the tpp incognito.


VIP Member
May 27, 2014
So, after working on the tpp the ttip and you think they are now just going to drop it? Does that seem like what they do? I mean, there is nothing....ANYWHERE about the cash cow trade deals. All of a sudden...nothing. The corporate coup was a slow motion take over. The sheep didnt notice it.They still dont. As they will not notice the tpp being passed incrementally, in steps, in slow motion, quietly, with lots of propaganda too to cover up their traitorous actions. Massive deregulation. Decreased consumer protection, attacks on our Freedom and Democracy... I think the plan is too big to just big and the ruling elite will not drop the tpp the ttip and tisa. We are going to get them sure. Magnus erit stridor dentium.
The protectionist GOPers were told that Trump was a TPP proponent.

He lied, they denied, and now they are caught.

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