The Tragedy of Southern Culture

Thankfully the rotting corpse of the confederacy is being exhumed and cremated in today's America and flushed down the sewer where it rightfully belongs

"White Southerners who defend Confederate symbols from most of the rest of us is their devotion to a heritage that they perceive as being much more noble than it really was".

The Tragedy of Southern Cultural Obsession Psychology Today
The confederate culture is returning strong as ever with the rise of Trump.
Thankfully the rotting corpse of the confederacy is being exhumed and cremated in today's America and flushed down the sewer where it rightfully belongs

"White Southerners who defend Confederate symbols from most of the rest of us is their devotion to a heritage that they perceive as being much more noble than it really was".

The Tragedy of Southern Cultural Obsession Psychology Today
The confederate culture is returning strong as ever with the rise of Trump.

I have seen more rebel flags recently than ever before
What's truly gratifying is to see respect for the Confederacy in non southern places, like Pennsylvania and Tennessee. Too bad the graciousness of southern culture isn't spreading as fast, but perhaps, given time and inclination it will.

Sadly, mostly because of the degeneracy of popular culture, the KKK is also seeing a resurgence as far away as California.
the great General Forrest knew best what to do with contraband



Thankfully the rotting corpse of the confederacy is being exhumed and cremated in today's America and flushed down the sewer where it rightfully belongs
"Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." KJV Mat.5:3
Thankfully the rotting corpse of the confederacy is being exhumed and cremated in today's America and flushed down the sewer where it rightfully belongs

"White Southerners who defend Confederate symbols from most of the rest of us is their devotion to a heritage that they perceive as being much more noble than it really was".

The Tragedy of Southern Cultural Obsession Psychology Today
The confederate culture is returning strong as ever with the rise of Trump.

Trump is a new yorker and playing you dumb southern cracker plow boys for all its worth

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