another right-wing conspiracy theory. Sounds like Susan Rice is owed another apology.
Washington Redskin,
Stay out of the firewater, you fucking drunk Indian
Don't let Comey "investigate". They will all die of old age waiting on action. Nothing EVER happens. And it takes years NOT to happen.

The former national security advisor’s surveillance activity is neither illegal or unethical.

Conservatives are seizing on a report that former national security advisor Susan Rice requested the identity of anonymous people named in intelligence reports, claiming that it provides evidence for President Trump’s false claim that Trump Tower was wiretapped.

Bloomberg’s Eli Lake reported Monday that Rice requested the “unmasking” of third parties whose information is collected during targeted surveillance of other individuals. Conservative media jumped on the claim and reported that it corroborates Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee’s allegation that information about Trump’s transition team had been “incidentally collected” during U.S. government surveillance of foreign officials.

But the reports, which originated from the far-right, fringe corners of the internet, do not reveal any illegal activity or violation of privacy laws. They also provide no support for President Trump’s still entirely-unsubstantiated claim that the Obama administration’s surveillance targeted Trump officials.

DETAILS: The totally phony Susan Rice story, explained

Well, that debunks another right-wing conspiracy theory. Sounds like Susan Rice is owed another apology.

What a hack.

Unmasking U.S. citizens and then leaking the info is a crime.

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